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Posts posted by groomy

  1. Just now, thedbear said:

    Wow! So there are fines for this? Do they exist to hide from the cam too?

    Yes. When the cameras were closed at the first party - they were loudly scolded and demanded that all guests be instructed not to touch the cameras.
    Today would be fined - but limited to the last warning.

    Alex and Anna then, for the blow - was fined a large sum. At the same time, Anna was more concerned about the fine (she wanted something to buy herself, but her salary was terrified) than for the incident.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just now, nack said:

    Would love to know what the hell happened when Nik got bitch slapped last night. May be @groomy could shed some light.


    Я не слышал ситуации/I did not hear the situation.

    About the rest - it's personal, that's Amy's warning.

    Let's just say, Tory overestimated her powers at night in alcohol (and not only) and did some stupid things, Nick too was not in best condition.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Interpreters are the bane of all these sites. @groomy Love the info, just be careful not to reveal personal info, like phone numbers, addresses, things like that. Otherwise, prepare to be well liked around here. Meaning prepare to be called into things all of the time for answers. 

    I spoke correctly as possible.

    Without real names (Amy is not Amy etc), without specific figures and data.

    Resource like officially even reported - that they are actively fined for breach of contract. Turning and closing the cameras is a breach of contract.

    • Upvote 3
  4. And the last, when they whispered. As far as I understood, they were waiting for the curator - one of the guys who was with Eric.

    They were told not to go out. Wait for the arrival. But apparently the owner had a key or he threatened to call the police and opened.

    They, they could hide the cameras (they are fined for this, and for that the camera was moved, they were scolded in the morning, threatening to fined - the last warning). But now the situation is different - they could turn off the apartment by agreement.

    To say that yesterday was a birthday. Then apologize, promise that it will not happen again. The situation would be solved. Well, the maximum would be thrown at a time to him 10-20% of the monthly lease.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Just now, nack said:

    @groomy do you speak their language ? I assume you do as you have explained everything in detail including the apartment locations which was not necessary IMO.

    Anyway thanks for the intel.

    Да, я понимаю и говорю на русском - хотя уже подзабыл многое. Но обычную речь на слух понимаю хорошо.

    Yes, I understand and speak Russian.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Quote

    Ukraine is not a good idea as its political pretty unstable and civil war in the east.

    A question of money. I heard their conversation over the speakerphone with the curator yesterday.

    I do not even know if it's worth talking about. But let's just say, they get less than Grisha and Maria / Alex and Anna, and at the same time, much more than they could get in a normal job.

    A student with diplom can count on 200-250 dollars (and this if lucky). They were promised twice as much in the implementation of the plan (Popularity of apartment) + apartment, communal and equipment on VH. In Ukraine, all cheap now if you look at the dollar. Contain a couple in St. Petersburg will be 2-3 times more expensive, even under similar conditions.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, waldi said:

    "The owner can call the police. Or demand a bribe"- nice combination of possibilities

    Its Ukraine:rolleyes:. The owner will demand to the best of his greed (for example 100% monthly - 200-250$). In Police pay off will be more expensive.

    RLC and VV seems no apartments in Ukraine - only Europe and Russia

    Grisha & Maria Sochi or surroundings

    Anna & Alex St. Petersburg

    Eric & Laila - Ukraine

    Nik & Tory & Vlad & Amy - Kharkiv

    • Upvote 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Porn isnt illegal in the Ukraine. Thats plain bs...

    A301 - Production (as broadcasting in web mode, amendment 2010) 3-7 years.

    Porn web studio сlose every couple of weeks. In ukraine this is a rather popular topic (webchat, chaturbate, bonga, privat etc).

  9. 2 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

    that totally sucks. if that's the case why did alex & lina set them up there?

    As far as I understood (the first day - when Erik was there). They just rented an apartment and are cheaper. Month probation.

    Further, or settle in different apartments or new apartments, based on the statistics (popularity of couples).

    Many owners take money and they do not care what's in the apartment, the main thing is to clean.

    Some, on the contrary, closely follow the apartment, suddenly go to visit. Communicate with neighbors, especially if earlier in this apartment they lived and everyone knows.


    As I understand it, the owner said:
    "On you complain, you go crazy at night!"

    Then he saw the cameras in the bedroom, he said porn studio.

    Participate porn (actresses) in Ukraine outlawed (in contrast to Russia, where only the organizers bear responsibility). The owner can call the police. Or demand a bribe.

    • Upvote 1
  10. This is the owner of the apartment.

    Neighbors complained to the party...

    He came, saw a studio (porn is illegal in Ukraine).

    I hope the guys do not go to jail.

    At best, it will be like Alex and Anna. They will move. In the worst, we will not see them (they have no money for a new apartment, and VH is not fact that it will invest, based on the statistics of the popularity of the apartments)

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