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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I would consider restricting sales of certain weapons to people under the age of twenty one with one complimentary condition. Republicans should introduce a combination bill that would restrict certain gun sales to people under 21 years of age and that raises the voting age for federal elections to 21.
  2. Larry Hogan is basically a Democrat with an R behind his name, a RINO in good standing with the Washington, D.C. establishment.
  3. An African-American holiday party. Typical manner of celebrating holidays in the Black Democrat run city of Chicago.
  4. Biden has been part of the federal government for over forty years, so he is definitely a part of the debt problem.
  5. More propaganda by the German news media. Vast majority of Americans have trust in the police. Black Lives Matter movement was a scam.
  6. Putting habitual shoplifters in prison is also Theft Prevention.
  7. Europeans are just upset with the Hungarian government because they aren't a bunch of socialists like the nations of the EU.
  8. Kamala Harris can't even define what is an assault weapon. It's just a term Democrat politicians throw around to frighten people.
  9. Probably thought he was in the UK and that the Queen was still alive.
  10. Speech was made because Joe Biden is losing the support of Black voters. More proof that Merrick Garland is nothing more than a political hack puppet of Joe Biden.
  11. And Democrats run the city of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Police Department.
  12. She was appointed by a U.S. president with the approval of the U.S. Senate just like every other federal judge in the country. So only fair judges are ones appointed by Barack Obama and Joe Biden?
  13. Why would we want to go anywhere close to Joe Biden? More chance you would get an invitation to the White House "Pride" celebration since you are a Biden supporter.
  14. Don't think so. If he was an anal fucker Joe Biden would have invited him to the White House for the "Pride" celebration. Did "Judas Joe" send you an invitation?
  15. Today the political hack AG Merrick Garland resurrected the George Floyd story because "Judas Joe" Biden is losing support among Black voters.
  16. It definitely was an answer to your statement. Sorry that you cannot handle me pointing out your lies.
  17. Biden is trying to save himself and the corrupt Washington, D.C. establishment while at the same time purposely destroying the American middle class.
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