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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I watched Holly’s preparation , welcome and treatment to this ( as he proved ) decent guy and I actually believed at a certain point that she would be leaving the project with him as soon as his visiting time was over . My thoughts have been wrong obviously , I believe that without having the virus still going strong and with the restrictions full throttle , this group would have gone as the close or more than 90 days limit has ended . In general , very satisfied of how things in B4 currently are and if only Megan could also have her frequent BF’s visits , it would have been higher than what was even expected .
  2. Czech Republic at the moment is the most affective EU country with virus infections , restrictions , curfew and similar staff , a really chaotic situation causing even protests the last days .
  3. The funny thing is why she came back yesterday when she could have stayed more as it seems ( Russian Christmas celebrations also very soon begin ) . Because I haven’t figured out the reason - oh well , she had to phone Paul 😂🤣 / poor Paul and fulfill the RLC holidays sign commitment 😂🤣 ... nevertheless , this guy is still considered not meaningful in Leora’s life 😆😁 We have been saying it for months , the more this “ game “ continues , the balance of working and private life in a bubble of lies and not knowing what she wants , I hope and I want to be wrong , the consequences won’t be happy in the near or further future
  4. And M&A , never knowing since a couple of months what it can be 😉
  5. So , to go back to some serious writing / posting again and avoid all these sarcastic and annoying to the people who want actually to read every now and then something valuable here , i will make one last comment here about how the situation in my opinion here is and each and everyone can make their own conclusions . Now , I have been a ( free ) member of CC for nearly 4,5 years and a regular poster the last 6-7 months . It is in my nature and personal social growth and principles that I was raised , to respect anything that someone has to say , no matter agreeing or disagreeing , whether I disagree , I can develop my own argument and present it as one more opinion that it can be right as it might be wrong of course , that is for the readers to judge . For the above reasons , in all of my time here posting , I have never ever insulted anyone by addressing him with whatever adjective . I was called “stupid idiot “recently , I have seen posts from other people addressing to others like “ fucking idiot “ , “ moron “ , “ asshole “ , “ dickhead “ and so on and I find it really sad for the level of personality ( and of the site ) of those people , especially if they are of a certain age and in my opinion they should be even more “ cool “ with their reactions according to the experience they have in real life and the million times more severe and real problems they have faced in life than an opposed opinion for a third person ( Leora & Malia in our example ) at a free forum site . Out of respect to people who are ; 1st ) older than me ( I am 43 ) , 2nd ) they have been watching RLC for more years than me ( almost 5 for me but only the last 18 months a standard member ) and 3rd ) of course being more years here in CC than me and having posted unlimited posts , I could never doubt all their knowledge and further more question it . With all the above mentioned , I will state for one last time ( hopefully ) that I seek no confrontation here with anyone , I know no one in person although at the place I am living I might have coexisted at a beach or a bar or a restaurant without even knowing it with someone of you 😂🤣 I created this topic back in the summer of the previous year ( enjoying a beach day with a beer next to the blue of the sea and a perfect clear blue sky ) , since at that time there were no translations from GAG-HER to know a bit more of the ongoing staff to both of the girls lives . The topic I think proved a success , although a certain member prevented it in a way from “ staying on air “ 😂🤣 The last couple of days I posted one more ( rather funny and at the spirit of days ) speculation theory , only to get the comment without ( as usual ) explanation that the speculation that I all have is a bad one . Coming back and admitting that I was wrong , suddenly the speculation topic became one of stating real facts by what has really happened outside . And on my question on how this information is acquired , I was answered with a “ ding , ding , ding “ kind of comment . Now , I said I don’t want to have any confrontation with anyone here , I am , like the rest of you , here to express either my appreciation or my disappointment for the things I watch at a business adult site for this particular apartment by having the gift as I have said again to be able and write free my opinion at this small corner of the Internet . I don’t want to question the “ validity “ of the forum member who has “ inside “ knowledge as it is most probably true , this member has admitted this at his posts through time and since he is a “ veteran “ here , I respect the knowledge he has . I will question him though for his reasons starting a fake rumor ( Malia having a child in Russia / fake news ) , his consistent trying to “ shut “ this topic of speculation here ( in which actually the CC admins were called to judge if this topic would stay “ on “ ) but at the end becoming also a contributor at certain times and last but not least , his usual habit presenting every different opinion and negative posting idea as false or funny or confused . For the sake of the forum , he has many times said that the rules of not posting things concerning the reality of the girls lives outside of the apartment are at forum rules section , but he is the one who informs what is happening outside in reality ( due to inside knowledge ) if the speculation doesn’t meet the “ positive / praising “ standards 🤨🧐🤔 Unfortunately for me , it takes a big consumption of energy to concentrate and write in English in a way that the post is easy read by anyone who dedicates some of his valuable free time to browse the CC topics and make his / her own conclusions of what it is posted , since , as I have said multiple times , English isn’t my native language and writing it , grammar mistakes are inevitable . Despite taking me 5-10 minutes to write a message like this , when it is long ( as usual 😂🤣😂😂😜 ) , I always spend 3-4 more minutes to check spelling or grammar mistakes . Anyway , for this reason , I will make steps back and allow whatever valid or not valid , “inside knowledge “ or pure speculation theories without explanation confronting my posts and I prefer to be a person here that in my few months I think I have shown the ultimate respect to everyone here and get a good praise from “ skeptic “ forum members that can actually engage in a very interesting back and forth talk ( no matter agreeing or disagreeing , that’s the purpose at the end ) and the ones who have actually something really worth saying and think about it than laughing or confused reactions . Some long sleeping hours made me realize and actually “ ring the bell “ with the “ ding ding ding “ knocks 😂🤣I will be appearing again with my speculation proving write or wrong 😂🤣 , never hiding 😇😎
  6. The real thing is that tonight’s “ event “ is presented as a “ show “ , when actually is a home party since all these nice young people they would have wished desperately be at a club dancing and drinking till the very late morning hours but due to the virus , it isn’t possible .. The alternative is happening then , simulating the outside atmosphere inside a luxury villa .. and before the show haters come and oppose me by saying “ will they be still dancing half naked or taking shower half naked “ , the answer is that this “party” is broadcasted to people who pay to watch and there are the required adjustments 😂😁 It is just so simple and obviously there’s no orgies or whatsoever .. it’s funny that kind of normal life and behavior has to be inserted once again with comments like Alek licks Gina , Gina and Holy kissing and so on .. just a party guys for people who like to dance , smile and drink and can’t do it in the real world and they took it inside their living / working place .. By the way , Gina rules .. she is the absolute Barcelona tenant ( once again , smiley , crazy , drank , funny , happy , sad , a real person with emotions and feelings who simply enjoys living the life and of course , I wondered why the surprise , great dancing skills and moves 😉 ) .. that’s why she deserves an apartment only for herself and her social life and skills .. Go Gina 🤗🤗
  7. Back to English writing during the week if the part 2 speculation proves right 😊😇
  8. Να προσθέσω πως υπάρχουν και άλλοι που γνωρίζουν και επικοινωνούν με την αλεπού που γιορτάζει στις 31 Μαΐου και ξέρουν πράγματα ... and this isn’t a speculation .
  9. Δεν ξέρω από ντιγκ ντιγκ ντιγκ , ακριβώς , αλλά νομίζω πως εδώ είναι για σχόλια σχετικά με εικασίες για αυτό το διαμέρισμα . Υπάρχει κάποιος λόγος να συντηρούνται θεωρίες όταν υπάρχουν άτομα εδώ που ξέρουν την αλήθεια ; Ή νομίζουν πως η αλήθεια είναι αυτή που επικοινωνείται με το άτομο που διαμένει στο διαμέρισμα ; Απλά στα ελληνικά γιατί έτσι μπορώ να γράψω και εγώ ακριβώς αυτά που θέλω να πω στη μητρική μου γλώσσα . Καλή μετάφραση εύχομαι σε όποιον ενδιαφερθεί να διαβάσει το σχόλιο 😏😉😇🥳
  10. Hmm ... I thought tenants didn’t have relation with users ... if this happens , can i ask why the info isn’t shared so the rest of us who have no idea to make conclusions by ourselves in a fair way ? Or is this bad ?
  11. It seems that there are people who speak with Leora then ? Then why having the speculation thread if facts are known already ?
  12. Well , stating simply the facts , it needed an appearance of just a fresh new face in B4 so as the apartment get back some of its old glory and become once again the most talking place at RLC , as it should always be . Especially when this guy looks really cool , funny and social , I think without Covid restrictions , the rare simultaneous presence of Gina , Holly and Megan , plus Amalia‘s and Loraine‘s and Monica’s spontaneous visits , adding a bit of “ fresh air “ with Ariana who has fit perfectly socializing with everyone and having Bogdan keeping B4 at a really decent level ( another fact , common dildo shows and bates have reduced more than half and even more of what it was , perhaps a recognition that it was too much and repeated content ) , it would have been an amazing place to watch with friends , couples , party people and open relations that would have for sure provided endless fun and crazy moments 😊 Keep up the good work B4 😇
  13. Well , I couldn’t hide and not comment on my speculation , the first part of my comment appears to have been wrong ( since it is past midnight in Prague and whatever happens , the first part of the scenario was supposed to be happening on Sunday ) , therefore I admit that I have been mistaken and Leora didn’t provide the “ Hello all and happy 2021 “ appreciation show . To be honest , it seems to be better this way , since , if she had progressed with anything , it would have been so easily predictable and for this reason I am glad that the too obvious happening in my mind , never happened . On the other hand , I think the majority would have liked to see something . I say then that good friend Pepe was right ( at least the first part of the scenario as I said ) and we will be waiting to see what happens in the following Russian Christmas week and if anything occurs around Wednesday / Thursday . To add the speculation inside the speculation 😂🤣 , i believe she left the place in which she was happy and enjoying her days , only to come back at an apartment that she obviously isn’t making her happy , getting the feeling of loneliness and with the thoughts of what’s next “ flooding “ her mind ... Ahh , I forgot , she also came back to phone Paul .. Or... she is tired and not in the mood , which is the most realistic explanation and she isn’t a sex machine or instrument to just push a button and have a performance . With all that being said , will be back on this topic and comment accordingly . Last but not least , once again please be gentle with your smile and confused emojis 😂🤣 😐
  14. Is this the first time that Ariana is kissing and touching the boobs of someone else ? 🤨🧐🤔
  15. To RLC admins , please promote Masha like you have done with apartments administration in Barcelona for N&B .. she is an RLC veteran , common knowledge and idea like N&B how RLC works .. Expand Rome like Barcelona , prices are same , perhaps even less than Barcelona to hire/ lease apartments . The tank of Masha’s friends who could possible have apartments is inexhaustible .. Taylor / Piper , Babi , tattoos friends , current close GF with her guy , you can even have the cleaning lady for a style R1 ( Rome 1 ) , R2 and so on Rome apartments and who knows , she might become a tenant one day again like Aleksandra 😂🤣 Full throttle with all of my New Year’s resolutions the last days 😂🤣😂🤣😜😜😝😛🥳🤩🤪
  16. It is just one more proof that no guy can ever be sure with a woman .. but we forgive Holly , mistakes are allowed , I don’t know how you say it in English or French , the sinless throws the rock first 😌😆
  17. I disagree about Daniel’s sexual skills ... he hasn’t got variety and he can’t find a right and steady rhythm , he is selfish and not so much caring to please the woman .. but we will perhaps discuss this again in the future 😇
  18. Well , as promised , here’s the scenario of this week ... tonight ( or during the day ) most probably Leora will perform an appreciation show for her fans and wishing us “ a happy 2021 “ in her own special way and as only she knows 😌😇 alongside her appreciation of “ allowing “ her to be away for 3 days .. during the week , the girls will insert a new trick into their synchro agenda , again as an appreciation and making up for their absence . if I had to bet , I would say that they perform with the dildos and they will be licking / tasting occasionally the bating juices .. if not , well , at least I can’t think that they won’t add something new to their synchro repertoire . Day or days of the show (s) , perhaps the good friend @Brokk! can predict , he is usually accurate 😊😉😇 Please be gentle with your smile and confused emojis , it’s gonna be “ Leora’s and Malia’s appreciation week “ for her fanbase 😌😇
  19. Your info will be appreciated during the day by many others as well 😇
  20. This is a guy that there are feelings involved and they have been together again ..Daniel is a bad lover and he doesn’t know how to please a woman , we have seen it repeatedly .. good guy for Holly this one and nice couple if they are together
  21. At least , one more time Holly allows her private life to be seen . Thank you Holly and nice guy 😌😇
  22. I can only tell he is very comfortable with the cameras , @moos54he should know more details
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