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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. Point Of View,or First person...what you would see if it were you fucking her,don't know what "povera" means😝
  2. Today's shoot was a POV category.....
  3. I'm more intrigued by the fact that Dayana played "good girl' and didn't want Massi to fuck her and now she's making a porn in the LR....that's fucking crazy to me😅
  4. Can you record the strippers at the strip club???🤣 The guy is a professional
  5. Karma's presence ALONE is enogh to piss anyone off 😝
  6. Makes sense...why is she supressing the thickness,come on Linda,embrace the thickness !!😅
  7. Linda looks waaay slimmer on her IG than she does on the RLC cams,she's obviously using some sort of filter,or the RLC cams add a few pounds 😆
  8. Her moans sounded hot from Dayana's room,so i wanna see it🤩
  9. I saw the video with Dayana getting fucked,and i can hear Esmi moaning in the LR when they open the door,so i'm assuming it was the same night she got banged...so i'll ask again,to the poster on hotscopes,when can we expect the vid of Esmi getting fucked?? 😆
  10. I'll definitely resub if she gets a wall mounted dildo like leora to "occupy" herself while tboy is out "rapping" and breakdancing
  11. Holey moley batman🤣🤣....I'm down for a good time,definitely don't like being dominated,but you can sit on my face 😉
  12. I find it hilarious that Linda plays music over her social media videos and it's NEVER Tboy's 🤣🤣🤣
  13. precisely why i do not like cats!
  14. Male or female......I do the FUCKING😅
  15. They never had any fun themselves...so there's an urge to "save" the damsels from fun!😁
  16. You're kidding right???😆
  17. Could've fooled me!! Hope you're being adequately compensated✌️
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