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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. There are few people in Leora’s topic that I know I can have some back and forth respectful chats despite disagreeing ..We disagree currently on how we see Leora but this , me personally , doesn’t prevent me from knowing I can always communicate with you and say what I have in mind , even if it is another opinion .. yes , i might get you mad and you might show your anger commenting in a negative way of my post but you respect what it is written .. there are few others here who do so , I don’t see why i shouldn’t express in a post how my thoughts on this subject are and that’s why I felt like replying to you and explain myself 😇☺️
  2. We might be getting someone who will cause much controversy … 😉😏
  3. Instead of having what you are wishing and enjoying , you always need to degrade a person’s physical appearance .. I wonder if you have a beer belly that you are characterized as a “ fat man “ or grey hair and named “ old man “ or grandfather . You are keeping on going off rules insulting tenants .. Their body , their freedom and choice to do what they like , we can say it doesn’t look nice or it makes her lose her femininity or whatever but calling someone a name - and you do it to many tenants - shows disrespect to the people who provide for your 1$ per day as you say .
  4. At this point , I would personally love to see Sam : Masha / Eva / Matvei in Barcelona and sharing either B6 or have some common times in a villa party or anything similar .. and to be even more wilder with thoughts , I would love to see Sam around some singles in Barcelona , but with Masha also around 😎
  5. Well , maybe Bali is still happening but with delay ? Maybe because she was on another trip before finally moving to Bali very soon and that’s why her suitcases were left behind ? She clearly said it to Luna , what purpose did she have to lie ? As for my excitement , it is all about seeing a summer / holidays story with limited time , girl or guy meet one another and they live an incredible tensed situation , whoever has lived this , it is simply the definition of summer holidays in Europe being young 😁. You go for the sun , sea and peace and you get also the sex …the three famous “ s “ of tourism , sea , sun , sex ..But here we see a real story unfolding and developing in Barcelona where so many people speak about scripts , actors , directors and I don’t even know what else , well , this is all wonderful what’s happening , that’s all ..Especially when everyone was laughing about the blue balls when Holly was about to leave for Amsterdam and I was 1000% sure with my thoughts that it never happened more because there was the problem of time ..You can tell that this is real and I am just excited for Holly seeing her happy , smiley and finally having found a guy who actually cares about her , especially knowing how he is going to be when she finally departs and when he knows how she’s going to be when she leaves Barcelona .
  6. Such stories that happen out of nowhere , create some of the best memories and moments .. They will enjoy and share it the maximum as much time as it has been left and they will both continue their lives .. i find it extraordinary that we are witnessing a true , genuine and honest real life moment of something that occurred on cameras and grew stronger in front of them and not off cameras .. even these two journeys by Holly , developed even more the appreciation between these two and realizing that they enjoy one another . Summer stories with expiration dates are wonderful but also cause some “ missing “ feelings if you don’t proceed fast with your things to do .. I hope both Thor and Holly concentrate on the tasks they had before developing this relationship ..Still , watching them interacting , you can see how much they are into one another .. And further more , for anyone doubting , Holly currently gains nothing of it and the exposure …
  7. The best is that both will continue with their lives , they will enjoy , live , experience , be crazy …Anything ..but at the end of the day , they will know that they can text , videocall , see and listen to one another and have good feelings again .. this is how you keep things open and interesting ,honesty and sharing all , nothing to be afraid that the friendship will remain .
  8. This is really a beautiful story between Thor and Holly ..whoever has lived such sudden adventures , can maybe understand my point .. summer , Barcelona , a villa , enjoying shisha , drinks , nice talks , kissing and cuddling , genuine and real moments which give you and create in your mind unforgettable memories .. an out of nowhere real life relationship which occurred on cameras , unexpectedly and will last even when these two people won’t be in our screens ..well done Holly and Thor .
  9. Loraine is the diva of divas …she controls ( she believes ) all .. we will see how her summer proceeds …
  10. Loraine back on her usual habits , whispering and hiding from cameras to the new girls ..pfff.. i correct as they can be seen and heard from 2.9 ..
  11. It might be like that but that night , I think oks and Karen were sleeping if I remember correctly ..in any case , you can clearly see that their presence is for sure keeping things under certain respected rules due to everyone knowing their history with RLC ..
  12. Poor Bogdan’s mistake though swallowing all for a woman who has repeatedly hurt him . but him , always there , next to the woman he loves , not giving up on her ..that’s why he is a great guy amongst other things .
  13. I think Thor and Holly have discussed in complete understanding and in exhaustion the RLC job .. They both understand the business , they know what’s at stake .. I think this is their secret , they have managed to walk a same path of fully understanding one another in very serious subjects and this makes them have formatted an incredible relationship ..two people who think alike I believe , it is just that all happened out of nowhere .. but they will do what’s best for business and i think they will always have a great respect and understanding to one another , I think these two will always be next to the other , they simply like each other’s company ..
  14. The weird thing between Loraine and Samson continues ..Let’s see if Holly’s presence affects their story somehow ..
  15. Good points that the way B7 runs is in complete influence of N&B.. the loud music on and off has been referred here exactly as you mention it as well.
  16. I thought it would be a GF 😏😏😏🤓😝
  17. Nelly’s and Bogdan’s presence , apart from the hardcore fans who I believe want to watch anything again between Martina and Nelly , I don’t think it offers anything worth watching .. you can see it from the reactions even here at the forum , their presence is indifferent .. whatever we could see from them , good or bad , drama or passion , it has all happened .. RLC should move on with content that pleases the subscribers , that can bring potential new customers and not recycling content that is completely drowned ..
  18. I don’t know this information , so , here it is an explanation then 😇
  19. Well , maybe this is what frustrates even more the people watching .. not only knowing that Bogdan is an RLC employee but he is gaining double being a tenant , sharing a room with a woman who is unwatchable at the moment .. let’s see what happens ..
  20. You can’t just like this fly back and forth to Bali , enter the country for two - three days and return in Europe ..Holly with her passport entering Indonesia is easy , get the 30 days visa and voila..so , it is more than what we know 🤠
  21. More than appreciation to the brief and to the point resumes , I need to learn by you 😂👏🏻👏🏻🙏🙏
  22. To be honest , this is “ real life “ at its best when people that don’t belong anymore with RLC behave like they would do in their daily lives .. Since the “first goodbye “ of Holly to visit Amsterdam , you could see an incredible bond between these two people , anybody could see that they loved one another’s company ..But plans had been set in motion and were difficult to change .. now , they prove to be adults and take the right decisions so far , so let’s see if original plans change due to “ unpredictable fortunate events “ 😇
  23. Curious to see if Holly is going to have sex when not under contract ..🤨
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