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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. Im going to go on record and say jasmine has all the makings to be the ghost of nora and will prove to be poison no matter where she ends up
  2. that room sucks , i think belle is holding out for a better room technically that room is rebeccas.......oh i stand corrected iti s belles room sorry i will shut the fuck up now lol
  3. yeah beardo was just weird and im still not convinced that he wasnt somehow associated with RLC.
  4. i agree about belle , I will stick by my opinion that jasmine is a brunette caro (very self centered and a waste of time and space) , Milena and lima have their issues but have done as much as anyone else here (event for event) caro is useless she spends all day looking at herself in the mirror and is more impressed with her own looks than anything else (im surprised she doesnt stare at herself and bate) rebecca once again a total waste of time , unless these girls are in barcelona to meet other obligations outside of RLC I cannot for the life of me understand why RLC would bring back dead weight time and time again
  5. I agree completely......but to bring up what stonecold touched on earlier, I think the guys showing up with their own stuff increased the risk exponentially , the girls were one type of drug the guys show up with a different drug , and as mentioned before if the guys have a bad batch of powder or the two dont mix well then we got problems, I know this a risk every time one choose to use street corner pharmaceuticals but it seemed to me at least that whatever the girls were using was from a trusted source with a proven outcome , so my problem wasnt with them using it was me wishing to see another orgy not an overdose
  6. yes jasmin from same town as caro, jas bitching about lima slamming doors and doesnt like her clothes, jas bitching about girls walking naked , jas wants to be in b-2 caro tells heer to ask and just do belle and hang out there all the time.........here we go again
  7. These are the same jerk offs that feel the need to try and take the moral high road bitching about the lack of morals shown here, all the while they are pulling their pud and swiiling beer.......plus we have some that in their own twisted frame of mind may actually think they are "saving" the girls by complaining. Personally I could give two shits one way or the other ...... they are all adults and made their own decisions ....... and as adults they have to accept whatever consequences come their way
  8. I think you hit the nail on the head, I think RLC is making some promises/claims it cant keep. Lola even told Rebecca if you are here you need to admit it and own it otherwise the fallout will be much worse. Shortly after that I read that Rebecca shut down her VK page and made her instagram private. I also believe that where certain matters are concerned these girls can be a little ignorant, and I also believe Rebecca is just making excuses to not do anything
  9. In regards to the inactivity in b-2 , i think it boils down to three things: 1) complaints about drugs ... remember cc members are not the only ones out there viewing, so complaints may have been far more numerous than we can imagine 2) Messages received from RLC to b-2 regarding recorded and posted shows, this has definitely impacted performance 3) Rebecca returning to the apartment ..... despite one flash of brilliance (that drug fueled) she is basically a waste of space due to boyfriend and spends all day up his ass now we are about to have e belle repeat with jasmine trying to get into b-2 rather than stay where she was assigned ....... both b-1 and b-2 need one giant enema ... until that happens brace yourself for a long slow ride
  10. i would love to be wrong ...... i would love it if becca told that fucktard on the phone to go piss up a rope and partied like a rock star ......... i would for milena to take jasmine home and have her way with her ......... i would for lima to ....well ....um.......jsut stay awake
  11. for those of you who are interested what you see rebecca doing right now is all you can count on her doing while she is here
  12. im guessing .... and this is just a guess ...... but if the strap on fucking didnt start with lola ....... then it aint happening ...... plus The Dark Lady of the Sith wont shut long enought to let it happen AND if by some miracle this did come about Sith Lady would l still fuck it up by telling them they are doing it all wrong
  13. and i use the term laid very loosely here, lima was barely conscious and old boy was barely in it long enough,
  14. from what i understand she went through enough hell over it there speculation she would never come back
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