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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Daughters? No im pretty sure neither have a relationship with another girl. Sorry if this ruins a fantasy of anyone lol.
  2. Rita is too classy to put herself on display for people. She's not gonna have sex with anyone on cam,because that's not how she is. I dont think any of them will for that matter .... even my baby Elisa. I think Vika has fantasies of sex with the girls, but they are much too classy and not attracted to her.
  3. Lately Vika is becoming loud and obnoxious about running her mouth, and interrupting things. Why she feels the need to become the center of attention -- im not sure.
  4. That's women Mike lol -- they can be unpredictable at times. Wow my baby is hungry this morning it seems.
  5. With my baby anything is possible. Elisa is amazing young girl ... never a dull moment. She might do anything Mike. The most unlikely thing --- Elisa may do haha.
  6. It's nice to leave a little bit to your imagination -- just what you said. For those who think Rita covers up or hides -- you miss her showering, getting dressed lately. She dont really cover up. She at times is modest, but that jus shows she is classy. Even my girl covers herself sometimes when guests are around. Some girls just are more modest with their sexuality than others. It took Rita awhile to get comfortable with being naked around others. Now ALL ALL of them feel ok with being that way. BUT each has their boundaries.
  7. Im going to have to agree with Mike about the people complaining about the lack of sex. Obviously some apartments get more criticism, because they are more popular.It seems like it's K&K, VER apartments, because they are so popular with many people. Mike's whole argument is: RLC isn't a porn site, and the girls have NO obligation to show any nudity at all. Also these apartments i mentioned are probably the ones that have the prettiest girls too.Rita,catches hell alot for NO reason except she's beautiful and they want to see sex, and arent getting it from her. PEOPLE this isnt a porn site like Chaturbate is or CAM4, or MFC. If they want sex they need to go to one of these sites or to a site that jus has porn videos. GROW UP GUYS, QUIT HATING!!!!!!!!
  8. Well Cokeboy pissed me off once by calling Kami his "puppett", and that she did what he told her to do -- when he told her. That's a low-life Benfold.
  9. I really like Kami, but kinda lost any respect for her when i actually saw her have sex with the "thing" meaning Cokeboy. He's the biggest "lowlife" ive ever seen.
  10. Id bet next months check lmao. Ive seen her take them to bedroom several times Mikey. At least tonight anyway lol. I hope not anyway. Funny i was one of a very few who never saw that the first time when it supposedly happened --- and i never left her room that night. Kinda strange how things happen. Alot happens when people want them to happen haha.
  11. She doesnt have it under the covers soooooo..... # Actually could be for eating , ive seen her eat them before.
  12. I agree with that totally. These girls are doing what they want to do. They aren't going by a scripted porno movie. I like other porn sites, but this site isnt a porn site. As ive said many times -- if sex happens thats fine, but if it dont that's cool ..... go to a porn site!!!!!!! I meant they arent going by a script ... sorry i typed that.
  13. Rita sitting downstairs almost totally naked, and people still complain. Her boobs out right in plain view -- what's your guys problem?? She's doing all you said she wouldnt, or didnt do .... damn!!!!
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