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Posts posted by ddhm

  1. 26 minutes ago, AntEater said:

    Kitty has expensive taste, she needs a sugar daddy. I wonder why she decided to let us into this side of her life all of a sudden...I doubt it's a new progression. 

    Many Czech and Slovakian girls are trying to keep in touch or bring in their lives Arab people because of being wealthy and also for them it is a great opportunity traveling in Europe . Usually , they will pay them all the expenses for the time shared together , they ask for marriage and staff like that .. at the end , it is just some sexual actions and life goes on .. Kitty hasn’t shown any signs of being the girl that she would betray Smith despite their on and off relation through the years , at least of what we know seeing them on cameras . And it would be even more awkward doing this knowing that everything is recorded and he could find out instantly . So , it is either with his concession or secretly Kitty is preparing an exit from the project without Smith in her life and just with someone who could support her financially .. but , I will say again , Kitty hasn’t shown that she is this type .. 

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  2. I have mentioned at another post , in order for us to enjoy whatever is happening in front of our eyes , we need to ask ourselves what as viewers we expect . 

    The way the girls at the moment are running their RLC job has made them to appear guilty no matter what . For example , if seeing them tonight after the long absent hours just laying for one more time at bed , watching for one more time something at the tablet , touching one another for one more time , we would complain for the repetition . 

    They offered a show , we still complain that it was just for the clicks and to satisfy the fans due to their long time absences from the apartment . 

    As a conclusion , I think all of us viewers we are confused from the actions and we don’t know what we want , which ultimately leads to comments here amongst forum members with complains , insults and so on , as some hardcore fans say , Leora is always achieving her purpose , that is the apartment having the most views and most controversial debates amongst users . This is for me what I call excellent working  busines activity and performance and Leora proves to be a master .

    And as I have also said , in order that most of us get happy and satisfied , it would be to see a bit of the outside normal and real life of the girls happening inside the working apartment . If we see a slightly more normal activity , I think that the rants will slow down .

    I do certainly love the girls and my 1,81€ that I give for them per month ( 20€ / 11 apartments) , it is perhaps a fair amount for what I pay , the famous value for money topic that has been created some days ago .

    Becoming realistic as in the past that this woman has proven to be , by seeing Malia as an individual and doing things without depending and not a copy so far with everything that she has learned from the Master Leora and at the very end I repeat , a slight look of the life that these girls have outside of the apartment , it might get things back on track . 

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  3. 1 hour ago, corvette84 said:

    The girl is Babi, who was a tenant in B1. And stayed at Masha's for awhile. It seems that if she isn't getting paid for it, she will not perform on camera. 

    Since Masha is the second longest participant after Leora and judging from previous actions having happened at this apartment , I think that if she asks Babi to perform , Babi will do .. it is all up to Babi’s boyfriend if he is shy or not . 

  4. 7 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    So you think Bonnie and Rama were a toxic presence because they chose to stay clear of the bullshit shows like what the 3 stooges were doing?  I applaud them for staying clear of such bullshit!!

    It is my opinion and how I saw their presence the last months Harley , they didn’t even speak to anyone , not only their co-tenants at the apartment but who ever was joining to visit the apartment just to spend time with Lucian and Alex .. and I stand on my opinion having observed that during their earlier months , both couples were doing things together ( like going out of the apartment same times , watching TV together ) , not to mention the sexual interactions that nearly everyone agrees that between Alex and Bonnie were some of the most sensual and genuine , for whoever watched them especially the first one - two times .. 

  5. On 10/17/2020 at 4:26 AM, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    Would love to read your current thoughts ddhm.

    Well Aussie , I think the more the weeks pass , the more the viewers lose interest in this apartment . Just the comment of jimbo4 I think it is enough to show the disappointment , although Leora , as we all know , will always be on everyone’s heart and mind for the moments she has and still sometimes provides .

    But what speculation to make anymore when the most obvious thing is that these girls they don’t enjoy anymore this apartment , their house , their working environment .. what can more be said that all the smiles , good feelings and shiverings if I may say so are created when there’s contact with the supposed boyfriend or friends or generally with things out of this apartment ? And please don’t get me wrong , this is absolutely wonderful and this is how it should be and as all of us Leora’s fans , this is what we wish for her the most , to be smiley , happy , in a great mood and perfectly healthy during the stupid times we are facing . The problem is that in the past all such feelings were developed , created , shared and interacted with her fans which ultimately made her the number one at RLC , they made her the Godess ( she never asked any of it , but when the success came , she enjoyed it the maximum ) , it was the fans who would stick hours just to enjoy and pay attention ( and euros / dollars or any other currency ) to even the smallest detail , smile and comment ,speculate let’s say why she was happy , her times with Paul and the dog and so on ... she was ( is ? ) the number one , but as everyone knows , to become the number one is easy , to stay there is the difficulty .

    Yes , this total change of life and roller coaster she is dealing with has affected the apartment and her participation at the project . But as I have mentioned before , it has all been her choice and no one has forced her for anything . I don’t know if it is fair or not to say that there should be still an interactive relation with her fans as it used to be as life has proceeded for everyone and as she has grown up , we also as users have done the same .

    Perhaps we expect even more than we get , perhaps this feeling of Leora having abandoned her fans is what causes the frustration , but as some of her biggest and loyal fans here say , Leora doesn’t owe anyone anything . This will always be for me a debatable as this life she has , this apartment , the clothes , the electronic devices , the ability to almost everyday buy food and not cook 😂🤣 ( sorry for this 🤫 ) is provided by all of us who give the subscription to the site . The more the numbers reduce , the more the idea of the project will be struggling .  

    I don’t personally believe that RLC will face such a problem but were I  the management , I would be already searching for her successor ( personal opinion , Ulyana 😬 ) . With the help of GAG-HER and his translations , it helps a lot to clarify lots of things every now and then that he shares with the rest of us that we don’t speak the language of what is happening . And the general feeling I repeat is that both girls don’t feel nice and comfortable in this apartment and that’s why they have decided to spend lots of time away of it . 

    I still don’t believe that there are any indications that Malia is going to leave Czech Republic any time soon . Another question is why there aren’t any daily sleepovers away from the apartment and they happen only at the weekends ? Maybe because the boyfriend / friends or work is possible / being happening only at weekends ? How can we explain the instant appearances at the apartment and the disappearance shortly after ? It has been mentioned that the boyfriend’s apartment is nearby , but that means that also Malia is spending time there ? 

    At the end of the day , all those verbal wars and back and forth positivity from hardcore fans and negativity from haters , it could have been so very much benefited for both Leora and Malia if it had stayed as a positive criticism , but how could this happen when the feelings coming out from this apartment aren’t pointing to this direction ? I still believe that ultimately and because Leora always knows what she is doing , she will be triumphant again and give us all the pleasure times of the past when she knows that the times are right . The question is how we , as viewers , define the pleasure times . Is it her sexuality with the actions inside the apartment , is it the hidden desire of many seeing something happening with Malia or her being busy with her hobbies that she was occupied while in Russia , well , this will remain to be seen . 

    From my point of view ( and I want to believe for many others too that  ) , I would like to see her becoming more social and finally get an insight look of what has been happening all these nearly 15 months in Prague . I don’t think sharing a coffee or an evening with some of her friends in the apartment is bad , especially now we speak about two women , so we could also see Malia’s friends for example ( all this as also have been mentioned in the past , if the friends are willing to be exposed in live streaming ) . I think that I speak for a lot of people , a glance of the outside life of Leora and whatever she has developed there and a small sharing with her fans , it would benefit this apartment once again and calm down all the verbal wars and insults or whatever is happening the last weeks at this forum topic . The perfect example in my opinion is whenever this guy is visiting which makes the topic go in flames 🔥 as so many opinions are being stated . 

    As I have also said in the past , I don’t like to post so much at the forum and especially to this topic because if members don’t present the things or used many times words that satisfy the hardcore fans , they are in danger of being laughable , create endless back and forth arguments  by just interpretations of particular words or meanings of a sentence , it becomes so annoying like everyone is trying to prove who the bigger dick has  .  I try to use all my knowledge of English language so as to make the post readable to most users here but many of the things I would have really liked to express in my own way should be happening at my mother language being the Greek language  . And before you all say that “ this is all greek to me “ 😳😳😱😂🤣 , if I was writing in Greek and google was trying to translate such a long post , the chaos created would have been 10 times more as it will be now 😂🤣😂🤣😂

    I just wanted to present once again my thoughts , opinions and ideas for this apartment and I hope the next weeks we see much more and all the speculations we make to be just wrong theories and we finally see our beloved Leora and Malia happy as never before , they do deserve that . 

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  6. 6 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:

    all due respect ...I spend zero time reading 20 in a row opinions and arguments that Harley gets into.... I did appreciate ddhm's  support of Bogdan and wanted to agree with his/her? point of Bogdan (and Nelly)  has never been anything but a good part of the RLC community.... I just wanted to reinforce (why I started this topic) how Bogdan is ruining MY !!! expectation of the fun that is being Stiffled with him here .... too many examples ... 


    I am a he 😂🤣

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  7. 6 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:

    hello ddhm..... as far as opinions go.... mine has been that Bogdan's presence especially as the 'only' male has really stunted, if not killed the natural joie de vivre , the innocent, carefree, fun, girlies tend to have .... there has been little of that girlie playfulness and casual comfortable nudity with Bogdan being around .... go to a couples apt.  too many examples of his stiff mood , almost an indifference and arrogance ... just kills or intimidates the girlie freedom....

    even tonight as soon as he arrived the party ended ...gone  (now not fully his fault ) but any other time these girls would have partied and played more ( Alendra a queen instigator of sexy play, the other girls proved the comfortable nudity at Gina and Irmas place ... ...all went home ...and 3 girls are laying in bed nude ...

     so one point of mine is I really enjoy seeing casual nudity and playfulness and dancing together , touching, simiulating sexiness that almost has 'always' been the history of this apt. Some say bring boys in ..... I fully disagree...bring boys over to play and party but otherwise full time boys kill that girly innocent, playfulness (and the comfortable nudity I enjoy watching ... Bogdan must go and you all watch the change .... 

    yes not a bad guy and we enjoyed the fuck shows he and Nelly used to do in their old apt.  so get back to that 


    A nice and with good points answer , with lots of arguments Mark , perhaps the truth is somewhere in between . Maybe we should give him a bit more time and just see how the apartment advances , with the current lockdown in Catalonia once again , the times spend in the apartment from all tenants will be much increased I think , so let’s see how this will be played out by everyone .

    I don’t think that Bogdan has made any rules for the girls not to be walking around nude or he has given a feeling of killing the atmosphere at certain times , perhaps the girls need to just let themselves loose and simply coexist with their ( I don’t know if it is the right term ) supervisor 😂🤣😎 ??  ..

    I think it is all fresh and only a month or so that all this new group is coexisting in the villa , let’s see how it proceeds and I will be the first to come back and comment to your post if things seem to get worse and icy cold with the atmosphere due to the couples presence .  

  8. 11 hours ago, moos54 said:

    I am only love and I appreciate all the participants because in a way they give me what I pay for my subscription

    I really like Elmira and I like her physically, but if all the girls act like her, it will be bankrupt in a short time

    I don't ask her to do things that she wouldn't want to do, but she lives in a roomates apartment and therefore she could be more active with others, even for a dinner in all innocence, she isolates herself in her room

    living in community is also sharing with others

    In the end, it's more frustrating than anything

    Totally agree with your comment moos54 , despite being times that she seemed to open up with some bates , I think that if she doesn’t “feel” the apartment , her colleagues and the job she is hired , it is better to ask for her release from the project . As I have mentioned , it seems like a good chemistry amongst tenants currently at the apartments and it only needs one person to create a bad mood , although she has done nothing with her behavior to cause this feeling so far .. but the example of Bonnie and Rama is very recent and we all remember how toxic their presence was at the apartment resulting for the majority of viewers not watching this particular apartment at all .  

  9. 10 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Alberto isnt very fan of having visits.Dont think nothing special happens,just a few hours ago she called him(Alberto)and the guest was already in house,i listened them a bit(her and guests)and they were talking about daily stuff,he was saying that a friend they have in common got a job etc.In any case Martina would have to be extremely dumb to betrail Alberto right in an house full of cams,even if was done in balcony.The couple is doing just fun,till now no traces of any "derrail".

    I agree with you ze81 as I personally believe that this couple and also Linda and Tibor are really loving one another . But , regarding your comment about the cams , what makes you believe that Kitty then would betray Smith in front of the cameras , speaking  with the so called sugar daddy ? 

  10. This girl is one of the prettiest that have appeared , natural beauty , funny and she seems to get along with everyone ... BUT , she seems really strange with lots of reactions especially at long stays in her room during the nights end before sleeping .. candle and prayers , sudden instant bates , sudden jumps on her bed after some ( podcast ? ) listening ... mystery woman , but incredibly beautiful and with a great taste of making herself up while she wants to go out and so on 😉

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  11. We ( Mediterranean guys , I am greek 😉😎 ) are a bit more passionate than Northern European countries and we live the moments much more intense , no offense given to any of the guys here 🙄😬 , just stating a comment that also women admit . Curly has

    proven a passionate guy for example , this guy here also , the Russian boyfriends during the times , not so much .... But that of course is only my opinion that it might not be accepted by lots of other people here 😬

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  12. If we assume that Bogdan is running the project in Barcelona at the moment , I can only say that the stupid simultaneous dildo bates ( in my opinion and because I never like them of course )  seem to be over and we have already within one month enjoyed more genuine staff even with shows , the whole atmosphere at the apartments seem more “ warm “ let’s say , never forgetting  that there’s lockdown in Catalonia area since yesterday of course and this cast has a better chemistry and good relations . 

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