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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Loraine’s still MIA … RLC pays the price of the total freedom that has given to its employees by doing whatever they want , whenever they want .. I wouldn’t bother seeing Loraine having 20-25 days of holidays ( or anyone else ) but when the info is “ till 1st august “ , that’s it , she should be back 1st august . Obviously , Loraine seems to be another big asset for RLC and that’s why she’s “ untouchable “ , I have repeatedly said that when the employees believe that they are more than the company that pays them , this is a big problem . In my humble opinion , this and in that range started with Tweety , Loraine who in comparison to Tweety actually deserves to do what she does for whatever she has offered to RLC , was already a tenant when Tweety was there , therefore , why not do what Tweety did ? She will come back , perhaps fuck Samson a couple of times and obligations done .. Villa things when it should be the best place to watch , are really bad … Esmi by herself and the rest of B1 and B2 make such more of interesting comments and posts in comparison to the “ sleeping “ villa tenants , epic failure by RLC and a joke with Loraine .
  2. She got the unofficial “ Queen “ title from Gina.. let’s see .
  3. Monica , if she wants and she’s interested in her job and not bored as of this stay , she can be an amazing tenant .. but I believe she has 0 interest or chemistry with any if the girls ..let’s see how it is going to be with Leia and Trinity ..We should also nit forget that Monica is the “ oldest “ single that there’s currently in the roster , as we said , Leora is the oldest permanent and then Masha and she joined back in 2015 , she has seen and lived so much , strangely enough it is Loraine who has the most days .. But Monica can make wonders ( which now she’s not that interested ) .
  4. It looks like Loraine might have lost her way back to B4 … or she became “ Tweety “ …
  5. Let’s hope that Zabava stays for some days in B1 only because Esmi has her monthly woman days …
  6. I can only say that Leia looks gorgeous , she has trained herself and you can already see how much of a difference she has even at those first moments in comparison to her previous sad and depressive stay being with one of the worst participants ever , her boyfriend Maksim .Now , it is unknown if they are taking a break and they will maybe be together again after her European adventures , but if she’s wild and “ unleashed “ as I believe that she’s in “ party mode “ Barcelona , it can be a much much better stay than her previous ones .. The only BIG question mark now is the handling of her new friend as she’s new on cameras world ..And as we all know , it is VERY VERY VERY rare that we get incredible surprises like the one and only recently departed Zara who proved to be one of the nicest we have ever seen both as a girl and a tenant .
  7. Leia has told her well , not shy first shower moments , interesting to see how the hunters will approach the girls , especially Leia who surprised us all with her on cameras actions being a COV ..
  8. They were in Mykonos I think the last days , maybe Athens - Barcelona or from her favorite Constantinople 😉
  9. After traveling in Europe , released as it seems by Maksim , lovely Leia is back with the friend who accompanies her in her recent travels ..let’s see how this symbiosis will work ..
  10. My belief is that Thor controls the relationship and Holly is the one in love with Thor .I believe that they both respect one another and they want to continue , the passion is always there but as I said since they brought this and started it on cameras , it is way too difficult to start a relationship on cameras when both are tenants and maintain it .They have no privacy and all of their actions are monitored , especially now that they live in a limited apartment like B5 and not with the luxury of the villa when they could both perhaps have the company of their friends . In any case , anytime a disagreement or argument ends with nice sex , it is the right thing to happen .We shouldn’t also forget that it wouldn’t be any strange at all that they are just having a relationship where they simply day by day find differences that they didn’t obviously know they had when they began but at least they try and they talk to one another trying for solutions or get over it. For me , it is great to watch Holly and Thor , my “ man’s “ feeling tells me that Thor likes incredibly Holly but he also likes other women and Holly simply found a guy that she believes she can finally settle down and enjoy a relationship and being with someone but there are still lots of obstacles till the guy is possibly “ completely her guy “ the way she wishes and has in her mind . The most important is the mutual respect , I really believe that the way they handle the “ stupid “ moments they want this to work out ..let’s see.
  11. I can see you start complaining .. didn’t she provide the first days or can we have any complain by RLC’s 3rd exhibitionist after Leora and Venera ? 😞
  12. A great chemistry and connection between the two couples , I was personally thinking that all these strong and powerful personalities wouldn’t make it ..All 4 of them have managed to get along excellently and their differences and common things work as it should be to enjoy the common stay .. Let’s see how the not so favor with the rest of Barcelona cast T&T will be doing with the more than great socializing with everyone Thor and Holly ..
  13. Sweet little Ulyana’s couch maybe will be discovered as what can offer from our new exhibitionist , wonderful Mathilda .. And when she finds out , well , she won’t stop 😉😏😋😈
  14. I believe we are all witnesses of some of the best and master degree level / class of sex provided by Masha and Sam . I think Masha is getting the best sex since her times with Dick who I believe ( together with her long time relationship Sasha ) have been the best we watched from her on cameras . Sam is an incredible performer , his stamina is fantastic and I think he fulfills Masha’s extreme high quality sex demands . Together they create a really great and fun couple to watch , obviously by living and enjoying a quiet and happy life since they became roommates isn’t what can create the big buzz around them and forum talks as they have no dramas , they have no difficult times , just happy for Masha finally calming down and enjoy her times with a really mature and great return on cameras Sam . Reading from good friend rado about the next destination being possibly Warsaw in Poland , I would personally wait to see if there’s any visiting in Elli and Vencel’s apartment , i wouldn’t personally be surprised to see that this couple is somehow another great discovery by Masha . Last but not least and returning back to the sex topic between the two , we all know that both have no limits and boundaries concerning sex and they have tried really much and have done things that not so many people have the chance , threesomes for example .. Proving that their sex is so great these first months together , it might be a reason that they haven’t so far introduced a third person in their adventures and experiences . And with that being said , I WOULD PERSONALLY love seeing both of them making the trip to Barcelona and watch all possible opportunities whenever Sam won’t be sightseeing Barcelona by Masha’s Barcelona friends ( Gina 🙂😉 ) or see how he can be dealing with the cast there . A 10 or so holidays period for Masha and Sam in Barcelona in front of cameras could be really great happening ..
  15. 71 / 400, 329 more performances to go in the next 2 years and 14 days
  16. Kaley and friend looking super sexy and nicely dressed for Saturday night out Barcelona 👏🏻
  17. Need to check the replay , I also didn’t have the time to read the comments ( which I believe they were made ) , you always get an idea what you missed or how fans react to certain incidents 😇
  18. “ Almost “ isn’t “ Thank you Esmi “ for providing 😜😁
  19. I totally agree , this is I think her next step that the fans wait , a bate with natural light or even with lights on so we can simply sit back and enjoy her in all of her glory 😋😋😎
  20. The most popular current participant is teasing once again .. Considering that it is the end of the month weekend and the payrolls are expected , let’s see what Barcelona holds for the next 48 hours across its apartments …
  21. Yep , i would also say Esmi being 33 surprises me a lot , on the other hand , Eastern European countries girls , it is very normal looking much younger than originally are . We will find out on her birthday 😁😉😏
  22. I think she said she goes to Rome on Friday and come back on Sunday .
  23. Their place or RLC , it is a disgrace that in 2022 , RLC with two villas and 43 active on cameras payroll employees , they have 2 of them living in this place …It is kind of a strange deal or like two people contacted RLC and asked if the responsible installation cameras department visit their apartment ( since you say it is theirs ) and make a contract for online broadcasting ..
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