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Posts posted by ddhm

  1. 10 minutes ago, scutus said:

    As I said " you are entitled to your opinion ".  Firstly, let me point out that in my post, this being " Fan page Malia" I put Malia's name forefront of Leora's. My post included both of the tenants.

    Secondly, your discontent seems to ignore that factor ! Let me say this, as I see it , you are hoping , against hope that the other tenant of this apartment, reads the " HOOPLA " that is posted in this  forum.  It is common knowledge, that at times in the past. She not only read, but also posted in the forum. 

    My opinion, is that she no longer ( IF she reads ) gives any credence to what is posted here. 

    Back to this being " Fan Page Malia " . My opinion is the Malia, and Leora , are going to do, what is decided by the two of them. Regardless of what preconceived perceptions that any of the viewers have.

    However, do not let me interfere with your attempt to reach your audience of " one individual ".  Making her react, if she does read, is an entirely different matter !!

    “ Shadow “ will always prevail 😉 ... Opinions and exchange of ideas like these , I am sure it will benefit this apartment ( and ultimately ) both of the girls in the long term 😊😇

  2. 56 minutes ago, Pepe said:

    If you are expecting RLC to be professional you'll only be kidding yourself. Write to them with your complaints, let me know how that works out for you. 😁

    The popularity of RLC is based at the tenants , nice and interesting participants and apartments will inevitably increase subscriptions and viewing . 

    I have no expectation from RLC to improve their services as they have proved with their behavior to their customers , it is up to me then to either not be interested in watching as I used to do this particular apartment or stop my subscription in general . 

    But what I am trying to achieve , it is through a very constructive conversation with the members here at this forum and if we assume that there are people who communicate with Leora , to improve whatever is happening ( or not happening 😬 ) in this apartment by communicating in an intermediate way with the participant , than the site as you suggest ,  and express the complains . 

  3. 14 minutes ago, scutus said:

    Considering that this  apartment is not only the location of where they live. But it is also the location of their " job". Keep in mind that all that what one pays for when subscribing, is the ( access to the cameras 24/7/365 of any of the apartments ) !

    If we are to consider the job factor. Most hourly paid employees normally work forty hours a week. Salaried employees, in some cases, are expected to be available up to fifty hours a week.

    In either case it is normal for the employee to have " two consecutive days off. " Hmmm! 48 hours off, and not expected to be at their job !!

    Also considering that there are 168 hours in a week. My opinion is that Malia, and Leora would be in their rights, to do as they wish, for 168 - 50=118 hours.

    168 - 40 = 128 hours. Allowing 10 hours per day sleeping, and bathing ! Which a subscriber gets to watch. " Seven days a week ". 

    That still leaves at least 48 hours that Malia, and Leora can do absolutely anything that they wish to do, per week, and still have spent up to fifty hours at their " jobs " !!!

    They are not "self employed ". Therefore they are not at their jobs "24/7/365 ". 😉    But, the cameras are !!!

    The tenants do not have control of the expectations that are created in the " minds" of the, (if they are paying ) subscribers. 

    " Non payers ", in my opinion, are merely orators, standing on their soapbox, expounding their discontent ! RLC's  policies are not, nor ever will be, resolved, modified, or most likely not even read. Here in a CC's forum. 

    You are entitled to your opinions. But IMO, reality prevails !!

    This is an excellent working and time frame analysis , but we all know here that this job isn’t a conventional like the one that most people have in their daily routine , therefore , this is why I have my objections .

    It isn’t a 7-3 , 8-4 or 9-5 daily job , otherwise , this is when the cameras should be open and watch and twice per week cameras to be closed . 

    The problem is that most people seem to see the tree in this apartment and losing the woods as we say in my country . It will be an endless back and forth chat of big fan supporters and haters and the thing is that    everyone is both right and wrong from their point of view that we judge , criticize and see the things happening in this apartment . 

    I am tuning in everyday to watch something to keep me entertained at RLC , this apartment is one of the 10 that I am paying and I am watching when the content according to my standards is pleasant enough . Unfortunately , the content isn’t making me happy as it used to be , but I always hope that it will improve . But I don’t know how the improvement will come if we stop commenting , criticizing and in general say the bad things of this apartment as we have praised with endless passion the good things that have happened (mostly in the previous apartment ) in the past . 

    There have been posts here indicating that Leora at times has been hurt with all the bad criticism and comments made towards her and she has stop giving a damn for that nowadays . I simply believe that if you like someone and you are pleased from what you have been offered from her  , it isn’t bad at all to look this person in the eyes ( through this forum ) and tell her what ( according to my opinion ) she does wrong and needs to make better . 

  4. 2 hours ago, Pepe said:

    There is no reason to put apartment on holiday when one the participants is still there. I think for them to do that the apartment must be vacant at least a week. I recall several times in the last apartment that Leora was gone a couple of days and never was the holiday sign ever put up same for when Paul was gone for a month or two  it was never displayed. I can only remember one time there apartment even displayed holiday sign and that was when they both went on a mini vacation together.

    There have been many occasions in recent months that it has happened , Martina’s  and Alberto’s apartment when Martina was away for no more than 48 hours if I remember well , just a couple weeks ago at one of the Barcelona apartments when participant Amira was away for a couple of days . 

    My general point is that I don’t find it  “ professional “ let’s say that someone who is staying at an apartment that we are paying to watch seems absent for such a long time and there isn’t any information regarding this , how about if I am a new subscriber and I just sign and for 48 hours the apartment that says Leora and Malia is occupied by only one tenant for all this time ? 

    About the points you are referring at the previous apartment for Leora and Paul  , I consider this as something that RLC wasn’t doing well some years ago and I would expect to increase the quality of services after more years “ on air “ to their paying clientele  and in addition to that , it is 2020 now , I am expecting from them to be better and improved after the experience they are obtaining . 

    Last but not least , it is also this reason ( the out of apartment staying for long periods ) that has created this tension here at the forum the recent months .  


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  5. 18 minutes ago, moos54 said:

    it is difficult to give information that you do not know yourself

    From what I think compared to what we can see, some participants warn RLC in advance of their absence, whether it is longer or shorter, and others say nothing, so RLC is like the voyeur, he must wait for information or feedback from the participant

    In the case of Malia or even Leora, the scenario is often the same, they are often absent all weekend, I do not think it is necessary for rlc to warn of this kind of absence but it only remains my opinion

    I think everyone is obliged to follow certain rules , I don’t think that due to the popularity of this specific apartment things should  happen differently . 

    I also believe that Malia hasn’t informed the admins , but this would be a big speculation from my side . But then , RLC could contact either her or Leora so as to give the update of the participant .

    There are thousand of viewers worldwide and for sure thousands that don’t follow the forum here so as to know the information that we the members share . 

    As a conclusion , I believe it is a mistake from both sides , RLC and the participant . But on a side note , for all Leora fans , Malia not being around , it is the situation currently needed 😉😇

  6. With more than 48 hours that Malia is away from the apartment , I think that not getting the “ on holidays “ notice from the RLC admins isn’t a respect to us subscribers . And one more proof I guess that whatever is happening outside this apartment is way so very much important than anything shared inside😔

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, nagachilli2 said:

    I'd suggest you had a cold shower...NOW!

    Dreams are for free 😉 And optimism at the highest level since I have always wondered what more the guys have that are surrounding these girls than us ? You could only say the youth and the young spirit in general , but , my age isn’t still preventing to have a go with them 😉😉 The cold shower though will be taken 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🥳🥳🤩

    • Like 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Ok...I've had a think...and I did pose the question.

    Ariana's my girl right now...but I've never been a fan of Megan...

    I find Amy cute and Sera lovely...but clothed

    I labelled Gina 'The Body' during her last stay...I think she's lost a little weight, but still looks good...and Holly gets an A* tonight..Fab!

    Sorry Ariana, but it's gotta be Holly and Gina to satisfy me in my dream....😜

    Sharing and experiencing Ariana’s orgasms while enjoying wild staff with Megan , I don’t know who would say no ... BUT .. the passion that would be delivered with Gina and Holly , the endless ways that this could go , a non stop journey to the craziest and beyond imagination sex fest with them , well , we could then go to paradise with a smile 😂🤣😂🤣

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  9. 3 hours ago, Raul399 said:

    Ste, I admit that if I'm in RLC, it's because of Leora ...
    Yesterday was a breath of fresh air ... but you can see the negativity in that apartment for a long time, without Malia being in the apartment, you could notice her presence, I felt like Leora was not completely relaxed and I noticed that lack of joy, energy that Leora has always shown to have.
    Leora has always been a very active person, she has always had a busy mind (reading books and watching educational programs) and her hands busy doing crafts ...... nowadays she only watches junk programs on the ipad, she has never seen that kind of programs, I think it's just to please Malia ... I miss Leora's strong character so as not to stop being influenced by Malia's likes,
    Now I can feel as if a black hole has trapped her, she has been absorbed by Malia's negativity ... I think she needs to spend time alone to be herself ... and to feel that this is her home and she needs privacy .. Malia is like a dog, who follows her everywhere ....
    With this comment I do not want it to be a topic of discussion ... I simply express my personal opinion, from what I have been able to observe for a week that I have followed it again.
    Peace and love for everyone....

    I believe that both Leora and the viewers / fans / lovers / haters need  to evolve , i don’t think that even for as much as everyone loves Leora , this concept in the depth of time will benefit RLC as a business , Leora ( and Malia ) as a participant(s)  and ultimately the viewers .

    To make it more understandable , back at the apartment in Russia , there was always a variety , Leora doing her things , but also we could watch her progress in life with Paul , the times spending with their dog , this whole concept and the way it was presented in front of our eyes , it is what sky rocketed the popularity of Leora and finally creating  the army of loyal fans , if I may say so . 

    We now live at stupid and strange times , with partial lockdowns been scheduled for the winter months at the northern hemisphere , this means that will be much more time for all of us at home , therefore increase in viewing and so on . I don’t know how many really are satisfied with this daily routine of sleep , wake up , every now and then things to satisfy the viewers , watch IPAD , sleep and repeat .. I think that if this apartment doesn’t  become social , especially if Leora loses the company of Malia , I don’t know how it will escape the characterization of boring at the long term . 

    Yes , we love Leora and she always remains the Goddess , but .. I think that getting obsessed with someone is the worst that can happen . I still love  seeing her bating , looking at the mirror and see how her pose is for all of us viewers , her sensuality while taking a shower and generally her whole behavior while alone at the apartment as you say , but don’t you think that even loyal fans are getting tired because of this ? Don’t you think that according to the statistics that presented at this very forum concerning the viewership seem to have reduced ? Don’t you think she has played a significant role for that ? Yes , no one forgets the big changes in life that she is experiencing , but imagine if Malia wasn’t even there , how more difficult would have all this been for her . 

    I simply believe that this apartment needs something different , as I said and personally  for me , it needs to become more social although everyone will say that Leora has never been also when she lived in Russia the social type person . But there it was her country and most of all , she had the life with Paul . But in Prague it is another story , she even developed outside relations to fight loneliness and generally make a new beginning . This she has decided to keep for herself and not share it with her fans , either by choice or because the new friends don’t want to appear in front of cameras and she respects that . 

    For whoever wants to keep on watching a girl to sleep , wake up and do some minor things while being present at the apartment and not out of it quite a lot of times , watch IPAD and shisha smoking every now and then and then repeat , well , as jimbo4 said , it is up to everyone to evaluate the worth of doing so . 

    I will never stop watching this apartment as I will always expect for the things I mentioned to maybe happen , but as much as I love Leora ( and I adore Malia ) , obsession of nothing happening most of the time in this apartment it is something that doesn’t personally pleases me anymore . 

    I am sorry if I create tension with this opinion , but the best way that something or someone can become even better , it is through healthy criticism that comes from pure passion and admiration for this amazing woman . 

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  10. 3 hours ago, ze81 said:

    "And they have for sure improved",could desagree more,watched them in first house,then in this one first time..now in this return..and is their worse "version" ever,they look very bored,sex once a month(that doesnt last even 5min),this time no family staying,nothing.They are at same level as rlc of nowdays..very low.

    It is a misunderstanding ze81 and it is actually my mistake as I followed another comment which was referring to Eliska and Pepik and my comment was for them two 😬

  11. 3 hours ago, moos54 said:

    it is difficult to know the real reasons with certainty for the departure of Carla and Yanai but I am convinced that we will see them again in the more or less near future
    They have made their apartment, with their decoration and the addition of cameras, that it has become a very pleasant apartment to look at even if the ones in the bathroom may need to be reviewed.
    The couple they form were really very nice to follow even if Carla is not the model size, it was not just the cell phone between them, the board games or their dance training were really very pleasant
    In addition, they knew how to receive their friends by inventing games or by preparing meals, or simply by chatting.
    We have a lot of good surprises with the visit of their friends and one of them is finally able to have people who speak French, it was a sweet sound for my ears :blush: (yes i'am  french :biggrin:)
    Continuous lives are short and I hope the next couple can be just as interesting as Carla and Yanai were.

    I know from experience, with the first participation of Piper and Taylor, that they can also have friends who visit them but I suppose that the health problems we are experiencing are probably preventing a lot of things.

    If RLC has the possibility of making changes, like replacing people who arrived in March, I think it's the right time to do it before countries like Italy or Spain decide to do like France, that is to say use the option of confining the population again, the curfew does not seem to be a strong enough measure to limit contamination

    A good exchange of thoughts and opinions moos54 , perhaps being both Europeans , we can understand the mentality with a different point of view than people from across the Atlantic or fellow Australians 😊 As you mention , seeing a couple that they really “ felt “ this apartment like indeed their place to live , with decorations , invitations at home of friends making them feel comfortable in front of the cameras , even in a way provoking them to act in front and see how they also feel 😉 , makes this an unsolved mystery for their sudden departure . 

    With Piper and Taylor , it is for me just one of these couples that the potential is for sure there , but in a way , it always felt for me that they try to walk on a balance rope , I mean living their life and their relation absolutely for them but at the same time and with the fact that perhaps Piper is Russian , needing to also sometimes perform with the others for shows and so on , something that for me loses this real life that comes from their relation . I just think that for them , if an apartment was possible in Italy , they fit better there , Taylor wouldn’t be needing all the time the translations from Piper to have a flow at the talks and ultimately feel much easier when amongst the Russians ( despite that she speaks English ) . 

    About the lockdowns happening once again , I don’t know if it would be as strict with traveling as well . I mean , in April there was total stop on traveling with planes within Europe , as I understood , traveling is continuing , let’s say that the lockdown involves mostly the avoidance of being away from home and gatherings with people . 

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  12. 2 hours ago, moos54 said:

    I don't know if we can blame the problem only on the participants

    the main problem is the apartment itself, it is a rather dark apartment in the decoration and the positioning of the cameras is very horrible, there is no real bathroom where we would have a better view and it especially lacks a bathtub

    this apartment itself does not make you want to come and watch the participants

    This is also a reason , but you can think how “ popular “ it was at certain periods , the early times when both couples arrived ( I mean Bonnie and Rama alongside Alex and Lucian ) , then the experiments between Bonnie and Alex , the friendship that was developed between Kim and the couple leading to some shows that for sure made many to tune in to see what more can happen . 

    In any case , I can understand the frustration that has been created this week , you can’t as a business “ eliminate “ at the same city ( Barcelona ) a fun , pleasant , watchable and with good atmosphere and  vibes couple like Carla and Yanai and keep this apartment without trying to figure out a way or ways to make it more fun to watch . 

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