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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The most important at the moment I believe is to keep the sisters separated .. the transformation is happening and hopefully it remains 😉☺️
  2. Nobody could think some days ago what we would see from Esmi ..I think one of the biggest surprises ever in the existence of this site was to watch a GOV being shy and taking a shower with her bikini , only to be fucked on cameras 72 hours later 😁.. I think these two sisters might be in the end the most unpredictable 😆
  3. Well ..they could always send the less watched I believe tenants of them all , Nelly and Bogdan and give the room to Holly ..it is very simple 😊😊😊😊 In my estimation , we have two complete edges , the one that “ everybody loves Holly “ and the other “ everybody want Nelly out “…or am I wrong ? 🧐
  4. Will Esmi go one step further tonight ? 😉😋😈
  5. 54 / 400, 346 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 2 months and 14 days Tik Tok
  6. HOLLY….WTF??? 😳😳😳 With a BCN tag small suitcase ..
  7. Esmi’s change in front of cameras exposure is incredible .. stop caring being nude or walking nude when just even days ago , she would be against the cameras , shy , wearing underwear quite fast and other tiny details .. Esmi 🙏🙏👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  8. Still .. the question is very simple … how different things were and what did the girls do more before the “ whatever characterization “ guys appeared ? Don’t you think that the girls are feeling nice with them around and they enjoy their presence ? Or are they too 🤐🤐🤐 to show or express their frustration with the guys being around ? Because then we talk about girls who have no personality at all in order to open their mouth and speak of what they want .. at the end of the day , look at Amira , she doesn’t give a fuck of who’s around ..
  9. I think the “ difficult “ thing for everyone is the first time .. I expect only getting better 😇
  10. I agree 🤗..despite her obvious outside activities 😏
  11. Esmi finally feels free , war issues have been managed to be able to be handled , I hope I am right when I say that this might be Esmi’s summer 🙂🙂.. I can’t think another current tenant that the members here want to watch more than her .. she’ seems to be the next big RLC thing 😊..and let’s hope that RLC respects her in comparison to what they have done to the recent departed 4 villa girls ..
  12. Which makes it even more amazing what she showed to all of us with her very first ever personal moment despite her condition ..thinking more and more about it , this was one of the best moments as thinga said , only because of whatever we have seen by her since she joined nearly 3 months ago ..
  13. You know I have the maximum respect on you and I appreciate all of our private talks .. I had never or will ever have anything against you .. I stopped being interested in the RLC tenant Leora since last summer and seeing Malia departing… I am always a big fan of the girl Leora but the girl Leora I see daily and interact in my real life so I am not impressed in order to communicate it here for a tenant that has her own fanatical audience of 9 years .. I appreciate , respect , admire and enjoy the girl Leora but the tenant Leora is one of the biggest jokes since her movement in Prague and I have even stopped caring what’s written of her at her topic , regardless , I read any information so as to see what people think and believe .. I am very aware of my contribution at this site ( CamCaps ) , I know people o appreciate and people who do the same despite me being negative , positive , angry or whatever about any other tenant at the rest of apartments and no matter differences , with the majority is a mutual respect in commenting and analyzing and so on .. There are few people I have insulted here ( ONLY AFTER I WAS ATTACKED ) which has been a very big mistake as it goes against my character , that is being a very calm , relaxed and easy going person that i always prefer to keep my pride down or whatever so as for an argument to end … BUT , I am not willing to answer or give attention or make trollers happy here that the only thing they know to do is characterizing me , calling me names and giving me reasons to answer back simply because I have a different opinion about the tenant Leora and I am not BENDING the knee to express whatever positive for the tenant Leora , who as I said , for my own perspective of what I am expecting of RLC and what advertises , she’s one of the worst tenants .. I have learned to treat tenants and members with respect , there are many here who simply post so as for their inner problems to be expressed and feel relieved and simply degrade others to feel superior .. I am trying not to be part of this game and I think I am improving .. I have many times talked with StnCld and we have a great understanding here , I systematically insisted on the CC’s responsibles to do something with a multi years CC member who was poisoning the site and keeping forum members away , I am happy and proud that I had a small role played on that for his removal .. I will keep swallowing insults and personal attacks and I AM the one to choose whose worth of my attention and worths my time to initiate chat forum interactions .. I might be 20-30 years younger than the majority who inhabit Leora’s topic but I prefer to act and behave in more mature and educated manner and behavior than them…. I HAVE NOT , I DON’T AND I WILL NEVER characterize any forum’s members here as BULLSHIT as many people especially at this topic here do . I have learned to respect the posts and opinion even if they are wrong in my eyes or inside RLC knowledge allows me to know things as well . Stay safe , you know my appreciation on you and you know that I HAVE NEVER answered any negative way back to whatever you have written me here , there’s no need to as I know the quality and good intentions of your character and personality .
  14. I simply don’t agree with the +24 hours absence of a tenant not to be communicated by RLC …. I have blamed repeatedly Leora and Malia doing this in the past , it is the same now .. I don’t care whose responsibility is , but such things should be communicated better , especially when a fresh tenant is on screen and as we know , the amount of CC members is significantly a small percentage amount than the actual RLC subscribers , meaning that people watch empty beds without knowing .. in my opinion , more than 24 hours of absence should be indicated , perhaps RLC doesn’t want to hurt the image of “ having “ people browsing the main page and seeing many absent tenants .. that’s why also they announce the newcomers very fast rather than the departed ones .. marketing still rules 😆
  15. It’s been a long time we agreed .. at least when we do , there are no doubts 😊
  16. Maybe you learned a lesson that in life you need to wait when things aren’t dependent on you but from others .. we weren’t most of us here stupid defending the sisters and analyzing reasons for months , even like this , Esmi is still a big surprise of so much that she has shown .
  17. You know that something special happened today by who reacts in this topic here and with what emojis 😂🤣🤪🤪and of course from the posts from the @Thestarider…ddhm said it or not some days ago ? ☺️☺️🙏🙏 faith and patience is the key .. Esmi won fans because she is genuine , authentic and not a camera girl .. yes she might become but people want finally to see authenticity , something new and play with the incredible endless desire of the voyeur , that is wanting to watch someone who for months we suspected that she’s sexual , erotical, sensual and just minutes ago she blossomed at a 90% , imagine when she makes it fully open…. Or more like her sister did 😋😋😋😈😈 Esmi’s statement for the doubters and now all of us Europeans can go and sleep with a smile 😊
  18. When anyone understands how special and unique was what Esmi did , then the members of this forum here will have matured a lot .. No show , no lights , a pure female hormones moment , yes , the cameras for sure in the mind not feeling as comfortable as doing it in her own home , BUT , pure pleasure for herself , no phone checking , no time to watch prime times , just a woman who might felt FREE and wanted to make a statement first for herself and then for anyone watching .. Just think that this woman she got the master room for herself … Esmi , the baby steps that became giant today , as was mentioned , the best is yet to come in one of the most sensual experiences we have seen , as it was expected of course from a girl that we are SHOUTING she is incredibly sexy and amazing for months now , ESMI RISES …
  19. ESMI…….. 😋😋😋😋😋 FOR ALL THE DOUBTERS ….. 😋😋😋😋😈😈😈😈
  20. All very promising .. enjoy all whatever is about to happen ..time to see what and where Kristy could maybe have reached with them …
  21. The girl must be Japanese 😊
  22. They speak English to her , I think then that it might be a finally successful search for a girl to participate or be a member in a nice triangle … Excellent development with a girl that doesn’t look shy .. time to see where finally Eva and Matvei stand as there have been many controversial discussion that either of them have limits ..
  23. Very interesting development with the first outsider friend ready to go to the famous and standard Eva and Matvei warm up routine .. the bathtub is filling of water , I think the sauna will be used , can it be that we are surprised out of nowhere ? Welcome to the guest girl 😋😋
  24. I think that in 2,5 weeks , seeing a guy having fucked 2 girls , flirted easily other 2 ( Kristy & Zara ) and in general the girls when he speaks paying attention to him and liking his general behavior , I can’t consider him brainless …As for Samson , he is less talented as an individual than Thor but only for targeting Loraine and having managed to give her a nice vibe again and make her - at lest for my taste - watchable rather than the “ghost “she had transformed and having lost so many kilos due to not appetite and sadness / depression , he is ok in my books . We always complain for girls that join and do nothing rather than living rent free and taking advantage of RLC facilities and amenities . For me , the guys have made the girls look more interesting and fun to watch , let’s be honest here , women love men attention , being in discussions , showing off …the presence of other GOV has always been a competition like “ oh , I am prettier , have bigger boobs “ and so on but now the guys can actually make the girls take care even more themselves , feel jealous if either of them flirts someone , small , little stories that I believe will be causing real life incidents .. One last comment is that for sure I am expecting the guys to also hunt outsiders but come on , the guys have done what girls have been doing ( that means nothing 😂🤣 ) nothing for months with tenants we saw recently .. As for Nelly and Bogdan , their presence is indifferent for me , they are there for RLC reasons which I personally don’t like and I am disappointed but I have the choice now to not watch them as there are other plenty of choices . I am an Amira fan although I don’t agree with her lips work ( she and Babi destroyed a lot .. ) , Loraine is the most gorgeous GOV , Zara is fantastic , Lilith I think will surprise , Oks is interesting and fun to watch , sociable and for me she’s the female Thor if I may say so and Karen , well , she has some personal issues as it was revealed and time is needed . One of the sisters is arriving , let’s see how it goes . The ideal would have been to have on screen Ulyana , Harley and Olivia , as we saw today and I was very pleased , finally sweet little Ulyana might have found someone and Olivia looked in a good mood . I would have also liked Cecilia but in general , I think the content is much more interesting and watchable than when we had for months Holly and Tweety and Loraine in their rooms and just some action every now and then by Ulyana .. Let’s be patient and give time , the summer is upon us , the parties have returned ( I try to remember any major event last year in the villa , especially after Tesla and Elian and their early incidents and I can’t ) , the mood and relationships are not bad , let’s see .
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