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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. At least the topic named “ Road to 8/24 “ can finally gather some opinions and not having the “ repeated daily recorded life data “ as presented in the main posted topic without anyone POSTING A DAMN THING except “ oh , look at Leora’s behind view “ , “ oh , how much I would have loved to such those tits “ “ oh , give me this pussy to fuck 24/7 “… At least ddhm’s topic here can host a variety of other things to say except praising the Queen , The King , The daughter and whatever more …Tahnks for the attention of the repeated anthology posts guys and the views , I wonder how such a hatred person here can still be in your posts and not “ IGNORE BUTTON “ , helping courtesy of the CamCaps people behind the scenes ..I do wonder why my STUPID AND BULLSHIT opinions aren’t being ignored in a topic that I created to post the statistics after Masterchef masturbates to Leora’s masturbations or while Paul is fucking her and I JUST SIMPLY record data the statistics while Pulo record data the daily happenings in the apartment…oh well , it is what it is 😇😇☺️
  2. Hypocritical eh ? Where’s your opinion except sex and masturbation for Leora and Paul ? Where’s your opinion of what is going in these two peoples lives ? Where’s your opinion of why Leora has stop doing her gymnastics , Eva being a complete non trained dog ? Where’s your opinion about TWO RLC people and not “ oh , and that’s why we love leora , she does whatever she wants whenever she wants “ and all this repeated crap by the worshipers who look that everything is smoking hot between the two … Not even a reference according to your opinion why Leora never visited Paul in Russia during all this time , you and your minions accusing , burying , attacking , offending with characterization anyone wishing to have a different opinion here … CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IT DOESN’ T MATTER IF AN OPINION IS RIGHT OR WRONG BUT THE BIGGEST GIFT WE HAVE AS CIVILIZED PEOPLE IS BEING ABLE TO EXPRESS AND WHOEVER WANTS TO COMMENT ABOUT IT CIVILIZED AND DEMOCRATICALLY? But what am I wondering again and going into trouble here , continue ruining the topic with hypocritical posts kind of “ Leora and Paul is great but I can’t approve a guy who acted violent and abused his long years girlfriend “ …enjoy the show dragged by Leora’s pussy and Paul’s cock , they for sure aren’t hypocritical when they fuck …perhaps only thinking their previous short time partners who helped them become slightly better with sex 😂🤣😂🤣… Hypocritical because I don’t hide and I say always with passion and strong belief what I have in mind even proved wrong in the process …Hypocritical because my theories and opinions are different than the 95% of the people who watch this couple only to see how Leora masturbates , sucks and swallows and don’t GIVE A DAMN SHIT ABOUT THE COMPETE ZERO SOCAIL LIFE OF THIS COUPLE which could be a great topic to debate and allow everyone post and share the thoughts and theories …yes ,you are the hypocritical hiding behind your preaching about other people and not even once judging yourself ..but what can we expect in this topic other than people like you …
  3. Ohh boy , here we go again 🤐🤐😂😝😜🤪
  4. What’s going on with you Brokk ! ? What is it that we are almost sorry ? What are you talking about masturbation on demand ? Leora masturbates for the audience now firstly and then for herself , at least that’s my opinion .She will never ever wake up horny to blowjob Paul or Paul horny to fuck Leora out of nowhere . All the masturbations are happening on standard time frames ,most of the times facing the cameras as part of a show and hardly ever natural . I don’t mind shows personally but as i have said , Leora’s time for me has personally expired and I don’t understand why shouldn’t I say this like the people who praise , what are you talking now about ? Do you forget that for a year and more you and some others you were expressing your disappointment when nothing was happening between Leora and Malia ? Wasn’t it like an indirect demand that you wanted to see more between two straight women and you were getting frustrated ? What are you talking about that I can’t express here what I would like to see and that is a more normal life , a more social life of two people who look isolated and with their own agenda in Prague ? I might be wrong and everyday when they go out they enjoy sometimes moments by their own and many others with friends that we will might never seen on camera ..This personally I don’t like, , why can’t i express my disappointment if this is part of the content I would like to see from Paul and Leora ? Why can’t i say what I would like? Come on …don’t become like the others except if anything that has a different opinion is buried here because it downgrades the Queen .. Take a look at other topics how opinions are discussed and expressed and aren’t only enough of the constant good storytelling that should be expressed here when in other topics we read about prostitutes , whores , drug dealers , Neanderthal men , cave men , losers and whatever and the talks keep on .. I have always had an opinion for a more social apartment , Leora can’t even bring Max as the guy who now uses emojis to communicate made a laughing emoji to pulo earlier mentioning it but when they were making laughing or sad emojis to him he was getting annoyed and frustrated . This Leora topic is the most shitty place in the forum without the ability for anyone to express negativity towards Leora because everything should be presented like “ THIS IS THE BEST AND MOST LOVING AND REAL AFFAIR “ we are experiencing and we should praise it from the time Leora and Paul wake up till the moment they sleep , this place is burying continuously different opinions which obviously express and show a negativity ... People believe in the relationship and say it again and again , I don’t understand if I don’t believe it why I should be not saying it here ..what makes me different than you that you believe that it is all great in planet love and for me as a person and individual when I watch a woman preferring to close the door and masturbate , preferring to keep her apartment away from others and all of the things I have at times mentioned , I consider it and believe that it shows an unhealthy situation ? Who are you to judge my opinion as wrong when I present you my point of view with arguments ? Why should I come and praise when it isn’t praising in my eyes watching two people who have no on cameras connection to the rest of the world and for me as an RLC subscriber I would like to see ? Aren’t you paying to watch Leora masturbate and fuck or i don’t know what and you are happy because you get what you want from this apartment and why not I can’t say that I would like to see Paul and Leora preparing party for their friends in Prague , seeing them drinking wine and having smiles ? Where am I wrong saying my opinion of how I would like to see this apartment at times working ? Anyone can feel happy and proud and smiley watching Leora masturbating and getting fucked and praising it and me who I would FINALLY like to see two more social people not being able to express it here …Come on please , are we adults talking here and exchanging thoughts or are we trying to demolish and bury different opinions that are trying to make their way at the topic ? Where are so many other dozens of forum members who comment EVERYWHERE at the rest of the apartments and they don’t dare to write anything here because they will get abused and bullied sharing what I am also saying here ..but they have chosen peace and relaxation than going in an infinite back and forth useless discussion … come on please .
  5. First “ serious “ shades of how Holly loves rough sex with Thor using the belt for some really heavy spanking 😈😈 bringing back her times with Bruno …
  6. I don’t know if others have noticed or it is a wrong seeing by my side ( perhaps it has been mentioned so I apologize in advance ) but it looks like Yanai ,at least during this stay and since they rejoined , isn’t spending mucin time in the apartment . I don’t know if it has to do with his real life job or any obligations , but there haven’t been many times that there has been a full let’s say week with them being at home . I don’t say that the relationship is bad or anything like this , Carla and Yanai continue being an excellent idea to have them on screen but it just feels like Yanai is also committed to other things during this period and can’t be in the apartment for long periods ( if I remember correctly , it has been mentioned that he is a father , so even this at this period plays its role ) .Anyway , as long as we get the lovely guests and soon to be seeing a lot lot lot more , it is all great 😊
  7. As was said , clever and educated , she won’t need this in the short or long term .
  8. Well .. This now confirms that Kristy has developed a closer connection with RLC management and they ask either her opinion or if she can help with tenants ..perhaps her crossroads decision taking not abandoning RLC after her first 3 months and deciding to stay in Barcelona , put her on the sane category as what I am calling “ RLC loyal and faithful soldiers “ , in this category belong girls like Holly , Monica , Lorraine , Kristy , Nelly , girls that when RLC needs them are coming back or also when they wish they can get back due to this relationship . So , we had Karol in B1 being in charge , we have B2 and Kristy in full control ( I don’t know how Alana’s example will make the “ new girl “ be any different ) , Nelly and Bogdan in B7 , Holly in B5 , Lorraine and Monica in B4 ..Leys hope and wish to a nice stay of girl 217 , welcome back Kaley 😇😊
  9. I will obviously take into account the opinion and observation but sorry to say , it has never occurred to me ,so I can’t be really objective on that .This might get some opinions here , let’s see what will be posted 😊
  10. Well , if we are lucky and Esmi keeps on enjoying the stay as she does like the last months , we maybe get to enjoy her for 3 years as with the European Union Ukrainians refugees law . But for sure , a clever girl and educated girl like Esmi should also know when the time to abandon this life has come and finally make the life like the rest of each and everyone one of us and not dragged into this world which eventually and as we have seen with long term participants like Leora and Nelly for example change you completely . Very nice post , it is the “ Summer Of Esmi “ , so many interesting and nice talks and opinions here about a girl who has captivated us simply because she’s real , original , genuine and authentic. And to ruin a bit my comment making it naughty 😂 , I CAN NEVER EVER remember any girl in history having these kind of orgasms like Esmi has , long and exhausting , knocking her down , her sessions are a masterpiece to watch and this is something really unique ..The time she will do full open approaches, can’t think the “ red hot 🥵 “ of the forum talks 😇
  11. I will start slowly believing that when the Russian apartments closed , RLC “ forced “ Leora and Paul to separate themselves from their common life , “ RLC “ forced Leora to go to Prague and live there and it wasn’t a decision that Leora took with Paul … the funny thing is how such an important massive life changing decision was made not even in one month’s time and the more funny thing for me is that IT WAS NEVER EVER mentioned by any person who was posting back in the days of the Russian apartment that Leora and Paul used to have , say rarely , say occasionally , say whatever , discussions of abandoning Russia and living in Europe . So , let us remember that they both wanted to live in Prague when ? As soon as Leora moved there and got dragged by the European’s life fairy tale living ? ( let’s wait when they have their own apartment , no free bills , rental and so on , when they get their real life ) As soon as Paul returned to Russia after visiting to Prague and finding another girlfriend making Leora realize that she does really need to find a way to bring Paul back and that’s why she also found a boyfriend ? Or… I say maybe , or…this Leora’s boyfriend proved to be not the guy she believed it was when she first met him , he proved not to be a substitute of her sweet one and only beloved Paul ( really , have you ever wondered why Leora showed him to us on cameras - of course it might have been an “ accident “ and Leora positioned herself wrong in the camera so as to see him or why she would go away on private phonecalls with him or when she wanted she would reveal his name to us ) and then - one day - she realized that there’s only one person who understands her ,who makes her feel that she’s someone and not taking advantage of her and this is her one and only beloved Paul …Still , it remains a mystery to me where all these people that Leora met the last 3 years have disappeared and there’s no contact anymore …except of course visiting some of them when they go out with the dog in the afternoons..Oh well , let’s take the theory that both wanted to live in Prague and let’s see what the future brings l..To be honest , the life so far is a complete copy / paste of what was in Russia .. People here and Leora obviously find it interesting and exactly how life of a modern couple in a modern European city and capital should be . Well , if this is how the life in central / north Europe is , I feel BLESSED of where I live 😇😇
  12. I didn’t know that I am not allowed to post repetitive boring anthologies and I should “ obey “ and be dictated of what and when I should write it . Is there any rule here saying what anyone should be posting and I have skipped it ? Why aren’t you so “ sensitive “ with pulo filipe’s posts who dominate 70-80 per cent of the topic’s traffic or of Masterchef and aren’t you using the same language to them thst you use towards me ? I do very much wish you had the life I had , honestly . It would actually at times make you think “ why do I try to spend some of my time here at an adult forum when I get to enjoy , feel , experience all the fun of what a Greek island can offer when millions of people are paying to do it for 1-2 weeks per year and I can have it for free for nearly 8 months “ …This I agree , I can’t explain why I bother many times to stop by here , I guess there are some really good people in social platforms that you can actually exchange some nice theories and opinions about a hobby that we like to watch and not complain because the repeated whatever comments cause whatever bad feelings because they don’t praise people according to what people want to read here . It’s a forum , all entitled to an opinion either you like it or not , then we should go to dictatorship and be instructed what , when ,where and how to write and communicate it .
  13. 👏🏻👏🏻 This is a theory I could never admit 😇😇 But then , it is Thor having fallen for the wrong girl so as losing the benefit of living in a villa in Barcelona ? This is indeed a really great theory of perhaps the girls being the hunters 😊
  14. I do hope Leora gets a life where she can have friends who made in Prague the last 3 years visit her and her beloved partner , I do hope Leora gets a life and live in an apartment to have hobbies , enjoy it , decorate it , make it feel unique and special for her beloved partner . I do hope Leora gets a life where she and her beloved partner can visit other people , make weekends in nearby cities like Ostrava or Brno , visit Austria for example or Germany , I do hope Leora gets a life and instead of the repeated exposure shows she makes , to use some of her show times for something to make skills better . I do agree , Leora needs to get a life except if it is really happy for her not being fucked from her boyfriend and go in the nearby guest room to give a show for her fans so as to feel that someone is really interested in her more than her beloved partner’s real job who most of the time seems to be more important than the girl he didn’t see for nearly 3 years . We do agree then , Leora does need a social life , imagine if one day they break up …
  15. He got the girl exactly as Daniel , after pursuing her a lot and being drunk .. the comment results isn’t a surprise like Daniel’s with Holly ..even the “ no “ was heard …Kassandra surrendered as she wanted finally to be fucked , was it because she wanted to “ get rid of Tim” , was it because she was finally “ fragile “ for him to have her , the result is that they both ended up doing what they wanted .
  16. Usually , if a woman stops the guy to go down , either she feels “ not fresh and pussy smelling “ or obviously not liking the licking .. After watching Kassandra being heavily drunk in B5 and most probably visiting the loo plenty of times to piss , she must have not feeling comfortable being licked .. But we will find out soon when Part 2 occurs 😉
  17. Quick update so we know what’s going on 😂🤣😂🤣 Hunters results Thor = 2 ( Oks , Holly ) Samson = 1 ( Lorraine ) Tim = 1 ( Kassandra ) TO BE CONTINUED 😏
  18. First departure of the day .. Amira … She was brought back , she was given the master bedroom , she went on holidays during her Barcelona holidays , nobody understood what she was doing in the villa except getting a nice color from the sun and doing it naked , Also , on her last day , she decided to offer a private moment in the jacuzzi , kind of “ Thank you guys , thank you TLC for allowing me to spend a big part of summer 22 in Barcelona rent free “ . I think not even RLC understands why they brought her back when they have dozens waiting . Big fan of Amira here but final conclusion …. SHE WON’T BE MISSED . P.S TIP ; Maybe Monica can now be a bit herself having the master bedroom for herself ..
  19. Holly and Thor kind of having a disagreement again , Thor looked angry , perhaps Samson trying to talk some words to Holly now .
  20. And the women when they are around Thor , shows that if this guy had stayed single in the villa , he would compete with Marlene as who would have the more partners ..😉😏
  21. Kassandra is drunk , she’s around Thor all the time avoiding Tim..With her dress and dancing moves she’s super sexy , Tim had a “ killing “ look to Thor when Kassandra was dancing teasing him minutes ago …Funny 😁😆
  22. Sorry , Esmi is home ..Change of channel and watch The Lady 😇😇☺️
  23. Yes , they are back , after watching the replay , the photo frames look “ empty “ due to NV , so , it was a lights paradox 😆..As far as their absence is concerned , Linda took very nice care of herself , make up and lots of perfume and Tibor looked quite smart … it was then nothing bad , I don’t want to dig the archives now but I would “ irresponsibly “ 😁😆🥸 speculate that maybe they had one day for themselves maybe for wedding anniversary , they got married in summer 2020 during Covid and that’s why the speculation . All in all , they are back and let’s see Linda’s behavior during the weekend .
  24. The “ President “ and the “ Vice President “ sharing the same area once again after quite some time .. Add irresistible Esmi , everybody loves Holly , the Radiclone Mathilda , The Hunters , and the B7 newcomers , well , that’s an interesting night with only Lilith missing to be wild … Still , would have liked to have Tereza there …
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