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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I always recognize a nice nick name given and also , no one else has given one . Daniel the Floppy was big so it remained only Daniel 😂🤣 , I guess you are entitled to be once again “ A Godfather “ ... especially when it is related to Monica 😉😏
  2. A matter of taste for everyone 😌 Just to defend only her boobs , best job ever and much money spent , and I can’t say it makes her look worse than when she had it original , i think it fits her how she fixed it . Still fake , I accept , as I accept also one of the best ever 😇
  3. But then , the audience will ask for more .. so , the circle will just expand .
  4. My theory is that perhaps the time for Gina getting her own place was close , but this apartment was free , they tried to recruit the couple that was in M&A place but it didn’t work out , they didn’t manage to find girls for the villa and they moved Gina there , so , Zac and a current girlfriend is a great solution . As long as they live a normal apartment’s life as it is in most people’s mind , I see no problem who ever joins for a party ( if someone does , who knows 🤨 ) , it wasn’t any different than when C&Y had parties and gatherings .. the comments about joints and cigarettes and so on , it is exaggerating for me , we have seen people in B1 smoking at the balcony and quiet frankly , this is now part of the world we are living and if viewers are disturbed , they can always send a complain I believe to RLC . I personally expect a kind of COV apartment but with locals as we have always been asking , they have their friends , they can make their parties and provide nice , watchable , entertaining and fun content with lots of Spanish vibes and atmosphere 😇
  5. Leora’s isn’t also , but she’s more experienced with her job and she can handle the audience and herself easier and better .. it is of course that she is still not well with her health and I believe also people watch to see how she handles that problem as well . As long as “ real life “ happiness , emotions , feelings and fun remains outside of this apartment , this is what in my opinion the apartment will provide the next months , more or less , few surprises so as it can be comments like “ mmm, that was nice my loving girls , can wait for the next and what you can show us more “ and the life of the ( sorry to say but it is truth GOV in Prague apartment ) girls will continue . Stay tuned and to be continued .
  6. Without being able to prove anything of course as I am not in the mind of these girls , I really wonder if Malia actually enjoys this today than being with the person who had planned a nice and relaxing week together ... yes , we all know that she admires Leora , I seriously doubt though if the pleasure for her is as equal or the same as in previous months when feelings weren’t developed as much as they are now for her boyfriend . For as long as there will be people who are pleased with that and to be honest , being tuned in to just see if the girls will go more ( because there’s no other reason I think watching this apartment ) , soap opera theories will continue , girls teasing the viewers will continue and the hardcore L&M fans will ultimately be happy with the content providing . For all the rest of us , just fans of nice and pleasant entertainment like we get from also other apartments , we will wonder what’s different and special than what we see in Barcelona apartments and in criticizing either in a positive or negative way, the only thing that will remain constant is the eternal development of supporters and haters . Yes , we do enjoy the show ( that actually is a fine regular massage ) but it is sad to think that most of the people here are waiting to see any sexual lesbian act from any of the girls . And this is what in my opinion is currently hurting this apartment .
  7. Monica’s boobs are amazing , Amira’s body is breathtaking but Amalia’s ass is the “ must see “ of this apartment which has been more than quiet lately . It is rather strange , that even if I strongly believed that with Milena’s departure , we would finally see a lot of visitors ( apart from the other Barcelona tenants ) , perhaps the pandemic , perhaps the cold and terrible weather last days in Spain or the decision of also the two girls ( Amira and Amalia ) to keep their private life outside this place , it has made it - currently - stable and not so excited to watch ... except if a poll should be on to measure reactions .. B1 or B2 is better ? Beauty , personalities , characters , action... at least something to chat about , other than that , it gets interesting only when “ Tyrion “ appears
  8. It’s been like this , this past week , New Years festivities has consumed all the energy of most apartments .
  9. This actually is a very truth approach 😁 Plus , as mentioned , the guys are usually the ones who cook 😉 Even curly has shown skills of nice fast prepared snacks 🤩
  10. I am not a big fan of Piper ( too skinny for my taste 😬 ) , Martina is special and exceptional , but Kitty has kind of exotic beauty . It doesn’t mean if I had the chance to date any one of them I would say no 😂🤣
  11. She stops her holidays for her best friend , only to see her after comforting her for 36 hours to spend time outside like nothing is wrong , I will say that this was her way to burst her anger not being with her guy as she had planned to be with him for almost a week and be happy without any RLC or Leora pressure .
  12. I will only say that Leora has difficulties to balance her life because 1st ) Paul , she still doesn’t know what she wants to have with him , she keeps him close and distant at times , in my eyes , a normal behavior after such a long time relation 2nd ) she isn’t sure how to handle her new guy in her life who obviously makes her happy and she offers her so many nice moments ( if he wasn’t , she wouldn’t spend 3 days and nights with him and often weekends in previous months ) , feelings has evolved and developed but she is oppressing them 3rd ) she isn’t sure how to handle her job so as to keep her fans happy and not disappointed , she introduced to her fan base the common shows with Malia as something new to keep the apartment entertaining , i believe she felt she had to offer new things with the presence of Malia as the appetite for bates hasn’t been the same for her and perhaps tired to perform with not the same passion 4th ) the constant denial and stubborn that she can handle a two way life , in which I believe this is the most crucial thing and mistake she has made and still does . It is more than obvious that this can’t continue , she needs to decide how she wants to proceed because she first hurts herself and she “ troubles “ her mind and in the long term , her way, is ruining Malia’s times that i believe she has already decided how to make her life and without the pressure of the RLC , she wants to proceed deeper with her boyfriend . Good luck to Malia , overcoming Leora’s shadow and dependence will be her biggest success in 2021 .
  13. Kitty has no competition if she decides to bring her absolute sexual female side on the line 😋
  14. I don’t say that he wasn’t .. but why should I judge him for few hours that I saw him and not make conclusions with his permanent stay now and with a different role that he has as a permanent RLC employee ? The past is the past but who hasn’t been stupid or act irresponsibly at times ? I will be one of the guys who won’t hide to be cruel with my criticism if I see him being not a good tenant ( according to my tastes of course )
  15. How more gorgeous than perfection can Kitty be than this afternoon’s current appearance ? Who can absolutely compare with her ?
  16. I find it kind of funny with the appearance of one of Curly’s friends and the heat he has already gathered . For months , everyone wanted new fresh couples , as soon as we get one , we judge negative because one of the tenants happens to be a friend of a guy who has been indirectly got connected with the Barcelona apartments . I can’t understand why we judge him already and only the first 48 hours because of this very connection and not with his behavior as a participant . They are only for 48 hours as part of RLC , this couple looks really normal and with simple human apartment living behaviors , who actually from any of us haven’t seen things like what we see with this apartment ? And to be honest , I would take 1 million times watching this couple and all of the behaviors than the problematic E&P apartment. As a conclusion , I am expecting that we give time to this couple and not judge the male tenant because ( imagine , I can’t even believe I write this ) he is a friend of a regular visitor and he has been seen to parties with him ( should he be invisible when they were partying with the Russian gorgeous ladies and act as gay ? ) , after all , knowing a bit of his circle , we can definitely wait as soon as life goes back to normal , parties , friends and generally social gatherings . Isn’t then this at the end that the majority has asked for ? Please , let’s not be hypocrites and let’s give the couple a fair chance ( actually the guy because he is negative judged due to his friend’s connection 😂🤣🤓 )
  17. If Aleksandra’s shows are for her boyfriend or partner or anything similar , I find it very unique and really fun to watch , full of creativity , teasing and sexuality . But if she has entered RLC due to the lack of finding new girls or bring repeaters or with restrictions which make journeys not possible for the recruiting committees in Russia / Ukraine to choose girls , well , a job within a job , I don’t find it respectful for the viewers . It is strange to like a show if it is served for a single individual ( her BF ) and not so enjoyable when it is addressed as a cam show for private viewing and we are part of it . A conflict of the mind I guess , but i think it has to do with what I personally have RLC in my mind .
  18. I think everyone that believes in real friendships and similar things , it is a nice example having Malia “ sacrificing “ her holidays , relaxing boyfriend times , in real words , putting over her long time friend than her personal feelings and excitement that it was long as it seems planned , to feel the freedom of the apartment and work and do what she makes her happy , only to cancel it ( at least for today ) to be by her side . For this , personally , she grew more in my eyes .
  19. Well only 5 minutes after posting , the obvious happened . At least something ..
  20. Seeing a person alone after almost 17 months in a new place / city far from home and basing all the communications through videocalls , messages , going to the lobby to hide sensitive data that perhaps people will find out about her ( that actually this I haven’t understood but that’s fine let’s say ) , seeing a person having not been able to handle a working environment with the real world for whatever reasons , it reached a point that “ karma is a bitch “ .. the only two ( perhaps 3 ) persons who could comfort her , one is on holidays , the other is thousand kilometers away and the other isn’t allowed to visit , not invited , or I don’t know what else . I guess , our actions always , sooner or later will reflect upon us in a way , positive or negative .
  21. It’s not nice what I am going to write , but it is the bitter truth 😔 I think then that it must be really sad and disappointing for her , having no one by her side for company , to encourage her or have a talk or make her just feel better . How many times it has been that we feel nice when someone is visiting us to check upon us while in pain and not being able to do things ? Now it will be long phone calls for company and not feel bored and pass the loneliness , feeling the distant caring . It’s also sad for the viewer to see the person who likes also in pain and not being able to help , especially knowing as it has been mentioned that only by Monday there can be an update . I wish only the very best for fast recovery of whatever the problem is , health is above everything and everyone .
  22. Great information as always , you will be busier trying to catch up two apartments now whenever you feel like watching 🤓
  23. It is also nice to see that the apartment has remained the way that C&Y decorated it , which shows how much really this couple had made the apartment part of their lives and really felt nice living there . It is sad not knowing what led to this sudden and no explanation departure of C&Y from RLC
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