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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Welcome Kristy 😊 Another unsuccessful hunting as it seems , otherwise if it was a date , let’s hope it worked 😊
  2. Esmi tired and in thoughts as it seems , quiet night despite having her privacy .
  3. Maybe her time to leave RLC is approaching then , some last “ glances “ of a very disappointing stay ..I simply don’t like non emotional people ..I can barely think Alana letting go herself ,getting drunk , being spontaneous , laughing goofy and funny , a typical north European reaction ( sorry if I insult people but this is how Southern Europeans we usually categorize the people coming from those countries ) , it is like all was predictable and cold ice ..Even Loraine at times shows more emotions than Alana ..And she’s simply also a gorgeous girl ..
  4. I don’t think Kristy wants that despite not being pleased as of her staying in B2 ,,which I think she’s completely responsible of how the apartment is “ruled “ ..
  5. One of those rare moments by Alana …
  6. The only time that the apartment gets attention is when Leora is nude , when she’s masturbating or being fucked . This is the fact ..Compare it now with other apartments activities and tenants and make your thoughts . There are no talks , no chats , there are no opinions , there are no thoughts apart from pulo’s daily data presentation which is repeated and only the time frames slightly change as there’s no life apart from two people sharing an apartment with a dog , both working and doing things they like and at times fulfilling relationship obligations . It is what it is , people like it , we respect it , imagine if it wasn’t even these moments happening . As long as they are both happy of their current life and status , as human beings , this is the most important .
  7. Come on ..Alana is a joke being so many months with RLC ..she’s just there because of Kristy’s wish .
  8. It’s great to see the popularity by example , two naked girls in B4 , the icon Monica and Lilith next to one another under full lights on but Esmi easily with v enjoying more viewership .. Just as simple as that with an up to date example 😇☺️
  9. All eyes on the star of Barcelona project , amazing Esmi .Finally , privacy in her room , completely nude , no pillows , great camera angle to enjoy her ..It is up to her if she satisfies first herself and obviously us or it is going to be another quite and peaceful night ? The fans stand by , let’s see the beautiful Esmi .
  10. Well , both sisters have this nice element for voyeurism , they proved that they can surprise us when we least expect it . But in my archived books , both sisters have done way much more than other girls who joined the project as “ promising stars “ only to disappoint .. A lot at the twins for example reflects to my comment ..I never ever saw any kind of sexuality by either twin while doing some private moment and of course neither of them fucked on cameras when they both had for sure the chance doing it . My conclusion is that both sisters are very much needed in RLC current business in Barcelona , the “wait for the unexpected “that they can definitely bring as they proved , it is the key element for them to keep on enjoying them.
  11. Perfect lighting in the LR so as Esmi can make us lose our brains if she decides to…..
  12. Very nice and funny atmosphere in B5 , the couples continue getting along really great .
  13. Amazing Venera ready for night action 😊
  14. I have a crazy theory that says that Zabava doesn’t “know “how to masturbate or let’s say it better , she doesn’t fancy it or feeling comfortable .The “ obligation “ of the girls to masturbate as the least of adult acts they can make on cameras , well , I don’t think it applies to her , she simply doesn’t feel doing it or as I said , I think she hasn’t done it in her life in a level that she can feel comfortable doing it on cameras .. To give a similar example , i honestly believe that Radislava has little to zero experience also on masturbating before using her first ever RLC toy after nearly 2-3 months with RLC …and when she started , she never stopped since that day , reaching a level that this ( the toy ) was part of her daily routine , even more , reaching the Ginger levels of masturbating … Anyway , both sisters could definitely show us more as it has been proven , we have the choice to simply admire them for these few moments and hope that they become more or change the channel and wait for Trinity to do something and be surprised rather than being a supporting instagram friend for the business things of Leia in Barcelona 😁
  15. She does … but in comparison to many others , she gets so very little negative comments even though this can change of course ..But she respect the viewers , she adjusted to the project and improved like nobody else did by offering adult entertainment as well .The people loved it as it came so natural and that’s why her fan base increased making her the most popular tenant . She has shown so little but the truth is that nearly everyone admires Esmi , we can tell that she resembles to Holly , although Holly has done it all on cameras .Esmi’s journey continues , the majority is happy being able to watch it through our screens and in my opinion , the nest is yet to come ..The most sensual and “ knock down “ orgasms will be presented again sooner or later .
  16. 72 / 400, 328 more performances to go in the next 2 years and 3 days
  17. Well , it is nearly a week now that we see lovely Gyana giving blowjobs after blowjobs to Dantez when she either didn’t like the first months or she didn’t feel comfortable or simply she wasn’t feeling like it ..And now , it is mandatory to have a blowjob to Dantez before their sessions .. a lovely girl that her potential is much much more to be blossomed ..let’s see .
  18. “ The President “ looking great as I hope she is successful for her hunting ..A happy and satisfied Marlene is what should be representing this girl ..All the what for a great night to our favorite Marlene , either being in front or off cameras ..Marlene has nothing to prove to anyone .
  19. 👏👏👏 She just needs to learn that she must not exaggerate .. Think of ginger and of course Leora .
  20. I never ever have a problem worshiping always the girl Leora , what is it that as a man wouldn’t I want ? Her body ? Her ass ? Her tits ? Her general female appearance ? And then we have the tenant Leora . What is it for me there to want to have Leora as a girlfriend ? A girl who doesn’t have any social life , a girl who can’t or doesn’t want be out in bars , in,pubs and share a beer , get drunk and be horny for funny reasons , a girl I can’t sit down and binge watch a series , a girl that I can’t invite my friends at home , a girl that I can’t meet her friends ? What is it for me wanting to spend my time with the tenant girlfriend Leora ? Ahh, wait , for this particular job , if I spend my time with the tenant Leora , my bank account increases ..oh well , what the fuck ? Why not .. Paul is judged here in a really non deserved negative way …But , I can’t think anyone being smarter than him .He fucks the woman that for thousands is an icon , he does whatever he wants , whenever he wants , his only problem that will hit him sooner or later ( as it happened obviously in Russia and that’s why he tried with another one ) it is the lack of having his friends , a beer or wine with them , just having a normal life as I think he wanted to have when RLC went “ blind “ in Russia .. at least he tried the normal life but as it seems the “ money honey “ or HIM LOVING LEORA ( really ?🧐🤔 ) made him wanting to have one more chance with her . In my humble opinion , this couple has some really serious issues concerning sharing life together or deeper knowing what a relationship is , but it is just my way of thinking . The hardcore fans , the ones that Leora keeps contact with them and keeps them updated , well , I do hope they will be having big smiles in 10 years time if they learn that in the end life behaved nice to these two people .We are human beings after all , nothing is more imprortant than knowing that people are happy and succeeded in life .. But the hardcore question is simply one ..Who actually believes that in the process of time this current lifestyle of this couple will be bringing them happiness in 10-15-20 years time ? It is sad that many people believe that money solve problems when in fact it is this very issue that creates problems more than anyone’s imagination ..But I guess , Paul and Leora in 20 years time they will have a big business , they will be independent and they will be inviting their endless amount of friends both in Russia and in Czech Republic to their villa to enjoy social gatherings BBQs and relaxing in the pool weekends .Let’s hope and wish for that .
  21. Make a tour around CC topics about RLC and get to realize that Leora and Paul , for the years they have with RLC , the majority considers them as boring .It is a general opinion across the forum but since your life isn’t CC or RLC as you say , you can’t know such details . I will never ever stop saying that the problem of this apartment is ANY LACK of social life in front of cameras . As for the thousand of viewers who want to watch one more camera angle of Leora’s pussy and her tits bouncing while she’s getting fucked by Paul , IT IS MY ABSOLUTE RIGHT AS A PAYING SUBSCRIBER to make my complains that “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ is happening outside of the apartment , when Leora was single . It is my right wanting to watch more than a 24 months period of loneliness and boredom and tricks on getting cameras attention .I never changed my attitude , Leora went on a journey that she realized that she can’t escape what she loves to do or find people accepting what she’s doing . There has been NOONE , NOT EVEN 1 , all of those months being able to explain reasonable , developing arguments , WHY LEORA NEVER EVER MANAGED TO BRING ANYONE at home .She wanted to be alone ? Ok ..then why she was disappearing when Malia was there twice per week ? When Malia left , it was comments after comments about salon job and bla bla bla bla and obviously that’s the truth …Suddenly there’s no salon job development , Leora obviously is introducing everyone of her circle when she’s outside with Paul ( rather than spending time I guess with Paul when he’s not working , she’s introducing him to the life she had the last 3 years 🤔 ) , Leora suddenly stopped going outside making private phonecalls , Leora suddenly reduced the amount of her portable devices ( like when you have someone in the apartment that is your friend , lover but most of all company not to feel alone , you will be spending the same amount of time on the mobile and on the IPAD ). I am an hypocrite because I never ever changed my mind of what I want to watch in this apartment like the ones who want to see one more masturbation , one more blowjob , one more fuck .It’s funny but nobody here thinks or analyzes if Paul is happy , only because of what we see and what’s said , people believe that he is happy ( yes , if the money flows , happiness prevails ..but money isn’t what bring happiness , it just makes life more comfortable ). I guess by calling me an hypocrite , you are maybe also having a life without friends visiting you in your apartment , without people spending evenings in a restaurant or a bar or a park , siting together , telling jokes , laughing , having a wine , talking about politics , sports , phone repair business , animal shelters and so on …Maybe you are also a guy that spends your days without people around so as to escape the “ bla bla bla “ moments of your girlfriend ..maybe in the end , you see at Leora’s and Paul’s life how couples and relationships should be ….YES YES I KNOW , IT IS THEIR LIFE AND THEIR WAY OF HOW WANT THINGS TO BE ..And I say , really ? Is this how they want it to be ? They both want a life exactly the way they had it in Russia, then why make such an effort and Leora move in Prague ?Hmmmm….WAIT WAIT WAIT …I AM AN HYPOCRITE AS I HAVEN’T FOUND GOOD TRANSLATORS SO FAR TO EXPLAIN ME EXACTLY HOW LEORA AND PAUL represent RLC and what this life we see from both of them means. You still didn’t answer about my wishes earlier , therefore , I wish you a nice afternoon , it is always up to you to consider it a real wish or an hypocritical gesture
  22. Truth hurts .. the results speak by itself and the facts .. they don’t even fuck on cameras nowadays .. if you think they offer anything of worth watching , I respect your opinion … but the only talks and discussions that the names of Nelly and Bogdan are referred to , it is either at the M&A topic or whenever Martina visits the villa .. I would be the first praising anything of valuable watching .. but an addicted in substances and alcohol woman and a guy who tries to balance his life being the “ golden boy “ amongst other tenants , taking care of his problematic wife , working for RLC and I don’t know what other obligations he has , well , even Leora and Paul are still more interesting than these two .. Sorry to upset you , but it is my opinion speaking the truth of what’s seen on cameras .
  23. As I have said in the past , some very few agree , the majority disagrees , having Nelly and Bogdan in the villa or sharing in general an apartment , with the tenants knowing that Bogdan at least and who knows , even Nelly , do business with RLC apart from being in front of cameras , it might subconsciously bothers the tenants , preventing them from being more open … I could say that already when they were in B4 lots of things weren’t possible ( nudity for example ) , the girls being cautious with Bogdan due to jealous Nelly’s presence , in any case the fact is that B&N kind of bringing a not good aura ( which isn’t of course their mistake but rather I would say make the others feel so .. )
  24. When these two finally leave , the forum will become a much better place when all opinions and voices will be able to be heard across all topics and not this one being a thread “ only for the few and special “ that worship the whole day and know things that because others don’t do characterize them as hypocrites when actually it is people like you that you can’t stand that others can also think differently NO MATTER BEING RIGHT OR WRONG … Leora’s and Pau’s life on cameras isn’t for you to comment as hypocrites the people who want to say something no matter what they say here .. but you are one more as it seems that grew up mostly in the middle of the previous century and you have learned things in different ways…. You still have time to learn and respect the opinions of the others rather than calling them hypocrites .. but maybe in school you learned the meaning of this word in another way . Have a nice day , it’s up to you to consider this an honest or an hypocritical wish .
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