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Everything posted by Dreamer24

  1. Damn i can never get on here at the right times!!! Not that anything great has happened lol. I been on here 3 hours and no sex yet, but a small amount of french kissing which we cant see ugggghh. -- I watch their room(apt.) every night, but nothing ever happens. ---I still love the girls, but wish they could have real sex jus once haha before i die. This kissing doesnt get it for me, but it's better than nothing i guess.
  2. I just got to say this friends. The argument a couple days ago was because he and her wanted sex but he refused to have sex without the blanket/comforter over them. She isnt scared or uncomforatble uncovered or ashamed of herself or him,, but he wants to make all the rules concerning sex. If he's scared to be seen having sex in the "open" -- he shouldn't be on this site. This was the argument day before yesterday, but sex is a big problem for him unless it's covered by a ton of blankets. What a big pussy!!!! This is a voyeur site where normal life goes on. I dont think ive ever covered my whole body when having sex or any person ive been with wanted it. Kitty is a "doll" and treats him like a king, but it's jus my opinion that he has to be in control -- or no one is.
  3. Been awhile since ive been on Camcaps but ive watched this apartment lately, and he treats her like shit. I hope she will someway get away from this jerkoff guy.-- She's way too good for him. I think i know what its all about -- the arguments, but not totally sure. I DO know what the one day before yesterday was about, and it was so damn silly .... it's pitiful. # Oh hi guys gals lol!!! -- Oh forgot to add im glad to be back AGAIN LOL. Personally ithink he's as useless as tits on a boar hog. Just an observation -- he completely ignores her at times unless he want's to fuck her then it's ok, but it's when HE wants it.
  4. One thing for damn sure -- she's a desperate ass girl if she goes for that dude. He's one rauncy ass guy. I would have never thot Elisa was that desperate for a guy or even someone to fuck. Im glad she's back, but damn -- she can do alot better than him. There's nasty and then him . I love Elisa, but damn she's better than that. She's my favorite by far, but she can do alot better than him. Her choice tho lol.
  5. Yea baby -- there's gonna be a hot Barce whore party tonight lol. Thas cool bcause ive missed those kind of girls lately.
  6. I agree they are both asleep. The storm there was pretty bad so it probably messed up their cams.
  7. Well last night Lola was up the whole entire night -- so i dont think she and Becca are doing anything, but sleeping.
  8. Very convenient that we have no lights in the apt. we want to see most. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!
  9. Becca will be one VERY happy girl when Lola gets back home i think. I hate seeing her like this.
  10. I jusr happen to notice her very very slow moving toward her under the sheets.Tried to touch her.
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