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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. Rumor Control has it that rebecca has shut down her VK account and made her instagram private because of it
  2. i dont expect to see anything until the next change in tenants, i think rebecca is going to be one huge dud , until these two apartments get a one huge enema its going to be just more of the same i was happy about jasmine until i find out she knows caroline so now.....more of th same
  3. bbsq69 follows belle so he knows her habits better then anyone if says 2 days and counting i believe him , plus this isnt first time she has gone like this without bathing
  4. i like belle as much as the next guy but she does have a habit of going extended periods of time without bathing ..... call it european .....call it bohemian ......... what ever you call it the end result is the same the girl has got to have a wee bit of a smell going on especially those feet since shewears uggs all the time they make your feet stink under normal conditions
  5. yeah i was wondering that myself , belle slept on couch last night (old habits die hard i guess)
  6. I know every one got excited to see rebecca come back....but im sorry i dont see this as a good thing at all....the last time she really did not do much except for the party and she flipped out about it and left right after, she has already indicated she does not intend to do anything this time but wants to stay longer (i guess to enjoy the free ride) ...i really dont see her doing much and once lola leaves she will do even less (lola seems to have a calming effect on her)
  7. looks like all the gals (minus lima) are settling in for the night if this happens be interesting to see if jasmine bunks with caroline
  8. im not a big fan of milena but so much emphasis is being put on her facial expressions....without proper context they are meaningless..... ilona was the queen of a million faces but you could never really tell what was on her mind unless you knew what she was talking about...just saying
  9. someone else asked the same question , my appologies , should have worded that differently , it was just a guess on my part, i'm not sure she was asked though i could be wrong, but for the last three maybe four days now no matter what is or is not going on she was gotten wasted i think the others have tired of it and choose not to be a part of it
  10. thats how it began yesterday ...... i dont know she is an enigma i cant seem to get a handle on her
  11. just a guess on my part given her behavior last two times to b-2 and last night at b-1 I think everyone is tired of it and and do not wish to be around it
  12. well whatever it is they all seem to be getting along and having fun.....with lima very obviously not invited
  13. I kind of wonder if the 3 guys having their own drugs was known before hand or if that was a surprise, the magic water was being passed around already and then they show up with a shit load of powder. it leads me to believe that no one expected that to happen. As for belle i think she was purposely avoiding the magic water as that is what she had been doing a lot of previously, i think she tried the coke hoping to improve her mood when it did not happen she stopped
  14. im guessing lima has worn out her welcome at b-2 and jas and milena dont want to be around her anymore.....so it looks like lima is now persona non grata ..... hhhmmm ......maybe she will dry out for real this time???
  15. lola is supposed to be gone the 18th and milena is supposed to leave on the 28 or 29th thats all been well established for some time now, what I dont understand is why the seemingly forced interaction between the two apartments ??? if becca gets high and does anything she will freak out just like she did last time. Milena has issues with someone she is hiding her barca activities from. Lima has turned into a zombie. And there is no chemistry between anyone else, so what do they hope to accomplish by having parties together???? this just make no sense.
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