well thats the weird thing just before this most recent fight/argument/disagreement (whatever it is), there was mention in the thread that it was from kira catching nina kissing someone. This was on or about the day kira spent the day on cam drunk crying and eventually passing out on the bedroom floor. Unfortunately the thread doesnt go into any further detail
thats what so weird about this now, they have swapped and had threesomes ever since i have started watching RLC so this must go deeper than just that kiss
is this the guest kira caught nina kissing that lead to the last fight??? I thought they might be heading towards a polyamorous situation, isnt this the same girl they have had threesomes with previously?
never gonna happen becca has said on several occasions that she does not bate as she does not enjoy it, belle hd a go at her with a dildo and becca stopped her she didnt seem to like it, she does however enjoy oral sex with girls
as for the heels you should have been on last night belle and becca both wore heels
where im from originally we all had well water which is as good as it gets, most of those aquifers were 250 ft or more down so that water was the best tasting water ive ever had
i know the water in germany was terrible it was recycled and so heavily treated it woul dry your skin out so bad it would crack ..... we were told the only water that was potable was water from the kitchen tap and that tasted like it came straight from the ass of a dead rhino , needless to say the water that touched my lips came from evian
the worst is like at adrianna and daniels place where the cam keeps switching from night vision to regular and back again and its usually grainy as fuck
nora was before my time but i have seen the vids so i agree she had a great ass and she was obviously a great lay.....we could always bring back whats her name......zara whites.....she was listed on the apartment as white
if she is in front of her computer she has a webcam on it and its most likely broadcasting her web show and she will certainly not let them see her breasts for free, in fact the most she usually does on there is dance ..... sort of