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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. What has esmi done since she got here?? What content has she provided other than a bate or two?
  2. one bum fucking elettra the other is top cam standing in the kitchen!!!
  3. there's one by the name of esmi in B1 that they do nothing about,matter of fact they PAY this one!!!!
  4. Seems to be the trend at RLC over these past few months, guests providing more content than tenants....
  5. He looks like a frightened child whenever they engage in anything sexually, like she's taking advantage of him🤣🤣
  6. "baby thor" doesn't know how to act at parties so they threw one for him in B5,couldn't risk him acting like a total prick in front of their friends!! 😁
  7. yup,saw the bj this morning,he's fucking cluelesss!! he always looks like a boy having sex for the first time,like he's being molested or something😄
  8. I'm just gonna throw this out here but Taylor fucks waaaaay better than Paul!! Her moves are impressive!!! It's almost as if she has a dick😁
  9. It's like the walking dead in here right now with 'ESMI' drones!!
  10. Can someone explain what in the mortal kombat is going on here??? 😆 🤣 😂
  11. Thought we were gonna see something that night with Samson but failure!! It was my only hope for them so yes, time to leave and I hope esmi leaves with them!!!!!
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