Update on Tula 7 out of 9 cameras are stuck in night vision mode Babysitter is in same place as always so you can only see legs Anita wearing batman clothes as always and new girl is being taut by Anita on what to do so you do the math. good job VV.
Sveta got pissed at him before. Vlag has been a prick before but I think he is getting better because he likes her and she has no problem straightening him out unlike Anna.
Vlag likes opening curtains and having sex in front of window with Sveta so others can see. Maybe these two need to train some of the others. Vlag & Sveta are keepers
Here is the update on Tula cam 7 still stuck in night vision mode Anita wearing ugly ass robe Babysitter in standard place so you can see her legs and new girl sitting where you can only see her legs. Keep up the good work VV.
I was looking for her and went to her room and he was gone and though I seem there closet move so I watched it for awhile and it moved again then I figured it out