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Everything posted by djoko00

  1. carolina and rose knows each others for a few years they are very close friends or maybe more , belle in the other side didn't have nothing in commun
  2. breaking knews : for whom who knows DANAYA well she's pregnant now with a fat stomach and you will not see her for quiet long time
  3. take it from me more girls and less space equal less fun and less play only one private room avaliable right now
  4. but i don't talk about belle only but the the group of girls around no one of them give a damn about her like she's not setting with them it's an unseen girl unoticed from anyone
  5. is it on purpose what happening with belle or she's not in the mood and also get no atention at all from all the girls i find it totaly weird
  6. the constructions still given by lola to the rest of the group and no one can disagree she come back for a reason
  7. every girl tried their best with her but no one succed no interaction no fun anti-social and her name explains all kylie
  8. i agree with you but for me we still have an outsider kylie which is the coldest girl on RLC history anti social anti fun just moving her ass and dancing on her own a weirdo for me
  9. kylie is not a social girl at all period , she talks only for a few times with stella and almost the rest of the time alone and it pretty obvious since she doesn't go with theme partying tonight i don't know what prevent her from enjoying with the rest of girls but as i said before kylie is not a social girl specialy with new strangers
  10. WTF at least pretend to be watching or even interested somehow but this is real fake scenario of the many fucking acting scenarios RLC HAD AND HAS TO OFFER until when !!!
  11. i think the new guests in the next few days will be either polya or lola or them both at the same time , cuz right now both of them are together in italy i think and my guess the next destination will be barcelona just a guess
  12. i really want megan back instead of any other girl but instead wee got belle which obviously for me not the perfect choice
  13. and then he suddenly showed up just after what just happened , tomas and vanessa are just a business couple do their job act for 3 month 4 month 5 month a year don't matter cause they get payed very generously and both here are the big winners i mean they create drama for us , big amateur actors and they will split after this contract with RLC get to an end like every other apartement in this RLC project yes we can find real couple here in the rlc but also in the other hand we find business couple as i just explained
  14. one of the smart twins start the laundry room game very very early they will switch every time without knowing which one of them mia or lia but clever clever girls
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