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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nelly is 31 years old or 32 , same like Masha .
  2. As you maybe know , I am one of the biggest fans of Masha , i consider her the prefect example of what RLC has imagined this site when they created it . It can all be possible , your scenario could be a reality . Masha in my eyes , she’s the real RLC representative as a business . Her apartment is her “ home” , even now with her mother there it all looks so natural . I can’t think of anyone else who provides this real life content other than her . I can also think Martina and Alberto and Linda and Tibor as real and honest life in front of cameras participants , but from Masha , i have seen the most . Friends , relatives , sex , relationships , fights , the woman has clearly and without hesitation shared all with us . People consider a professional cam girl the RLC Queen , i simply laugh 😂🤣 Masha for sure has a big role with RLC but the current relationship which is ZERO and none with Nelly ( wife of Bogdan who plays a major role with RLC ) , I don’t know how much impact it has with her involvement with RLC .
  3. It is a pity that we have this couple in this apartment and they don’t give it to Esenia and Dima and move them in the now Esenia and Dima’s place . It would be nice for any interactions between the two couples - visiting one another’s places , maybe introducing us to friends they have - rather than one more lesbian couple who doesn’t seem to enjoy so much the cameras world , Val and Jul are ok and they provide with friends , their every now and then interactions and general RLC approach. Let’s see how RLC proceeds , heifer due to contracts might be not so easy to see this change ( apartment’s change ) happening .
  4. I am a positive thinker , i always believe that the company RLC wants the best of its viewers . In my opinion , since now Covid isn’t an issue anymore , we are seeing a massive evolution by RLC , they expanded in 2 more countries - especially Montenegro it is completely unpredictable and insane surprising move and I hope it works - , we have finally an enormous amount of apartments to choose and watch , reminding us the golden years and the Russian apartments . RLC for sure struggled and suffered during Covid , they got lucky in some occasions having for example fan favorites Megan and Holly in the villa during this difficult period , but they are back on track now . It can’t be that all of their choices are right , especially the new ones it is a big gambling from their side , but look again , when they thought that they would have things running smoothly and under control , the war began .. and this in my opinion , for RLC is even worse as it has repeatedly affected their employees recruitment and hiring with the current restrictions that Russia suffers . But they are “ fighters “ and a company that knows how to survive and look at them now , they are getting bigger . About better , we need to wait but I have a good feeling that the new arrivals in the villa will help for a successful 2023 .
  5. Zara , pff , I forgot , yes please ☺️ .. Mathilda was fantastic but she had lack - in my opinion and we will always have our differences on that 😄😝 - of social skills , she reminded me of Radislava being locked in her room but in my opinion Mathilda was an absolute ready for all woman if she had the right company . Of course sometimes she visited B5 and it was nice to watch but that was all .. On the other hand , we also see how this room is hunted with girls locked in this room , it is now Elmira keeping on with the tradition 😂🤣 and what a difference with former tenant Mathilda .. in general as you know , I HATE watching girls who don’t interact and are isolated , this isn’t normal life and in my opinion it is just stays to make money with the least of exposure ( nudity isn’t an issue for any of the girls , masturbations for me I am bored to watch except if girls have amazing orgasms and “ feel “ it , only two belong for me into this concept , the one and only Esmi and the Queen of masturbations , lovely little Ariana )
  6. Totally agree … FINALLY the villa was a place to watch , not only for the private moments of Taylor but she also brought a different aura , it made the place alive and not boring . The majority here - myself belonging to it - , we have been commenting how bad both villas and the content had been . And it was finally the top place to watch as it is meant to be since they brought this place love some years ago , it is their flagship and when it became interesting , unfortunately we see Kristy and Taylor leave . Let’s see what comes , hope RLC gets lucky with the replacements .
  7. A speculation according to events seen in recent months .. Masha visits Barcelona and stays in B4 in November ( or October ) if i remember correctly , very very soon after we got Elettra and Taylor in the villa . Masha visits Barcelona during Christmas and stays in B4 and less than a month later we see major changes with the departure of one of the longest in a row stay tenant , Kristy ( I think she is the one with Radislava who have stayed for a year or so ) , Taylor departing also and another long continuous stay tenant , Lilith . It is most probably coincidences but it is a fact that the changes happened after Masha’s visit . I had stated while Masha was on holidays last month that it looks like changes are coming since she’s visiting and here it is 😂 But of course a big speculation from my side , still the facts show a pattern the last twice she has been there . The arrival of the new girls will reveal a lot of how RLC wants to proceed for 2023 since the new girls will be the spring / summer times in the villa … personal preference would be 1 or 2 new tenants but the type of girls like Anya / Lavika /Britney or even the sisters 😊 , the return of Esmi and her sister I would love to have , most of all I would love that they give once again the villa to Ulyana / Olivia and Harley and the hardcore ultimate return would be for me to have Diane , Daniela and Olya , this would guarantee an incredible fun in all aspects summer .. At the moment , we get to see amazing Tani who any of us viewers can see how the best sex happens when you have a woman who knows what to do with a man even not being the best performer , we have fantastic B2 which keeps Barcelona GOV project interesting to watch and poor Britney who has an unbelievable potential but needs to get free from the ghost place , B1 . As for B5 , it isn’t the same without Holly and Thor which had a truly amazing chemistry and co stay with Tereza and Timur , but i need to say , for my personal preference about women , Wednesday is a dream female , amazing boobs , the curves at the body exactly where they should be , a girl who simply loves her guy endlessly and she surrenders to his requests as he knows how to please her . Last but not least , the hunted by the indifferent from the majority of viewers B7 and the presence of Nelly and Bogdan for who their time should be long gone , despite for me Bogdan always being a fantastic guy . Poor Kimberly , fun , smiley , crazy , full of life to do things , i hope the new arrivals will help her present to us her endless potential as well . Let’s see .
  8. I can’t really get it that the majority here believes that there’s any kind of relationship between Kristy and Taylor and this is the main reason that it holds Taylor back on adding one more trophy ( Anya ) in her collection , which will be actually making her one of the most successful short term stay tenants achieving sex with others ( even more being own colleagues 😁 / regardless , she is already one of the most successful ) . For me , Kristy has just been experimenting what sex with another woman is and I don’t think she could have found a better instructor than a pure lesbian , Taylor . The fact that Taylor indeed likes Kristy and in a way finally managing to have her sleeping with her , this should be considered the biggest reward . It all happened in my opinion due to a real and strong friendship , both girls realized that they can have really nice talks , speak open about everything and everyone and they “ simply “ added sex at their repertoire which was unexpected and it has caused to all of us enjoying watching B4 and whatever has been happening the last 1 month more or less. Now , why Taylor isn’t proceeding with more , this is another topic . We can find lots of reasons ( let’s say that the main thing is that she might be feeling this as a show and not an original sexual act as she likes to have - nobody can deny that all of her sex actions with EVERYONE has been real sex for her and not games ) which might be causing her holding back . But i strongly doubt that it is any kind of the “ romantic relationship “ that Kristy and Taylor have , they are just two girls who developed a really great friendship while working together and got lots of benefits ( financial , pleasure , experience 🙂 ) . Of course , because i am also fast with conclusions 😂🤣 , WE ALL know that it is not even half way as till when this gathering at B5 ends , if it doesn’t go past 4-5 o clock in the afternoon , we can’t be sure of anything . Let’s see then what it might occur or not , still , I will always say that Tereza wants to try so much but she’s holding back and this is who I would really love to see exploding , I think also the majority here believes that she would wish to try experiences ( judging from her porn watching preferences … )
  9. It is a pity that when and FINALLY after an incredible loooooooooong time B4 got interesting to watch with many things happening due to the brilliant idea of RLC to cast Taylor and Elettra - the brilliant goes for the fact that Taylor isn’t Russian speaking so she had to communicate in English and it made it easier and nicer for the viewers to follow and of course being a real undisputed lesbian and also for Elettra who entered like a storm and caused so many incidents , things that broke the routine we have seen repeatedly and created lots of drama - , we got to see an incredible evolution Kristy who was a tenant that had a rather uninteresting run in B2 before really rewarding anyone with her on camera actions , first with her male sex partner and then the unbelievable story with Taylor - who I think really not even one of us watching RLC haven’t actually realized what has happened in such a short time - , luckily we got rid of Lilith who was a scandal of her having the second best room after the penthouse and we all know by now that she stayed for so long because of Nelly ( with the rumors being that she was supplying substances to Nelly - however now she looks fine and clear - ) , we can maybe see again Tani shining once again after her not feeling nice with the presence of Lilith and perhaps Raniya will get more comfortable . It is also the first time in really long time that RLC is updating with such fast reflexes , it might be that the new apartments added gave them the chance to inform of tenants departures easier . I think everyone would have liked for Taylor and Kristy to stay more , it was good times and both girls really also seemed to enjoy being tenants and participants , at least Kristy who didn’t like it so much I think while in B2 . Taylor is a massive loss , I think she was the favorite of the girls , everyone liked her plus the chance of the rest of the girls / guys being able to practice their English , first it was super for us viewers and understanding and second the girls were clearly more open speaking on cameras while Taylor would bring up conversations of homosexuality and such similar things . A big respect from my side to Taylor and many 👏👏 , this is exactly the tenants we would like to see . Also for Kristy being fantastic since moving in the villa and finally free from Alana and as for Lilith , FINALLY she’s out and i won’t personally miss her at all . Time for the villa / B4 to continue with this success and hopefully a mixture of new and repeaters who always needed to guide the new ones , let’s see .
  10. Watching Britney from profile cameras ( 11.11 for example ) , I would personally think she’s related to Pam , especially with the night vision , pff , you can’t even tell a difference 😎
  11. Just winter work at the mountains my good friend and not the same time like in the summer ..I should have been resting and on long holidays escape this period of the year but the company asked for work and had to change the country for 4-4,5 months .. Fun fact , company is international but the branch here completely British 😊😉😎
  12. A repeating post when the last apartment came online 10 days ago … It is official …. RLC is dying , RLC is going out of business , RLC is losing subscribers , RLC is at its worst state 🫣🫣😂🤣😂😂🤣😝🤪🤪 It might not have been explained well 😂 I only meant that RLC is slowly and gradually going back to prePurge times , the difference being not operating anymore in Russia … But seems that Czech Republic ( I don’t know if it has been mentioned as I need to read what’s been posted so far , but I believe it is there this new apartment ) is their new hub . Business seems to be back on track for RLC , still lots to improve . Nevertheless , great intro of this new couple with social life immediately shared with the viewers having visitors on their debut , well done 👏👏👏
  13. Here are some observations .. It was observed but now it is obvious that Kimberly LOVES to drink , I will predict that it won’t take much time that something happens between Miron and her 😎🥸.. For me , Kimberly is a fun and “ crazy girl “ , she came in the project to make friends , have a great time and unfortunately , it hasn’t been like this so far , i think the others don’t like her this much but she could definitely provide much much content , let’s see . Taylor said about her mother that one day she understood that she’s lesbian and she’s now with a woman 😊 . Kristy is testing how it is sharing with a woman , experiences , lesbian sex and that’s all . There’s no feelings but a mutual respect from both girls towards one another . They really like their friendship, the sex we can call it FWB sex 😇
  14. The funny thing is ( despite being a science fiction story 😂🤣 and after her talk on the phone with the English speaking guy ) , that if Sera was doing anything on cameras , I think that the viewership ratings will be some of the top even for RLC ..it is inevitable when viewers expect for so many moments something from her ( apart her nudity which she offers easily ) that she will achieve ratings that few tenants will have ever seen in the history of this site .. so , back to sleep and sweet dreams now with Serafima 😂🤣😂🤣
  15. Thanks for clarifications 😇.. we will see what he can or can’t do in the days ( or weeks 😂 ) to come .. It is another surreal thing , from a champion in some tournaments of fitness - Samson - , we get perhaps the biggest guy we have ever seen . But he might be the one who will provide the most amazing content , let’s see and we should never underestimate anyone willing to be in front of cameras and thousands watching …
  16. It is also a surreal situation currently with RLC …They saw that viewers “ LOVE “ anything lesbian ( Malia and Leora massaging each other day in and day out was for many months the top program ) , any small or big thing happening between any of the girls in B4 has been always gathering the most of the comments , then we got Martina and Nelly who dominated viewership and CamCaps forum for nearly a year , then RLC brings after Nina and Kira two pure lesbians - Val and Jul ( maybe bisexual , still a lesbian couple ) , then they bring one more who has been a failure so far but let’s wait and see and in our surprise , the most sex is happening between the now discovering female kinds of pleasuring Kristy and perhaps the top tenant of RLC at the moment , the participant that all girls seem to admire and feel nice and comfortable around her , the girl who has fucked nearly everyone in the villa in less than 3 months 😂🤣 , this is lovely Taylor ..And why ? Because girls understood that she’s not playing ,she’s who she is and she never hid it or pretended , she brought lovers in the villa , she brought another aura and mentality , something that all of these girls are simply jealous considering the countries they come from and obviously Barcelona being a reason for them to see and love life in so many different ways . Taylor brought the Italian aura and refreshment , she brought new thoughts and shared a different culture that the “ one more Russian / Ukrainian / Moldovan / Belarusian “ in the program .She brought ideas from Italy , the feelings and stories of a country that for all of these girls , if it wasn’t Barcelona , they would also simply love to discover and enjoy , perhaps and with big chances live there .And luckily for all of us - and I think RLC got lucky also as I think they never expected it - this worked out tremendously well , considering the fact that Taylor could have felt isolated and lonely by not speaking the language or not liking the fake things that the girls would wish to do . Say whatever but Elettra helped with her adjustment in a house full of Russian speaking people and it took her just 1-1,5 month to be able and not needing Elletra to interact with the others .This shows simply how a strong personality and character she is and a lesson for everyone that nobody should ask for respect , the respect you simply earn it ..And she earned all the respect from the others by simply being herself and here are now the results .
  17. He admitted that he has a child of 2 years old , I think he also said that he lives or has moved in Poland ..And I believe he also said that his job is Sous-chef .. This is when all 4 girls were earlier in the dining room of B7 ☺️ if I didn’t hear well , I guess they will correct me 😆
  18. This thing between Kristy and Taylor is one of the most amazing and genuine stories we have ever seen developing in the history of RLC .. It is all natural , experimenting for Kristy , it is no bullshit shows , it is a girl ( Kristy ) discovering things she could never imagine that they were hiding inside her and kudos to Taylor on managing to make Kristy explode .. For as long as they both remain in the project , I suggest we should admire them , applause then and enjoy them for any stories and moments that they will share with us .. from small arguments and fights , to endless passion moments .. We can definitely say that after Martina and Nelly , this can be considered the most blast moment that RLC had since that time .
  19. I will only say that both Martina and Alberto , if they want to have fun with other people ( threesome / foursome / more 🤩 ) , they will certainly have no issues doing it on cameras . The problem will always be( like any sexually open relationship couples ) who will be willing to be exposed on cameras , I don’t think it wouldn’t be a greater pleasure for both of them to do anything in their own apartment ( bedroom / living room / guest room , bathroom , ANYWHERE ) . Let’s see if this incident will bring even more surprising moments during 2023 …
  20. I never understood that anyone still keeps saying that we witnessed a “ foursome “ .. There was no partners exchange , there was not even kisses or hugs between anyone as far as I can tell . It was just two couples making sex in front of one another ( which for Marta and her guy didn’t work , especially for the guy who proved to have no problems when he was alone with Marta ) , if this a foursome , then my English sucks 😂🤣😂 . I think what hasn’t been mentioned in the serious gravity of the incident , it was Marta’s actions ( to our own entertainment and pleasure of course and definitely her own fun obviously ) . Marta represents one of the most unique in transforming guests , long time subscribers of RLC can’t forget I think her appearances in the apartment , being shy on cameras and taking showers not nude till this complete and incredible to watch incident , who would have really thought ? All kudos to Martina ( mainly ) and Alberto who “ helped “ in a way for anything we watched , big applause to the guy who tried his best and when he felt comfortable he really delivered and of course Marta who was awesome . But calling this a foursome , well I need to study once again ( or wonder what was it between Masha / Sasha / Jane / Dick ) or the threesome term ( Masha / Sasha / Dasha ) …
  21. I think all opinions about whatever bonus viewership were totally ruined during last night’s events . I think both girls acted out of lust and sexual feeling . Lights were off in Taylor’s room , there was no preparation for camera views , it all happened out of the blue and spontaneously . Now , how this can be explained ? We have already seen Kristy opening more and more and willing to try , despite Russian girls have the fame of being totally open and completely doing all , EVERYBODY knows that concerning homosexuality , it is forbidden by law in Russia and this - for a country which is so advanced in other things but so narrow minded in personal relationships ( which most probably has to do with the political status till 1991 ) might always be a reason for the girls to try and expand their sex boundaries . Kristy is 28 i think , she has done all but it is so clear that in Taylor she found a girl that makes her happy not in loving things or sex but she’s a person she can talk serious , have nice conversations , expand her knowledge and “ grow up “ even more as an individual by learning and sharing. I think Kristy hadn’t had a real bond with anyone ( even Alana was too “ soft “ despite being her friend ) and Taylor has given her the opportunity to redefine herself and understand herself better and more . As far as Taylor is concerned , she’s clearly open minded , she has spent perhaps her most tensed relationship with a woman she crazy loved ( Piper ) in front of cameras for a significant time , she has studied the Eastern European mentality and despite Russians ( Kristy ) and Ukrainians ( Piper ) seem to have lots in common but definitely serious things different , anyone can clearly see her excitement being around Kristy , in a way it feels that she’s admiring her . As a conclusion , it isn’t a coincidence that since Taylor joined , the on going on cameras incidents between Kristy / Taylor and ALL of their actions ( Kristy and sex partner , Taylor and her sex encounters ) have made this winter to be in a way entertaining to watch as it has few to offer in duration , they are for sure the 2 tenants that have gathered the most viewership and anyone wants to see “ what’s next “ and I think they haven’t failed . It is just the newcomers Wednesday and Wayne fun to watch , Venera and Lion , the girls in B2 and the SURPRISING New Year’s incident of Martina and Alberto / Marta and boyfriend . And then minor incidents watching incredible Tina and the long awaiting ( in my opinion it will be happening ) things to occur amongst Tereza / Timur and hopefully Anya .
  22. An amazing 3rd participation run from Karina , who would have thought after whatever we saw from her the 2 previous “ attempts “ … A girl respecting the opportunity she got , trying to have a normal life with nice relationships with the other 2 flat mates , trying to be social and appearing in the other apartments as well . Occasional fun times with a sex partner , personal moments shared on camera , I don’t think as viewers we could be more thankful and impressed of what Karina has showing us , being I repeat , a 3rd time participant … This obviously has to do with the failure of other repeaters who simply participate for the money without respecting the chance they have got from RLC . Once again , Karina 👏👏👏👏🤗🤗🤗
  23. Maybe soon in B4 if the rumors of Elettra leaving RLC are true . Still , it is a pity to “watch “ this uninteresting B1 apartment ( totally expected when Elmira and Serafima were announced and also the sisters departure ) . I feel in a way sad that this new girl has entered a place that already the two tenants are acting , behaving and living like two strangers rather than roommates / RLC colleagues and I hope she finds a way to discover and develop relationships with the girls / guys of the other apartments
  24. Some really good information you can actually find out when she was with Tereza and Lavika in her room on New Year’s , lots of talk about Kimberly as well . Through this talk you can find out lots of information about past issues also , as was mentioned weeks ago , Elettra and Taylor appeared to shake things up in a really boring villa and they have done great . If you think for example about Lilith , come on .. Kristy has been nice since she moved in B4 and I think she became better when finally Alana was out of RLC and of course Tani is incredible . And to add about Kimberly , if these discussions with Tereza ( speaking also Italian with Taylor ) and Lavika remain in their thoughts , Kimberly will not have the best time in the villa , we can already see that she’s getting isolated . Let’s see also any possible reaction if and when Taylor finds out that her ex ( Piper ) she’s with a guy now 😉 We should also not forget that her “ complain “ was that Piper broke up with her suddenly when they had already arranged holidays ( in Bali if i remember correctly ) , this was in march 2022 i believe . And that’s the benefit - which in a way RLC listens … - to be able to understand lots of talks in English , we have always been complaining about not having other languages apart from the Russian and Taylor managing in a house full of Russian speaking to have nearly everyone speaking with her and accepting her in their habits and traditions and in their talks , in my eyes , she makes a really great tenant indeed .
  25. The chance was there when Holly and Thor have been tenants in B5 . This run for T&T is much different Tina their previous , I agree that Tereza seems and feels like wanting to try and experiment but I disagree that Timur is holding her back . He likes his girl and I think if Tereza asks for something , he won’t say no . I truly believe that Tereza liked Thir and she had a great chemistry and friendship with Holly , they didn’t proceed as I think bith couples weren’t ready , I would say mostly Holly and Thor who despite teasing , didn’t show any evidence to proceed .. And Holly really loves Thor as it became more and more obvious with her reactions after their epic arguments . As a conclusion , the only possibility that we see anything “ strange “ 😂🤣 , it is with Anya . Her guy isn’t anything serious and it is clear in my opinion that she likes both Timur and Tereza . Timur also doesn’t feel “ threatened “ let’s say in comparison if it was a man , still , I believe Tereza imagines a threesome or whatever with one more guy instead of a girl but it isn’t so easy I believe for a variety of reasons . If you have noticed their times with Anya , every time they proceed and do more , last time we had Anya licking Tereza . Let’s see what it is going to be , still , Wednesday and Wayne don’t seem to have the same dynamic of sharing general moments in B5 like T&T did with H&T , they are a great couple to watch but without chemistry amongst the couples , the chances of not getting bored will be only when others are visiting . Let’s hope Anya will be the “ key person “ to see Timur and Tereza go the next level 😁
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