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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nelly speaks Spanish quite good I think at the moment ..I don’t watch her but I caught some moments during the recent visit of Alberto and Martina in the villa and I think she was communicating in Spanish ..As for the “non mixing “ , I think RLC doesn’t want to introduce a “ mixture “ , reasons unknown ..
  2. Trinity keeps company to Leia and her instagram activities in public … It is like they asked Leia to bring a friend to fill in the end as they had asked Daniela and she brought Buffy…But that it was at least during Covid era ..Trinity just takes showers nude and that’s it , no interaction at all ..Leia is a model , she did it all during her previous stay , she deserves the bed and you can never know ..But Trinity… 🤦
  3. Lavika is fantastic ..but when she has no other to encourage her and she isn’t so much connected with the others , she can’t provide as much as she can and wants i believe ..
  4. There are so many people that could replace them , they have 3 girls who have the fans backing them up and they always provide , finally they could give Harley ( that I am not sure if she’s in Barcelona to be honest ) her own room as she always deserved after B1 , even Olivia and Ulyana in B7 sharing the bed instead of Ailey and Kassandra could make so much incredible fun with Samson and Tim around … but what are we trying to indicate now when RLC wants peace and quiet as it seems so Bogdan and Nelly can have a peaceful villa ….
  5. Kristy , whenever not petting Alana , it is all fine , she cares for the cameras .. but one person can’t save the apartment with the best view at the roof ( sorry I should say 2 because Lavika is also great ) …
  6. I think it is a pity we see Leia again by herself showing no interest joining the others .. Also Mathilda hardly ever participating , Marlene we know she will do as she’s pleased and in my opinion she has earned to do whatever she wants whenever she wants with whoever she wants as I consider her the most social of them all and it is great that she chooses the moment ..B2 we have said and we can’t reproduce all the time the same things .. Absolutely no interest apart from Kristy who tries really much ..B5 and especially T&T won’t participate apart from having events in their own place … In my humble opinion , there’s only one major move that could elevate once and for all the Barcelona interest ..the recipe has been tried and was major successful …allow all of Barcelona RLC tenants to mix themselves , have Carla and Yanai become part of the villa visits , organize parties , introduce their endless circle of friends ..Does anyone here has the slightest doubt that the villas with the party mood of Carla and Yanai and their visitors , the Latin dances , the beautiful girls we have been introduced wouldn’t be ending in interesting things ? Do we forget the Martina and Alberto times ? Or have Martina and Alberto together with the Spanish speaking Carla and Yanai ? Pfff , they really need to do something … two villas and not being used for, their tenants …and they sent away Ulyana , Olivia and Harley …
  7. Let’s hope we see a bit of flirting from Samson to her 😁
  8. In a way , it is a pity that we have now the “ group of friends “ formatted and therefore the ones “ enjoying “ or let’s say respecting their on cameras job and the ones who have no interest apart being on cameras and collect just like that their paychecks .it is funny also that RLC continues being confused with the boredom and nothingness of most of its Barcelona tenants when they have introduced in other places so many interesting and wonderful to watch people like Venera and Lion , Karol and boyfriend being back , the two lesbians with their particular lives , Carla and Yanai , Elli and Vencel and even Katie and Adam with their interesting personal lives with friends and in the Barcelona apartments , most of them are bored to even move from their beds and mobiles …Anyway .. it is what it is .. a bad period will be followed by a nice one hopefully .
  9. Esmi finally getting once again some privacy , let’s see how she will “ take advantage “ of it …
  10. Most probably we gonna get one day the experiment of Ginger and boyfriend ..Unknown still if the boyfriend knows all of Ginger’s accomplishments , especially in this place 😊
  11. I am sorry to disappoint all , it is just a typical relationship with lots of arguments between a young couple , the BIGGEST difference than anything we have seen in the past is that this relationship started from point 0 ( zero ) , Holly is a popular and known tenant since many years and we are also now seeing this side of her and having a relationship on cameras ( not sex only .. ) for the first time . For as along as this will be ending with sex , it will last for a long long long time .. You can all compare it to Gina and Bruno and find the similarities / differences … It just looks like this two people try and sharing / coliving in an apartment 24/7 for their first time .. and for whoever has done this , he/she knows how much of a challenge it is , especially the first time .. It is always two that make a relationship ( or more 😁 ) , so , whatever their issues are , it is both sides . My conclusion is that if this relationship was developing off cameras , we wouldn’t obviously analyze it this much and I think the chances of success would be much much higher than at the moment in which the majority doesn't give them a chance .
  12. In my opinion , it is terrible match chemistry in the apartments .. they have a really great B1 while B2 is a mess despite having Lavika and Kristy who “ cares “ for the cameras and she’s interested in her job when Alana and Kaley , well… no comment .. And then the villas , this is a disasterous mixing of characters , Monica as always can be fun but she feels no connected to anyone and we got Trinity who simply supports Leia on her instagram photoshoots .. Let’s see what the autumn brings and slowly more time spending inside the apartments .
  13. You seem to know a lot .. it is another mistake .. no life really and supporting .. you are closer to revealing yourself much faster than expected … another European here answering you , maybe we enjoy and understand this concept much more better than you at the other side of the Atlantic ..
  14. I only know that RLC is opening apartment after apartment the last 1-1,5 month so it can’t be so bad ..
  15. As I have said recently to you my good friend , your contribution here is heavily missed ..always great to get your posts and opinions here 😇👏🏻👏🏻
  16. I can only say that the handling of the situation by all girls in front of cameras has been really brave , obviously the first couple of months it was a shock and it was clearly affecting everyone but for sure with the time they managed to control emotions and feelings and for this they really have my respect personally .Yes , they are safe , yes , the majority of the world is in their favor but as you say , even the fact that so much from their personal lives is always everyday “ questionable “ ( families , friends , relatives ) , it is great how they have been dealing with it .
  17. And funny , Esmi choosing sleeping with Loraine rather than with her sister.. it might has to do with the bed 😎
  18. The weird thing is that again the sisters aren’t let’s say together in this moment which makes it I believe more of a private issue rather than anything having to do with war I believe .
  19. For sure there’s more to it ..she could always kept on with him and have fun 1-2 per month if she wanted the ultimate cameras viewership like she had when they were spending time together ..Oh well , let’s see ..
  20. Who knows ? Maybe the on cameras private moments of Esmi had a lot to do with bla bla from Loraine 😁😆.. As I said , it can be good mentoring and bad mentoring .. The hiding is a BAAAAAAAD mentoring …
  21. In any case , when we complained really much about Loraine and the STUPIDITY of sex under the covers with Samson , Loraine immediately “ fixed “ it 😂🤣 Let’s see the reactions now ..
  22. Especially when Esmi knows that it has been her way of being on cameras that made her so popular and kind of different than the rest of the girls .
  23. Let’s say that the majority knows Loraine’s manipulative actions for cameras viewership 🤣😆
  24. I consider Esmi a very clever person , I will really watching with interest this all of a sudden “ new friendship “…
  25. I can understand wanting to hide the real sad emotions , on the other hand , as we see people laughing and having fun , a viewer can get even more attached with a particular girl seeing her also at the sad times . Of course , it is the tenant that decides the cameras approach in such situations , but i think we all felt for Zabava when she was crying when the war started , Esmi always managed to be the tough one and “ protecting “ her emotions on cameras despite of course showing some times being sad or others extremely happy . Anyway , it is a complicated talk , maybe my problem is that I am not used by this current Esmi’s reaction and I am caught on surprise .
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