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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As I predicted in the past that ultimately Daniel would finally get a girl ( he got the best ) and Holly submitted ( no matter how , the result counts ) , I also believe that in the long term , this guy will get something .. he deserves ... plus , who knows , it might be a new guy introduction in the Barcelona “ guests “ RLC world ... By the way ,Monica’s guest is once again the one who saves the apartment from the boredom of the last days ..
  2. We need Sergei for a comment for Amalia’s ass 😉😉🥳😋
  3. A new couple , will always be the “ talk of the town “ on their first days 😎 To extend my thoughts a bit , i think recruiting tenants with a minor past camera experience in this environment , it proves rather beneficial for RLC .. of course total and without cameras experience participants can deliver in a different way.. so far an excellent casting 😇
  4. A massage well deserved for a guy who is around these gorgeous women and he still behaves decent , I can’t really understand how he manages 🤩🤪
  5. She is still also with her jacket , i don’t believe that it is so cold inside that she hasn’t taken it out . Luna indeed doesn’t seem to want to mess with her , except if she was supposed to just pass by for some minutes but she has stayed more than what originally planned . In any case , an apartment that there’s something happening so speculations can run wild 😂
  6. Not even 100 hours completed in the apartment and we already see the first guest , which for most of the viewers that are men , it is even better that she is a female guest . What more to ask from this couple , what an excellent start of their RLC adventure 😇
  7. If Kitty didn’t have the occasional break downs , I think her whole presence and appearance it is far beyond than being in a site as RLC ( lucky us of course 😉 ) and all this natural beauty is simply wasted as she could just walk the streets of Prague on top modeling status ( although in general , Prague , has lots of women like Kitty 😉😇🥳 )
  8. Yes , you are right , it has been much time I haven’t seen him interacting with any of the girls and my memory has stop serving me well 😂🤣
  9. Finally ... after more than a month , “ Tyrion “ is introduced to the other girls . A very positive development , it was rather strange that he wasn’t so far , except if I don’t remember so good and they were all watching at Amira’s and Amalia’s room one of the first times he was in the apartment . I am getting old 😁😆😂😱
  10. The way I see it , at the moment , 10 first days of 2021 , except a funny drinking night which was realistic , fun and entertain to watch , nothing persuades me that both girls have actually any interest on their job . I said it again only to be considered a “ hater “ , if the girls don’t want anymore ( that for sure they don’t currently ) RLC to mess their lives because they don’t seem to handle the situation with respect to the viewers , they can quit , go and try the life in Prague with their boyfriends and since they feel embarrassed of what they do , find a compatible job , see and feel how life in the real world is. And since Leora has always been the “ golden source of money for RLC “ , I am sure RLC will always have an apartment ready for her if she ever wants to come back , I dare to say even under her own terms and conditions . Except of course if the now and then “ bate treatments “ and synchro shows are the only things that everyone expects from the COV apartment in Prague .
  11. I disagree with you for Nelly and Martina , we have another point of view of the interpretation of the word “ show “ , therefore , let’s agree that we disagree
  12. Martina and Nelly haven’t performed any show so far , anything that happened was authentic and real . In general , if we call shows the ones that Martina was in the jacuzzi kissing with the girls or getting drunk and flirting around or karaoke singing or dancing , I honestly then don’t know why we don’t judge as shows when she makes the weird sexual staff with Alberto or when she sings in the bathtub and so on . It isn’t all a show and sometimes I think we should be more fair with the tenants .
  13. The “ Resurrection of Lazarus “ in full throttle in front of our screens continues . I am more than happy seeing Leora well , I will be completely satisfied if she proceeds tomorrow with the doctor arrangements and not act as a small child because she now feels better to think that it is all gone and health is fine . I hope Leora’s happiness reflects to Malia , as i can’t imagine her thoughts having sacrificed her personal pleasure to comfort her best friend when she looked really bad , only seeing her after several hours gradually improving . I do hope also that boyfriend has understood her priority to her best friend and at least being able seeing eachother later , as I have said in the past , Malia deserves nothing bad when actually she is the one who has tried to keep this place “ alive “ when Leora seemed to deal with all her psychological ups and downs with her big life changes . At the end , nothing will change as long as both girls continue maintaining a life that the more the time pass , the more it will turn back to them . Malia has already been a “victim” of this decision , if they are fine with that , well , expect even more to happen .
  14. We were writing something similar as it seems and posting simultaneously 😎 I believe each of our posts can complete an overall picture , well done said once again 😉
  15. Don’t forget that even many were afraid that M&A mixing with Barcelona would be a disaster , we can clearly say that it has been for better viewing , we learned even more what more is hidden at the personalities of both Martina and Alberto , how they can enjoy with a group of people , how Alberto can be funny and social when he finds the right atmosphere and people that he can speak his thoughts ( he was in rather good terms for example when he was socializing with Cesar ) , i expect personally nothing less than a great couple presence from Zac and Moon 😉 .. we already know that Zac has a social circle , it can only be great for the future .. we should not also forget that Zac has zero connection with any Barcelona tenants apart from only being there because of Curly , in fact he only knows Gina and all the rest , I even doubt if they have met outside in the real world . The conclusion is that this is a perfectly normal couple , to be also honest , they respect as it seems the restrictions due to the virus and they spend their times with endless sex , laptop watching , totally normal way of life from a couple who can’t enjoy socializing , going out for a drink or coffee with friends . I think we are really unfair , if they were all the time out , we would blame them that they don’t respect the Covid rules and they are new and all the time out and it is an empty apartment and all these similar staff . Just give them time , it is a really promising couple and we should exclude Zac’s relation to Curly in order to judge the couple and the apartment as we do with all RLC apartments and not characterize or allow a personal friendship of the tenant to define him as a participant . Just let’s be patient , they are much much much better with their presence so far than what E&P have bee in almost 7 months😌☺️
  16. It has been said that the current BF Leora has , sex isn’t the priority . It is more just to have someone for company and to speak and spend time together , otherwise it would have been only Malia ( that after a certain point she wasn’t as available as the first months ) or an empty apartment . A friend then that makes her feel nice ( and at times bad ) but she accepts him , as he also accepts her with all of her strange demands , because otherwise she would be alone and feel loneliness , she can’t just lose this guy and she’s also as it seems not this social person to make more friendships with people .
  17. I also had two other scenarios , one was that maybe Malia had a fight with the boyfriend and she just left him ( very unlikely according to her behavior and face expressions , but , they already had one on New Years ) and another that it was original a 24h holiday that was asked and as always ( bad ) RLC admins put 14 January 😂🤣 About the Covid theory , Malia went out of home during curfew , therefore no problem how to handle that .. except if they were to go for the weekend or more somewhere like a hotel spa or something , but as you say , the new restrictions canceled whatever booking was made 😂🤣 endless speculation that somehow is enhanced of the fact that Malia stayed with Leora despite comforting her for one day that she was feeling really bad - next day she was much better and ready to spend hours with her BF - and she didn’t then abandon her to go and continue the already scheduled holidays . To which in our case , it is proved that was just a “ cause “ to leave the apartment for 6 days and not so serious that she couldn’t come back anytime as she did . At the end , poor Malia 😬 Not only being the good and loyal friend but when she made a small step to go a bit out of Leora’s shadow and enjoy herself with the BF when Leora ( for hundred of reasons ) didn’t dare to try with her BF , it came boomerang to her by having people criticizing her that she isn’t as good as Leora in certain things when she is just another individual and should not be compared in my opinion ..And to be a bit cruel with Leora fans , I have no proof on saying this , but my stupid instinct says that in case Malia was sick and Leora on holidays for a week , I don’t believe we would have seen Leora coming back for her ..But that’s perhaps a stupid theory , still , judged by the up and downs of Leora’s mood the last year .
  18. Great post , I will only add that Aleksandra and Holly have no problem with anything lesbian , under certain circumstances and a right partner , they would definitely had lesbian sex in my humble opinion .
  19. Ahh , excellent said ... I am saying this for months and I believe many have the same opinion , she can have both , to be quite honest , I don’t think she is now ( in comparison to the beginning ) a girl who would care about criticism if she showed anything more private on camera , my belief is that she just follows Leora’s rules for the people in the apartment. In my thoughts also , she is now too familiar and comfortable with the cameras , kind of “ if Leora did all , who am I not being able to do the same ? “ Therefore , since she isn’t the one taking the decisions , plus this isn’t an apartment only for her , at the moment she can’t have both . But it is becoming more and more obvious , that in comparison to Leora , she doesn’t care so much for inside the apartment “ fake “ and “ pushed “ performances just to please the viewers , she knows where her fun and excitement is and she’s much more into that than anything else , which ultimately in my eyes make her have a more sincere relation with the viewers that I personally appreciate . “ This is who I am “ , “ take it or leave it “ 😎
  20. Haha 😂🤣 which mind could ever think that ? Master conspiracy explanation 😂🤣😉🥳
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