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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Latest forecast is for hurricane "Irma" to hit the whole state of Florida.Plus,two more hurricanes in the Carribean.
  2. I don't know if Kami went to Switzerland or not,but I'm pretty positive one place she did not go for the weekend is Florida.
  3. Kami left to spend the weekend with her "perfect man",the "love of her life". I think Kami sees Ben as her bf,but I think Ben sees Kami as a hot Russian "derogatory name" that I can't say.
  4. Kami doesn't seem to be all enthused about this trip,awfully quiet.After she broke up with Egor she said that he was not what she originally thought he was.Wonder if she'll end up saying the same thing about Ben.I'm sensing that the other girls think Kami is a fool who is being used by Ben.
  5. Don't understand why bf always has his friends with him when he meets with Kami.Sort of like she is just an after thought addition to his trips.Wonder if he pays for her flights to meet him?
  6. Kami and Kristy seem to be having a very interesting conversation.Too bad I can't understand a damn thing they are saying.
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