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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Kassandra and Tim in the LR , the bedroom free for Ailey and boyfriend ..
  2. Kassandra seemed like she would be also sleeping with them , let’s see …
  3. The guy looks like he will be snoring the rest of the night 😂🤣 seems this is Ailey’s boyfriend. The guy shows his intentions .. 😁😉
  4. It’s something new from a girl who didn’t seem to like the new “ job “ and place the first days .. at least there’s something happening ..
  5. Ailey and guy both having had a shower , seems like he will be sharing the bedroom with the girls , except if Kassandra goes to Tim’s ..
  6. She was .. I totally agree .. but everything and everyone evolves .. like you , me , my good friend nagachilli2, she brought all of us as subscribers , this is many times admitted and it is the truth .. but i am not personally fascinated watching something that has become a repeated action , i am not personally impressed watching masturbation 1,500th or Leora and Paul having sex .. yes I will watch at times but only if something unpredictable happens like last night and out of nowhere , lights off , horny , she blowjobbed Paul and made him finish within 5 minutes or so .. this for me was one of the best I have seen , not for the cameras , not one more show .. B1 has a girl like Esmi that honestly you don’t know what to expect and when , Marlene with her adventures and an extreme smoking hot newcomer who looks / seems / feels ready to please the audience . But for me , ALL of the apartments ( apart from Esenia and Dima ) are interesting and fun to watch because in ALL of the apartments , everyone tries , others more other less , to have a normal on cameras lives , with friends , visitors , going out in bars , clubs , seeing participants drunk after nights out , we see human reactions , emotions , incidents , social gatherings , WE SEE A KIND OF VARIETY . I don’t know what we see except masturbation and sex in L&P apartment , thousands like it and I accept and appreciate them but I don’t and I have no problem to make my opinion public about it . After 9 years of L&P on cameras , I am expecting to see also other things in an amazing capital in Europe , it is also other things except masturbation and sex that matters and I don’t see it and i simply express my disappointment on that . Leora will always be the person synonymous to RLC but everything and everyone in life evolves , there are other people currently who offer me the excitement that Leora used to give me in the past and these people I am happy praising because I simply believe they deserve it .
  7. Let’s see if Mathilda becomes the “ 2nd Vice President “ 😉😏😈😈
  8. Of course they are when pulo posts 50 per day .. but why NONE of the other members who post in the majority of the topics aren’t appearing there ? And where are some of the longest camcaps members that used to have a voice and an opinion there ?
  9. She brought subs in a period that RLC was living the golden years .. she brought thousand viewers and she was rewarded with thousand of euros , a give and take relationship that both sides have been / are more than satisfied … but you are speaking about declining numbers and RLC dying and bla bla bla , don’t you think then that as Leora brought once the thousands she’s now having nothing new to present and that’s why RLC lost lots of its audience ? Or is it that the Barcelona apartments and the closing of Russian apartments affected the numbers and are mainly responsible ? Because for me , I once used to read dozens of comments at the Leora’s and Paul’s thread by dozens of people and now we read dozens of comments by Pulo only .
  10. Before you accused me of speaking about Leora , now you speak about Esmi when Leora is the ultimate person about “ top cam time than being natural” … maybe you can understand now even better my thoughts ..
  11. Carol is gone 😁 , maybe B1 can take some more risks now again …
  12. Read my next post so as to clarify things because the people here take things really personal when negativity or bad criticism is made for certain tenants .. For the thousandth time , Leora the girl I will always be a fan watching and admire , Leora the tenant is one of the worst and will not stop saying it till the day comes and she abandons RLC and does something “ indeed real “ with her life . I don’t mind anymore of what and how people think when I criticize Leora , it is my honest opinion and at least I have the courage to express it whenever a situation arises . As I respect whoever speaks about Leora the goddess and queen , it should be the same respect for anyone who considers Leora a really boring and bad tenant , just as simple as that .
  13. I will always praise a tenant when she fulfills my personal way of how I think of an RLC participant and I am not “ so polite “ 😂🤣 when I am personally not satisfied by a tenant’s presence , but this is always a personal opinion , it is nice when people agree and it is also nice when there are different opinions expressed , both respecting the person who writes about the tenant and the tenant herself / himself .. But I don’t think there are many people who don’t appreciate Esmi , at least nowadays , we shouldn’t forget that for a period of nearly 2 months , many forum members day in and day out were “ demanding “ for her departure .. but she changed that and even more , she actually hasn’t done nothing extreme 😇
  14. The “ magic “ with Esmi is that she learned to appreciate the viewers despite the fact that - as it was already mentioned - she was never supposed to be a GOV / single but she was accidentally set in the apartment due to the unfortunate events . The magic with Esmi is - however shouldn’t be a surprise 😏 - that I truly believe she likes that men enjoy her , speak nice about her , adore her , admire her , like her for who she is and the way she makes things - natural and genuine . The magic with Esmi is that she isn’t fooling us , she isn’t playing with us anymore , I don’t care honestly if she now plays with the cameras and tease us more and more , I just know that she’s the hottest participant and everybody who appreciate the women and the female sex can only admire this woman . The magic of Esmi is that she has a way to communicate invisible with the fans , there are people here who observe small details and therefore we know that she’s very aware of what’s mentioned about her here and the fact that she tries to satisfy more and more any logical “ requests “ , this is the biggest gift we couldn’t ever dream of or imagine 4 months ago . Esmi will remain always a girl that will be remembered for this incredible “ metamorphosis “ and transition from a girl who was in a way “ forced “ to be on cameras and never liked the idea to a girl that gradually respected , appreciated and ultimately compensated the thousands of viewers . I think this is the reason that the subscribers and her fans increase day by day , enough of the divas and posers or the do nothings , welcome to the naturals and genuine , let’s enjoy Esmi for as long as she’s part of this project .
  15. Till her next masterpiece action… 😊😉
  16. Very good observation , quite possible then and a very good theory .
  17. I do wish also from my side “ Happy Birthday “ to “ The President “ of the RLC’s girls in Barcelona , the one who simply arrived , made friends , enjoys her life in her own terms and she’s very much appreciated amongst the rest of the people in Barcelona . The term “ Girl On Vacation “ couldn’t apply better to any other than Marlene , she deserves a super incredible day with everyone who considers and wishes to be around her today , therefore - and with her social skills being a great asset - , there’s no doubt that she will have an amazing day .
  18. Very happy seeing you back with a post my good friend , you have been missed 😔
  19. Nothing more to add coming from a person who has tons of respect here 😇☺️
  20. The problem with you is that you don’t understand calling a tenant , in our example Leora as the worst because she literally does nothing else except masturbating , ironing and cleaning the house. For you it is / she is the best because this is what you are paying RLC for .Yes , how can I not enjoy the views of a beautiful natural woman , I DO LIKE HER AND I AM ALWAYS A LEORA GIRL FAN but as a tenant , what in the heaven’s world do you see ? Does she have any social life ? Friends to be proud and bring home and share an evening with them and her partner playing cards , drinking wine , having some snacks and nice social discussed life talks without worrying what will be revealed on cameras .. What is Leora offering you as a tenant ? What is she doing except posing for the cameras , checking her phone to see her RLC top replays popularity and act accordingly ? What is Leora doing as a tenant when she isn’t nude , masturbate or being fucked to keep the majority of viewers watching her apart from you of course who as I said you must have a full room - maybe even your whole house / apartment - covered with Leora’s posters when she has her legs spread like addressing you “ please please Masterchef , I am here waiting for you to fuck me , come , please , your Queen is always here “ ….. This is why the way I see it and in ddhm’s opinion ( right or wrong you need to accept it as it is an opinion like yours is to call her a Queen ) she’s offering nothing in this site of real life apart of tits , ass and pussy and of course adult entertainment content so as to satisfy all of us perverts and she does it nice but it has become repeated and boring when nothing new happens. All main talks are happening as Leora the sex performer of RLC and it is very very very rare now that people will post opinions concerning how they believe her love life with Paul is , how her social life in Prague is , how Paul has adjusted in Prague , how he thinks according to the things we see on cameras about his reconnection with her and all these kind of interesting topics … But how people can come here and discuss these normal topics when you leave your laughing and sad emojis to any comment reffed to Leora and isn’t praising her ? I can’t imagine how you must have felt and your “ need to survive “ when you lost Leora from your screens back in 2019 , you must have been a desperate soul , a lonely person like her without aim in life except trying to find out by any people who was / is in contact with her what the fuck happened and the Russian apartments closed , how she was doing , if there was any chance to come back on screens ( wish granted ) and so on … You are obsessed as you have repeatedly said and write here , nothing wrong with that , but then , it is my right to consider the TENANT Leora a really bad tenant but the GIRL Leora always and forever a girl that I would admire and like to watch . But since you are an individual with IQ below minus , I can’t expect that you understand anything of what I am trying to communicate to you , so please , let me help you , choose wisely … 😓😥🤪🤪😂🤣😂🤣 TIK TOK
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