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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Well , the alcohol came in effect 😁 . Good night and let’s see how it goes the next days or they will be “ shaking hands “ again .
  2. Then the arrangements have been done … STILL … there’s also Lali’s bed 😛
  3. Harley HAS SUFFERED always ( of course I don’t know how much of her it is a fault ) , she had the couch in her first stay and fiora took the bedroom , in the villa she was mostly sleeping on the bed and Harley in the LR , in general it was always Harley under the shadow of fiora . It is an ongoing problematic relationship , just recently I expressed my thoughts why , I really believe mostly has to do with the age difference , Harley is around 28-29 and Fiora at her early 40s . I am going with Harley on this , it wasn’t the first time she seemed pissed off with Fiora so it isn’t a coincidence . Fiora is great as she loves the cameras ( I mean she even persuaded lovely Cecilia to join 😉 ) but I think maybe she needs another roommate or place to be . It’s not nice watching the girls sharing a place not being able to communicate or moments in the heavy deep of the night like that .
  4. Hmmm …. let’s see if the ongoing issues can be a reason for Fiora to move in the empty villa room , Ulyana in her former apartment and the master bedroom in B2 given to another one , maybe Nadia .
  5. Now Fiora like crying , pff , disaster . That’s why Sambuka visits a lot of times , that’s why Harley goes to Ulyana when her first months she wouldn’t go anywhere . I am sorry to say and it might be completely wrong but it is like RLC forced Fiora to Harley so as the place won’t be vacant when Ulyana left .
  6. Sometimes we men are so stupid , we want to prove our masculinity but simply it isn’t working .. and instead of stopping , we are embarrassing ourselves . The guy offer Harley other services than trying to fuck when he can’t for whatever reasons .’
  7. There are lots of issues between them the last month or more . Harley was always at the shadow of Fiora , always being the “ secondary “ on choosing what to do , where she sleeps and so on . As many have said , Harley LOVES being with Ulyana , with Fiora looks like “ SHE HAS TO “ .
  8. Well , at least we know why she brought him , he is her “ letting go off her anger “ mister , using a guy but as long as he scores , both happy I guess 😁
  9. I think they are both drunk , the giy couldn’t get it hard , even Harley seems uncertain , at times avoiding him and not wanting more and others like “ WTF , let’s do it “ … Harley has perhaps one of the best pussies across whole TLC , a total niece of art .. And now with Fiora disaster , very difficult cosharing the apartment … AGAIN SEEN .
  10. This I never blame , it’s the same with us men , it is always what you are searching ( sex , partnership , company so as not to be alone , fun and at times revenge to the other sex because there’s this famous expression “ all men ( women ) are shit 😂🤣 , depends who says it , when people are hurt in the heart ) . The problem is that most people when they start something , they never really know what they are searching and they expect to discover on the way . It is again the famous “ we will see how it goes “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. I have analyzed ( in my opinion 😁 ) the reasons she was with him , speculations of course , but reasons 😂 . Now , for me looks today like a “ revenge “ to herself for yesterday . I think this guy was her date or flirt last night but he was seen also flirting Fiora and at times behind her back and Fiora didn’t look to “ shut him off “ and this made her angry I think and also frustrated with Fiora . I didn’t watch that detailed but that’s how it looked to me . Oh well , she had really 1-2 nice guys that really seemed to care for her but I think she’s also a difficult character .
  12. At NV conditions , it is like watching Paul of Leora’s 😂
  13. Harley and her men choices … Such a beautiful woman and the majority of the guys we have seen with her are ( no offense to the guys ) below her level , here’s another one tonight .
  14. Classic female position and alone in bed withoit Vladellia , low voice , playing with her hair and smilin quite often , the funny / goofy reactions when a person that a girl in interested ( romantically ) is at the other line of the phone . Let’s see when HE appears on cameras ( it could always of course be Vencel or Peater but the RLC police complaint of the PERSONAL / PRIVATE LIVES that the girls should follow according to the viewers and not what they LIKE AND WANT , so , RLC message against Vencel - and Peater - and they haven’t been seen since … because they were ruining the apartment with their presence - when it was at that time on which we could expect the Peater saga 😊😋😋 ) .. Let’s find out soon Elli’s ( POSSIBLE ) new flirt .
  15. It’s really funny each and every night watching “ The Child “ trying desperately to find someone to fuck 😂🤣 . For me , it is like a bet that has been set , either with Dylan in the past or now with Wolf , who will fuck the most 😂 . Not a coincidence that in comparison to “ The Master “ and “ The Archmaster “ , the only success that “ The Child “ had was with a “ hey , i am having fun and joking with you “ Sambuka and a pussy lick with Sara . Other than that , the presence of this person is an embarrassment of all male population ( YOU NEVER EVER TRY TO UNDERMINE a fellow male member like he did in the summer when Dylan was fucking Aziza by the pool and he was “ out of jealousy “ in my opinion try to destroy the moment ) .
  16. Look now how it goes , yesterday and today , AN INCREDIBLE TON OF THINGS THAT nobody knows how it is known is presented here at CamCaps . I can’t remember if it was either you or another regular topic forum member who reveals the information ( for me it is absolutely on but the post is just a reminder ) and you or the other have ACCUSED @berty_47 that he provided information that SHOULDN’T BE POSTED as being private and this resulted in his post being deleted . All I want to conclude with my post is that it is really ridiculous accusing a forum member when he gives information and at the same time simply revealing ( and many times in ironical way ) private informations regarding RLC contracts and so many other things that have been said here the last two days .
  17. The female friend will be a sweet past of her life within 6 months more or less . The relationship they have can be seen “ invisibly “ by the time they share together , judging that Martina hardly ever sleeps at her place. If she was “ MY GIRL “ for Martina , she would be sleeping everyday there , spend endless time with her and such small details indicating a very strong relationship . We don’t know of course , as it has never been mentioned if I am correct , if they have something of the likes of relationship of Martina and Alberto ( yes I like you but I want to have my fun with others if it happens ) , I still believe that we will be seeing Martina quite often with cameo appearances , especially the first period . For me , two are the most possible scenarios . Scenario 1 , Martina will feel kind of “ retired “ of the cameras world and for most people , this needs time to be understood , so she might take lots of tine that we start NOT seeing her often . Scenario 2 , Martina HAS REALLY DECIDED to leave all this behind and she won’t be visible again ( at least for over a year or so ) at any place that has cameras for RLC . In any case , I am expecting A CAMERAS action when it is the last time and all of her personal belongings go , kind of a kiss or say gracias / spashiba / thank you , SHE KNOWS THAT THE WAY HER LIFE CURRENTLY IS , THE MAXIMUM OF IT is ought to the thousands of subscribers all those years contributing . STILL , not only she was rewarding the audience but she managed to become one of the TOP 5 ( for my personal taste ) tenants in the history of this site , thinking that this is a site that was BUILT from Russian speaking to Russian speaking , even that a Spanish speaking managed to mix herself in the Russian attitude world , consider that a unique achievement. Martina will ALWAYS have a spot on the table and FOR SURE a place to return whenever she wants with any terms she wants ( that I definitely hope not ) . Life is strange and for a person not knowing how to live out there in the jungle when for so many years most of the monthly debts were paid by her company / us , I think for Martina this will be HER BIGGEST AND HONEST CHALLENGE she will have to face at least for the first 6 months of her new life .
  18. The ones that are the “ difficult ones “ to show off and they “ surprisingly “ offer something unexpected , will get the highest replay camera , Cecilia WE ALL know she will do it again so we can catch it another time . But Karma or Esmi or Shantal , even Nadia that she gets the top replay when she shares private moments , these are the girls that you never know if they ever share adult content , therefore the top replays get the element of “ RARE “ 😆
  19. New York is the city most referred that people try this type of relationship (s) . I think it is something that started in big numbers 1-2 years before the pandemic , since 2021 it was brought again slowly on surface . Masha - in my one personal view - WILL ALWAYS BE THE BEST TENANT in history of RLC . We literally have seen her life joining as a couple , then single , with roommates , the list is endless . She never hid anything and she SHARED ALL , no private talks , no stupidities . But i can write a whole page for her so 😂🤣😂 , that’s the least I can say .
  20. You said your opinion , I said mine with bla bla bla . No answer or object the opinion , just 7-8 words to simply prove what this topic has become 😁
  21. It was a post for the ones not having a replay mostly 😂😛
  22. It is like Masha wanted as a reward of buying the new IPhone for Babi asking her to “ test it “ if it is nice making good videos 😂 … It has been mentioned quite a lot of times that ( at least enough time before Elvis comes on the surface ) Masha wanted to have a three way relationship , she wanted to have 2 lovers , something which is very popular the last couple of years in New York mostly . That’s why the Dasha / Sasha saga , that’s why for a long period she would have roommates and seeking to get experimental with them , even the amazing tattooed girl with the fantastic boobs and her black guy was rumored to become that .. Good friend Rado is missing who has always provided an in depth explanation of the incidents of the apartment as being perhaps the most loyal observer of the apartment but as he promised , for as long as Elvis will be around , he won’t be participating . So , let’s see what Masha has more in store , SHE WILL NEVER EVER disappoint when it has to do with adult entertainment in her apartment .
  23. Come on Brokk , really now ?? You compare a multi variety sex session of the two couples that you mention and KNOW HOW TO PLEASE their partners and they simply did bring out something of the extended repertoire while having sex to the 2-3 things that REPEATEDLY Leora and Paul do ? Please , serious now ? Even the LOYAL FANS who LOVE WATCHING this couple will simply admit that L&P’s sex is basically 3 things ; Paul getting a blowjob while Leora plays her pussy , Paul playing his dick while Leora licks his balls and playing her pussy and Paul on top of Leora and on her face getting a blowjob and Leora ( usually facing the camera so as her pussy to be shown in full exposure while she masturbates ) masturbating. This is the MAGNIFICENT VARIETY OF SEX that this couple has , as you see , THERE WAS NOT EVEN ONE mention that Paul while getting his treatment, he neither touches Leora’s boobs or fingers her or plays her clit or any imagination , she does all by herself since her guy simply doesn’t know or ( WHO KNOWS ) doesn’t want since he know that this is her addiction and she will do it better by herself . So , please , don’t compare unmatched things , IT ISN’T bad to admit that Leora’s and Paul’s sex life is one of the worst we see by ANY COUPLE being currently an RLC tenant , it is impressive as after 10 years and more , someone would expect that ( apart of course from the things that both know that they like and make the other horny - licking balls , Paul and Leora masturbating their own selves - ) they would try new things , especially being in front of cameras where this is a “ SACRED “ place for Leora to present her shows . They are praising lately Leora that she tries more anal and every now and then she will bring a surprise ( for me it is just a slight change of position or place to do her thing ) , haven’t you ever wondered why she doesn’t instruct Paul to try something else , maybe more extreme , maybe more wild , perhaps Paul to slap her ass sometimes and make it a bit more rough ( just an example and I don’t say that he should do , but then , he knows well how to be rough at her on other occasions 😏😁 .. ) so as we can also see how they can “ face a new reality “ ? She’s a slave because she obeys to his commands and she will simply sit down and do as her guy is pleased , she will not take initiative , she will not for example go to his PC , put her nice ass in front of his face , take her tits out and put it on his face , she will not bend over in front of the chair while at his chair and give him a blowjob there out of nowhere , SHE’S A SLAVE because sex is happening whenever Paul wants , doing always whatever Paul wants and basically , ALWAYS BUT REALLY ALWAYS the same positions and things . WHERE IS THE QUEEN that she has invented dozens and dozens of ways to please herself and she can’t ( or doesn’t want or doesn’t know ) find ways to INITIATE A SEX SESSION with the love of her life ?
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