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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. I don't know how many people saw this. --- A lot of mornings Elisa use to go to her window, and look out and pray. She made the sign of the cross and she cried sometimes. --- Not gonna talk about spiritual things, but that impressed me. -- A side im not sure others may have seen.
  2. Yea I agree Beaver but since then -- there has been a difference. --- I will never forget that day it happened and she found out.
  3. Since the terrible things happened in Turkey -- Irma hasn't seemed as happy. She has had her times when she was real happy and cheerful -- but not like before that happened. -- No clue why she was affected so bad -- but from what I know -- it hurt her bad. Maybe friends or family.
  4. Both are kind of innocent and not dumb -- but not as much common sense when it comes to doing stuff like sweeping and simple stuff. --- Hasn't been taught I guess Canito. -- Not really her fault I guess --- plus her mind may have been elsewhere.
  5. Me too since I may be away for awhile lol. -- Hope I got good internet service there. --- Of course I will be partying a lot I hope.
  6. Who knows she may give a ending show for the night -- never know lol. --- Yea she can be lazy. Gotta give her credit tonight. --Irma kind of wanted to be alone and Ilona didn't push herself on Irma.
  7. Oh I will I promise lol. I will wear a hidden cam maybe sometimes. That Paradise place has really got my attention from what my cousin says about it lol.
  8. Lol im gonna try Ze my best. -- Of course I will be with a lot of family so I gotta be good a lot of the time haha. -- Im gonna do my best to go to this one place called "Paradise Super" They say that's a happening place lol.
  9. I think it's beginning to be homesick or a special person. -- She likes RLC but I think she feels MAYBE something else is more of a priority. It was fun at first and still is but she may be thinking about when she gets home.
  10. I and a lot of others will be sad when Irma is gone -- but overall it will be the best thing for her to move on to a much better life that's in store.
  11. I don't think Rita would ever have gone completely nude around the apartment. -- Don't think Polya would either. --- Im gonna upset some but Rita was a very classy girl. She didn'nt have to be totally nude to attract people -- guys or girls. Unless Polya lets Ilona influence her which I hope she doesn't lol.
  12. Very little doubt why Polya is so happy tonight haha. -- Jus hope she don't have a headache in the morning lol.
  13. No relatives there -- jus a family place we have visited once for me -- but many for others in our small family.--- Supposedly a part b-day present to me. I kind of wanted Paris if i had my pick -- but wont complain at all -- since i been to Paris a couple of times -- but it's alson for the rest of them -- so i can handle it. --- I will probably watch things on RLC and CC every now and then from there tho.
  14. I will be on here only off and on after Friday. -- Im going to Greece on a vacation trip my grandma is sending us on. -- Im going first to Mykonos Island, and then Santorini Island i think is what my sis said. --- After that who knows where lol. -- Never know what the heck they have planned for me. --- With my family anything is possible.
  15. Almost a day and a half since i been on here -- wow!! Jus been reading over alot of the pages and LMAO @ some of the comments.-- Sometimes it's good to be away for awhile to appreciate REAL life--- not jus fantasy -- as RLC gives us. I do enjoy it -- but never take it very seriously at all.--- It's here for fun, enjoyment for us.
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