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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. I'm enjoying the play by play..waiting to hear "fucking" before i resub😁
  2. This thread about to come to life after MONTHS of hibernation! I've got my finger on the "resub" button 😄
  3. If there's ever a time in my life where i want to be wrong,is now!
  4. Could've guessed that's where he was gonna sleep...ALONE😆
  5. So she isn't a lesbian after all,let's wait and see😆
  6. You are spot on!!!!! I've always said that about Esmi,she thinks she's somehow above the other girls....like she's 'too good" for this site.....Great observation✌️
  7. Great observation.....also notice the silence regarding her and esmi!
  8. I hope she found some young cock on the side to rock her world!
  9. They should pay her a bonus to pack her shit and fuck off!!🤣
  10. Another "knight in shining armor" i see....smh
  11. Your dick needs to be hard to have sex😅
  12. That bed is waaay to small for those three 😆
  13. I remember last week he asked her to come with him to italy...thanks
  14. On his way to serve up the "Italian sausage".... I'll resub if there's some fucking here tonight 🤩
  15. And to think, a week ago she told him to "get out of this villa, you're disgusting to me" 🤣
  16. Nadia took it like a champ! I stick with my theory that's what caused the UTI/STD that has been the topic for almost a month now,he fucked Nadia's ass,didn't wash his cock properly then fucked them both again after.
  17. The nun is home,no doubt the cops will be getting an "anonymous call" about a noise disturbance soon 😆 🤣
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