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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Rita is really dedicated to her studying that's for sure. She will do great in whatever she wants to do in life.
  2. The girls have really interacted today which is often a complaint, but they have all been together quite awhile today. I have no complaints at all.
  3. Elisa has her dinner, and having a restful evening, while Rita and Vika are on the patio having a good old time talking.
  4. Yea that's me hitting the pavement on my face lol, and my girl Elisa lacing up her skates. Thinking about things -- it's amazing how Rita handles all the things she does, and still keeps her sanity. She's on the computer alot, but you can tell she's studying alot, and trying to advance her life. I just hope Elisa and Vika have a plan for their lives also.
  5. Hope she's as graceful as these girls, and dont hurt anyone or herself lol. Id make it about ten feet and id be on my ass if i skated tho.
  6. I agree Mike -- they all are different, and have different goals in their lives. Yep looks like my girl Elisa is headed for a day at the beach maybe. I hope she has a great day, and i hope the other girls have a great day too. Your girl Rita sure left out early, not sure what her plans were, but she usually has alot she wants, and has to do. Damn she's gorgeous jus like Elisa, just a little calmer if you know what i mean. She needs to convince Elisa to gain a few pounds though.I really do hope Vika has a good life with or without her man.
  7. Other people should be able to be themselves, but just not criticize the girls for being themselves. We shouldnt expect them to say, do, and act like we want them to do. They are just three young girls living life their way in a very different environment than what we live everyday.
  8. I agree Mike, and i will do that. I very seldom get any comments and that may be because i make a strong point about things. I just get upset because people think these three girls should do what they want instead of what they want. They should live like they want. They arent our possesions. So far in a weeks time since ive been here.... i dont think ive made too many friends, but hey that's just life. They will get over it. I have to be me.
  9. I dont wanna make anyone mad, but the things i said ... i really meant. We have three different girls, and we need to enjoy them for who they are.
  10. And i will be one very sad guy when my sweety leaves. If popularity and her wishes has anything to do with it, and if RLC wants it.... she may be back. I only hope she will. I love Rita too by the way. When Vika leaves .... i wish the best for her.
  11. Thanks Mike, but i jus had to say what was on my mind. I think the girls are being judged too hard most of the time. We shouldn't think we can "place an order" like we would at a fast-food restaurant, and think they should do things--- and think we can get what we want from them. As i said, i like sex, and nudity, but damn it-- I want it to be when someone wants to show it lol. They are human jus like us, they have good and bad days, and some days they want to be alone, and some days they want to be together with each other and socialize with each other. That's what they call "human nature". I love them for who they are .... not who i want them to be.There's plenty of sex on the internet -- everyone knows where it is .... so go to those places if that's what you want.The girls have a life to live, and it's not our choice to live it for them. All i can say to the girls is," go for it girls, live your life normally, how you want to" .... not what others want. If i piss anyone off, i guess that's how it will be, sorry guys. --- Thanks.
  12. I too agree with most of what you said also. I will miss Elisa sooooo bad when she leaves, because i think she is one of the most friendliest, most beautiful girls ive ever seen anywhere. I like Rita a whole lot, and not Vika that much, but she and boyfriend had no idea people would react the way they did. If he hadnt stayed so long it may have been different,. I just wish all the stuff about him and her would stop. As far as sex, and nudity ... we can't control that -- it's their personality and their lives. Just remember they wont be here that long, and we should enjoy the good things about each of them, and just not worry about the bad, and what we can't control.-- Gotta say tho Elisa is the kind of girl i wish i could meet, but i know i never will. That's the true facts of life lol.
  13. We just don't know everything about what happened. -- RLC may have paid for it just to keep complaining down, but i bet he didnt do it, because HE wanted to, or because he felt like he had to.Still what did him leaving accomplish.... people still keep talking about him?? Still he's being talked about and he's been gone 2 weeks lol. The point is that people are still talking about him. I was ok with him coming to visit -- i jus think he stayed too long, but any of us would do the samething if our girlfriend was away from us..... right?? Vika missed him, and he missed her. Thats human nature. # I still think most of the complaints are because the girls aren't doing the things that some people want them to do. --- They aren't our puppets to do what we want them to do. I bet the next time a boyfriend visits .... RLC will have a plan to handle things better. RLC just didnt plan on all the complaining.
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