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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. maybe she was recovering and did not tell anyone and being around all of this made her fall off the wagon....its quite plausible
  2. normally i would agree but she would have been drinking pretty much the whole time......although she does have some kind of secret stash in the kitchen she keeps going to........when i think of alcoholic behavior i think of elisa
  3. i cant believe this ...... i am actually sitting here nervous because i'm afraid lima is going to get up and wander out of the apartment......i really dont think she knows what world she is in right now ...... and its doubtful she will remember any of this in the morning
  4. me either....i think we all agreed when she got to b-1 that she looked to have come from a hard background, but thats as far as anyone has gotten with it
  5. the thing im trying to get my head wrapped around is what is going on with lima??? She doesnt do anything but read and drink tea for days, she stays out of all the bullshit, then out of the blue for two days running she gets fucked up beyond belief any thoughts???
  6. whatever lima is polluted with i dont think its just alcohol she definitely has something else on board ......something like "special K".......that stupor is beyond alcohol
  7. thye were telling her to go lay down in caroline's room they have been trying to get her to lay down since she got there
  8. i get nervous every time lima stands up ..... that girl is trashed and she starting to fade again
  9. thats what built up frustration will do to you when you havent gotten any for a while......let alone pop off the big "o"
  10. if i were there and the girls were letting me fuck them they would have to run me off with a stick lol
  11. its looking more and more like belle may be staying...maybe left suitcase cause it was too much for one trip by herself
  12. for me looks and personality first then performance.....for some reason if they have the first two the third always seems to fall into place
  13. if the b-2 girls would give her a chance lima has as pretty a pussy as any of them, and from what we havent seen its hardly been used
  14. well whatever is due to happen in "the other place" lima obviously wants no part of it and does not seem to want to be there when and if it happens
  15. if he is not a vacation coke boy will have to leave soon he will have to go to work provided work isnt selling coke
  16. there was a suggestion that a b-1/b-2 combination thread be created for just that reason i dont know if it will happen but it is a good idea
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