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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But Kami and Kaley are not gone. They still live in your brain, you can't keep from complaining about them.
  2. And who are you calling "a sick few," anyone who does not agree with you? Your nasty, condescending, elitist attitude becomes more obvious everyday.
  3. It's really old and boring to hear you say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
  4. In Kristy's life outside the apartment I see her work, I see her vacations, I see the Angels, I see her friends, I see her family, I see her pets; but I see no Stefan. Strange! Maybe Stefan is just her bf for RLC purposes.
  5. The only way there would ever be truly real life in any of these apartments would be if no one in the apartment knew that there were cameras in the apartment. But that would be illegal.
  6. Is RLC suppose to be her life to live the way she wants to live it, or her life the way you expect her to live it? I thought RLC viewers were suppose to be observers of peoples' lives, not directors of their lives.
  7. I would never send her something she doesn't like. And if you are not aware of Kami not liking flowers, you need to go back and read Kitek's translations.
  8. If Kami had a bf, apparently he didn't know her very well, because Kami doesn't like flowers.
  9. Who doesn't like sex? Simple minded stereotyping will also protect you from reality. What does religion have to do with anything I said?
  10. Next people will be complaining because there are no cameras inside the girls' pussies.
  11. Stop sending them money like I have, and then maybe they'll get the message.
  12. I wasn't intending to make a point. I was just offering an observation But to you all there is to real life is sex. That's all you ever talk about. Sex is a part of real life, not the only thing in real life.
  13. This whole conversation is sort of like a dog chasing his tail. Never going to resolve anything, because neither you nor I know what the girls were or were not doing outside the apartment. So believe whatever you need to believe and I will accept that I don't know what they were doing.
  14. I said Kristy and Mara videos are showing up on internet porn sites; and as a result, they are becoming porn stars whether they want to be or not. THAT"S A FACT. I also said that RLC videos showing up on porn sites MIGHT be one of the reasons Kami stopped having sex in the apartment, or it MIGHT be because she didn't have a boyfriend. I don't know why and you don't either.
  15. Why such a rant? All I did was point out how things changed. I never said they should or should not have sex, I just believe they should be free to live their lives as they want, not as other people want them to live. You are the one who continually makes sexual demands of tenants (Kami,Kaley,Rosa,Alana,etc.).
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