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Everything posted by chevyman70

  1. beacause she doesnt want to knock the rest of his common cense out van ,,she has to keep them from going wild :-*lol
  2. ty vantheman dam what is it with SOME men??? ,why cant a woman be sexually aggressive with out being called names??? I consider it a good turn around ,im{ females in general} lioness and your the dinner....lol :-*
  3. lol i luv it im always getting yelled at about counter space ..squirrel love your thoughts and replies :-*
  4. lmao oh im sorry i was confused ,and no that wasnt mr chevy that said that .....it was me mrs chevy ,,mr chevy wont type .i choose new avatar but non the less no offence was taken anyways ...oh p.s i dont hit squirrels i just go for their NUTS!!!! ... :-* ~~~~...kiss is me mrs chevy as always
  5. lol cave man pulling woman by hair, not only to straighten hair , but also so we wouldnt fill up with dirt he said ....who wants a dirty cave ???? :-*
  6. :-*well just went through the cams ,,,see they have people over now ,,,we are wonder how long its going to take isabel to get her pants off when they leave :-*
  7. umm so van what you are saying is you dont like women with wavy ,kinky hair ???? :'(,,,lol j/k :-*
  8. Your avatar has no problems that a can of shaving cream and a razor won't fix. "Shave everyday and you'll always feel keen." As for Mrs. Chevyman, I suggest Mr. Chevyman grab a can of shaving cream (no razor) and have some animal fun with the Mrs...and a few posts would be fun...(Pix or it didn't happen!) ????? ok sorry been gone for few days, back tracked some posts???? what was this all about ,im confused ,lol,,,as far as being mrs chevyman um , i am real ,i am the one whos always typing. and yes my man is usaully always right here. :-*
  9. ...........lmao oh too funny what are you saying your not allowed to look ??? weg ,geez just talk to her and show her ,you ever think she might want to watch as well??? :-*
  10. hello fellow peeps ,we leave for few days and ,WOW !!! so happy to see who we called jasmine ,but is now isabel in her own home.. yeah!!!lets get the party started :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
  11. wow ,we are gone for a few days and everything has changed ,,,,for the better we see. happy to see our new cam couple move in to thier own house ,,,ah think we called that one ,,yep eee :-*
  12. @squirrel....lol thats because nobody will use their own pics for their avatar. . but to each their own.i am kind fond of mine though :-*
  13. No you don't! Show me where it says you're guaranteed to see sex. You pay to see the unlocked rooms. If you want to pay for watching sex, go to a porn site. problem solved. oh a good one.. @trick, kudos to you it just shows how many people dont know the difference between being a voyeur and going to a site and watch sex cams ,,if you want nothing but sex cams ,,,believe us there are other ones on line that are well worth paying for ....and if your decent you will be able even talk to those people on cam too ,,,lol
  14. well i hope hes doing it ,,gee after getting a ring thats the least he could do around there too,shes doing exactly what she should be ,,,texting everyone "im engaged " or least " i got a ring " right :-*
  15. general discussion ??? wheres ,whats that lol....j/k wont let us have more then one
  16. well said shadow,,,and please let me remind everyone ,,they are on camera ,which also takes a bit of a certain talent to perform well sometimes in these situations not everyone is a porn star lol :-*
  17. great now we missed it ,,,,did she take that boy back to bed or what?
  18. no worries not easily offended,,i ty for any compliments and neither husband or i get jealous so all is well,just be respectful about people and we are all good :-*.... 8)
  19. lol talk about distracted ,,hehehe i got my husband on one side of me and the computer going ,people talking ,im getting confused :-*
  20. lmao ,ill change my pic again ,,hunting to get a hold of my husband !! shouldnt you guys keep a eye out for alma??? thats what mine is doing lol :-*
  21. i could show what i wear when i go hunting lmao
  22. ty :-*,its the back of my maid outfit lol ,,the front is wear as he calls it " the money shot " is :-*every so often ill change my pics. i cant decide which one i like anyways
  23. mmm,,,, maybe a couch session ,,a present, for all of us that wont buy into the other cams???????
  24. yes it is lol have others too ,we are a female and male couple ,its not a good one ,but yes its me mrs chevy :-*
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