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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. She has been seen in B5 and i think it is the place that she will visit again … As I have said , any guys that manage to fuck any of these girls are “ dickheads “ but if it was us that we could manage we would have been the “ super duper Brad Pitt and Leonardo Di Caprio “ lovers and showing them how we can be casanovas because we managed to put our dicks in their holes .. when anyone of these guys does it with anyway possible ( who says that in order to fuck as many you need to have “ manners “ , especially when you see the girls going back again and wanting more …) , I would have really liked to see Mathilda get flirted and see how she reacts towards men interest .. and it would intrigue me seeing it from a guy ( guys ) that have also fucked other girls than an one night stand ( which of course I would LOVE to see and not only masturbations ) .
  2. Unfortunately she’s not doing it in an extended way apart from the girls of her residing apartment .. I would like to see her in the villas , in B2 , just to see how she’s with the others .. I can -nevertheless - say that as of the entertaining part , she knows exactly what to do and there are absolutely no complains and big respect again from my side for her contribution 😊
  3. I don’t agree with Mathilda’s lifestyle and RLC approach as I am not a fan of isolated people or tenants who spend nearly the whole day in the apartment and don’t socialize …BUT ..Mathilda for the adult entertainment approach of RLC , she’s by far the hottest woman to watch for her solo actions , I could easily say the top performer currently across whole RLC .. I can even say that I think we are witnessing one of the best anal masturbators that we have ever seen with RLC , the woman is on fire when she wishes to entertain ..All my respect for her adult RLC approach but really poor presence as interacting and seeing a bit more of her personality .
  4. Masha is having a very serious talk and arguing heavily with Elvis on the videocall…Masha told him “ so , if you want to leave me .. “ at one point and at another one either she was telling him that “ you know I do this and that with this one or the other one “ or she asked him if she believes she does that .. i will try and catch the replay , before she went to the toilet she told him “Elvis ( with his real name ) mi fa schifo “ , I don’t translate what this means 😆
  5. Miracles do seem to happen after the massive complains and finally we got instantly Monica’s airplane sign .. let’s hope it is not a coincidence but a bit more of “ customer care “ ..
  6. Marlene seems that she was in the Sunday morning church gathering then , prediction of her returning back with company was wrong 😆😆
  7. 89 / 400, 311 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 9 months and 22 days Tik Tok
  8. It took some days for some “ incidents “ with lovely Masha …
  9. I think we will be seeing Marlene’s on cameras adventures later , either with a new mister or a repeater .. let’s if this happens or she returns from church around midday 😆
  10. It looks like Saturday night out for Lilith and friend with the guys .. let’s see if it would be fun in the morning hours if they return in either of the villas 😉
  11. I could totally agree with the counter argument , especially with the referred excellent examples … I would though say that back on those days , we are speaking about the central let’s say management ( at least what I believe ) being in Russia , with many more apartments and tenants , the site being in its elementary / high school years and not with the same knowledge understanding what the customer would like to know and be offered as information . 2022 and with less apartments , an 11 year knowledge and what people possibly get frustrated ( as you mentioned the example of Kira and Nina and their fans “ demanding “ information ) , I think they should be improved , especially when they don’t handle so many places and tenants . My overall feeling is that they don’t seem to “ pay attention “ considering their loss of subscribers when back in the days their success could have also blinded them in order paying attention in every now and then situations like the ones that you so nicely mention . It is my personal feeling that they don’t “ see “ , “ observe “ , “ watch “ their tenants so they could also at times “ correct “ issues .. We would see so many things on those days , interested in the project people , participants feeling nice being RLC employees which was perhaps making us not paying attention this much when “ mistakes “ were happening .. the overall nowadays experience might be making such things now “ shine negative “ way much more .
  12. Good points and arguments to back them up , we can only as viewers ( the majority at least ) assume what and who is behind . There are some hints every now and then when girls “ forget “ and talk publicly but someone needs to watch 24/7 or be lucky and catch a moment when something like this happens ( with the obvious option of course being able to speak Russian ) .. We need to remember thought that RLC as company is international with people running the project in Czech Republic , Italy and newly added Poland . And I don’t believe that at least in Czech Republic and Italy changes have occurred . Let’s say that the main problem overall is the lack of customer service , I think RLC nowadays doesn’t seem to want to keep viewers informed with really essential information and looks like they want to run the project with “ tricks “ only for viewership and possible adding subscribers in the wrong way though .
  13. Considering the “ nothingness “ of B4 , at least Kristy and Monica provided a short of a show entertainment .
  14. I tell you for sure that this was Nelly speaking really really bad to Masha without any actual reason ( we are talking about two girls being like best friends for nearly 15 years ) ..
  15. There has been some really bad words that Nelly said to Masha , the funny thing is that Bogdan still seems to have a good relationship with Masha but his wife is affecting his relationship with her i believe .
  16. I think this only proves the ongoing frustration of people who have been members only the recent years but also it shows how much better it used to be when the company really seemed to care for the people who are responsible for its existence .. And now they don’t even inform for how many days their employees are on holidays and when are about to return .. it is the small things and details that define a good service and product and unfortunately , apart from the really excellent tech updates and visualizations of the site / apartments , the rest is a degrade ..
  17. Just a coincidence I would say and if it is more , well , then Masha really has “ a more than stronger voice “ concerting happenings … can it be that she’s the big boss that is around town and checking invisibly ? 😂 We need to be honest of course and say that since her arrival though , Ailey and Kassandra reappeared in B7 and that we had the hottest show ever in B4 since Kylie and Rus were tenants and had some things happening when Olivia , Radislava and Tweety were tenants there and I don’t think there’s ANYONE who didn’t appreciate or had the jaws dropped 😂 with what we saw happening amongst the very first day after almost 5 years of Polya and of course always horny Lavika and Anya … let’s see what’s more to come .
  18. I think this past week , for sure once slept like midday or around 13:00 which isn’t her standards as I think she prefers getting up early and wonder in the LR or balcony …and she had slept usual “ Esmi times “ , that is between 03:00-04:00 am .
  19. She was also sleeping a lot a couple of days ago that she was in B1 .. who knows ? Perhaps the new painting and commitment to outside activities drain her .. 😁
  20. I guess because of free rental .. and whoever she knows outside the apartment might not be so easy staying there ? But the way I see it , I can only think how Masha simply offers her apartment ( which clearly now she feels like HOME and this is what it is for her ) to whoever visits her and the way they feel when they are her guests and how they do the same to her when she takes the decision to visit others and especially the ones we have seen in Barcelona .. But to be fair , we have also seen a significant amount of decrease in people visiting Masha’s apartment in comparison to the past .. Some really cool Italian friends she had aren’t so “ visible “ anymore , who knows , it might be that they don’t like Elvis being around her .. Yes , also Masha isn’t the easiest person but in my eyes she’s pretty straight forward and sincere and she prefers doing things and calling facts the way she wants rather than becoming a diplomat or playing it safe for friendships .. And I think , she has chosen to do as she feels and wants rather than submitting to other people opinions .. but that’s what I think and good friend @rado07who was watching quite in detail the apartment , felt also that her attitude and her actions wasn’t as it would have made him watch anymore and that’s why his really valid and in depth contribution is missing from the forum .
  21. A drunken Lavika wondering in Polya’s and Anya’s room , quite horny also perhaps , she was also dancing moving provoking Tereza nearly 15-20 minutes before Tereza deciding to leave back to B5 .. Funny night happenings in B2 😁
  22. Excellent voyeurs content having one of the guests couples having not the most silent sex just on the same couch where the other couple is sleeping and the guy even more - pretending ??? - that he does only to be awaken by the couch sounds and breathing … very good ending with the awaken guy and the female guest taking a cigarette at the balcony after he caught them 😂🤣😂🤣
  23. So … Polya ( don’t think that Lavika asked it .. ) goes to Lavika’s room so as to wake up Lilith and her friend who were sleeping so they move in the LR and Lavika can have her bed .. And then Lavika goes in her room and she can’t sleep or she even has the bedroom door open … oh well , girls 😂😂😂🤣..
  24. Venera and Lion n another excellent Friday evening .. this couple should be an example for their whole participation and life standards .. And Venera , this woman when she wants , she’s just speechless to watch . Venera and Lion , best 2022 couple by far .
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