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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Finally and as predicted , a fed up Tata collaborates with Marlene ..Let the fun begin , maximum respect to Marlene and kudos to Tata who understood that it is finally time for her to get away from Kylie’s influence . Bonus ; easy to tune in with the English language being the way to go .Already Marlene giving try hints and tips 😁😁😁😉😉😉😝 She had a tired night , someone made her tired 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂
  2. Let’s see the strange cooperation of Tata and Marlene , will they be having guests and is Tata fed up and finally wants to go away from Kylie’s shadow and enjoy Barcelona ? Let’s see .
  3. Here are some conclusions as Round 1 of the party has finished and the ones leaving and remaining will lead us to Round 2 - As a human being , I am very happy and consider this Zabava’s and Esmi’s party , meaning that being so natural , behaving like the next door daily life girls , they easily won the impressions and the spotlights goes easily to them as far as I am concerned .They don’t chase anything , they don’t need the attention , they act , behave and interact the most normal way which is complete real life . - Zabava and Esmi again , it was so much clear that these girls have so much inside them and it was their really first time that they let go of the incredible inner sadness and participated in anything , no exaggerations , they simply wanted to escape and have fun and they did .At the same time , the rest of the cast finally gets to know them , especially amazing Esmi gets the title of “ girl of the night “ by me , it needed only Arash - Boro Boro for her with a simple move to outsmart everyone if I may so .This is the newest added girl , they didn’t know her , she stood up and suddenly dancing skills she won easily the rest of the girls . She’s now ( for the rest of the cast ) a girl who knows how to have fun , she has skill , great company , a small detail that she can now both her and the sister concerned as girls to be asked to join , get invited for evenings and fun , let’s not forget that Fiora and Harley don’t know them and in general due to the war , they haven’t managed to show the true potential that clearly both have ( mostly Esmi I believe ) and shine . For me , Zabava is like Ulyana let’s say and Esmi is like Olivia , both of course the bug sisters - With a simple dress code , Kristy was for me the sexiest of the afternoon , her silhouette had the chance to be exposed at maximum beauty , with the hat , she was sexy as hell with such a simple way -Rus speaking to Fior for long times simply shows the despair that he is being always around women and not having the chance to have a guy and talk some men things .Being a really funny and attractive guy , the girls like him , he is under the leash of Kylie and I think he got finally the chance to have some men talk and escape the madness of the ladies that he faces every now and then 😁😆 -Harley is like the lava ready to explode from the volcano , she wants to do so much , you could see her dancing at a time with some really great skills but she’s clearly - in my opinion - like all of her actions need to be approved by Fiora .Mayen she feels obliged to her that she took her from Russia and brought her in Barcelona , I think that it is a pity that the most “ on fire “ tenant ( together worth Fiora ) can’t get the shining glory she deserves . - Tata is for sure an issue for Kylie and Rus , something is deeply wrong and as mentioned earlier , Loraine and Holly just forget very easily the benefits they have enjoyed being RLC tenants and I think sometimes , even faking , you can spend a couple of hours with fellow colleagues and “ friends “ before going away for your own agenda -Last but certainly not least , Svetlana SHOULD HAVE been invited , everybody of the cast loves aged respects Svetlana , for all of her efforts and being always next to the girls , I think she deserved an invitation . Luckily we didn’t see Nelly , this says a lot in my opinion as of what she thinks about the girls and what the girls maybe think of her .Of course it might have been a decision to stay off cameras for reasons we can’t know , but Vamo was there , Bogdan was there , the rumors are that they simply leave some meters away from the villa so… Let’s see if there’s gonna be any unpredictable incident as Round 2 part of the party is currently ongoing . Edit ; I forgot to say that I hope that we very soon see also Eva and Matvei get introduced to the rest , I hope Rus and Matvei can make and build a good friendship , I can’t think as a man not having another guy to talk the problems with your girlfriend / wife , go out and have some beers and in general escape the men madness . This would be also great watching .
  4. As a very good friend has said ( maybe he appears to confirm 😊 ) , the problem of the villa is clearly Holly and Loraine .Itmis funny that Fior is the guy who helps with the transportation and obviously other minor things , Holly got the help by RLC to return and on a day that a 90% gathering it is happening , they chose their own outside activities .Of course it is good that they don’t seem to care about other tenants opinions , but the mega show archorchestrstor Loraine can’t stand her personal life problems and Holly is there just to mentor Tweety . Everyone is trying to get to know the others in these rare gatherings , Fior has been a decent guy who has been there whenever the girls need him but of course Holly and Loraine have netter things to do rather than for once spend the day with the fellow colleagues . Bonus 😂🤣😂🤣 It will take many tries from people to make me alternate my “ personal reality created “ 😂🤣 that Rus likes Ulyana ..
  5. This is my first paragraph to Jennifermom Just to remind you , ironically it was Bogdan who encouraged the Nelly / Martina friendship ..As we saw and this is undisputed , Martina was NEVER originally interested sexually in Nelly , it was first goal Holly ( rejected ) , then approaching Megan who was also in a mess because of her break up with her boyfriend at that time , Rocco , soon after she had to depart RLC as well. I believe Martina only wanted to have fun and experience / get to know the Russian people , just feel a bit the GOV project , escape if you want the routine times with Alberto …But Nelly’s masterplan came in full effect the night that she invited Martina in an empty villa and the rest is history … I honestly believe , if sex wasn’t that nice during that first interaction , I strongly doubt that we would have seen these two continue as lovers , a friendship perhaps but that’s it .But Martina was explosively surprised , she loved it and here we are after nearly 2 years still with a disastrous off cameras relationship between them ..I speak disastrous as this goes nowhere and I honestly can’t understand what they both want , at least Martina that seems to have chosen a path in life it is unthinkable by me that she keeps a no future thing ….
  6. Of course , one more time , the villa’s diva joining the last , I don’t know how this happens all the time 😂🤣 .. always delayed .
  7. Each step at a time , she has already made so many nice gradual little steps , it’s like Nana in the beginning let’s say 😇 But Nana suddenly stopped evolving . I still believe that Esmi isn’t there as the typical GOV , she’s mostly a helping gesture by RLC for her sister Zabava . I hope I am completely wrong of course as I see her studying Spanish online if I have observed correctly .
  8. Esmi the tough and serious girl , the one who manages the freaking nature of the war much stronger than her sister , perhaps the most expected girl the majority wishes to see evolving since we got a slight taste of Zabava and Cleopatra also did something , even hiding .. let’s see .
  9. Yes , I remember that one time , now it is again here in a bigger meaning meeting let’s say .
  10. Nelly’s absence it is the best .. she getting drunk , this is the worst image we can have ..
  11. That will be fantastic also .. I hope your prediction is as correct as I was sure that we were going to witness something “ big “ happening by Marlene 😁 It would have been nice seeing Karol and boyfriend in B4 and also Marlene and her guy with a couple of his friends .. let’s leave this for the summer ..
  12. On another side note , I guess we have still both Fiora’s lovers in the same apartment at the same time , ex Fior and current Vamp 🥳
  13. I was about to post that with Harley and Fiora in B6 , it couldn’t be a best coincidence that FINALLY and FOR THE FIRST TIME ever seeing all Barcelona tenants , a unique thing to happen . As I don’t have live feed and I only read the posts , I believe it is only Marlene and Karol missing . Personally , I would have liked to see Martina also , that would have been great and of course sensational Eva and Matvei , this would be the perfect scenario… on the day of the Oscars 😂🤣
  14. The only known thing is that Nelly and Martina always meet off cameras , they usually get drunk and they end up kissing and groping in toilets and so on 😂 But no sex has occurred , at least of what Martina has said to Alberto . Nobody knows what Bogdan believes , if he knows that they meet as simple friends or whenever they meet , they are always “ remembering in a light way “ 😂🤣 their early days on cameras actions . Nobody knows what Nelly says to Bogdan .
  15. I can’t understand what you say . I need to check the post , but the original meaning is that Martina was not ( in my opinion ) attracted to Nelly during her first visit in the villa , she clearly liked Holly . Holly rejected her , she then went for Megan , they had some kisses but Megan must have broke up at that period with her then boyfriend Rocco ( there was never a Rocco ex for Martina ) and nothing more happened as she also left short after If I remember correctly . Nelly took the chance one day that all B4 tenants were out , she invited Martina and then it happened what we watched , which I always believe it was spontaneous and it was driven by the drinks and the dancing they had .
  16. On a funny note , I think it is the first time that many tenants get to know Harley and Fiora 🤔🤔
  17. Let’s see if we might get this long time awaiting surprise of the new rumored apartment after today ..
  18. Ok … I can’t remember well with Alana then as I thought she was there also . Issue solved 😁
  19. I thought Alana was there also and she left with Kristy and the ones from B1 . Beatrice and B5 were left behind and then it was the K&R incident in Radislava’s room .
  20. Yes , sorry , l meant Beatrice , don’t say sorry ☺️, thank you for the correction .
  21. I think it was everyone but Cleopatra . Alana slept at that time guest room , the now Harley / Fiora room .
  22. It is the premiere of cleopatra in the villa then , let’s see if at least this can make her become more “ involved “ with her GOV interactions .
  23. @StnCld316; will you continue having this guy going against all forum rules you have assembled , insulting repeatedly tenants and forum members , calling everyone a piece of shit and making this forum losing everyday people who want to post their thoughts or are you going to keep on having him destroying the site ? Please let me and many others here know because it doesn’t worth it anymore suffering everyday the psychological problems of this person whose his only purpose here is to infiltrate and poison the forum with his repeated attacks . PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT , it has become ridiculous the apathy and the protection you and anyone who is responsible give to this guy . I think I speak for many in this forum , this can’t continue anymore .
  24. It’s simply an opinion , we disagree , I don’t see where’s the problem. It’s exaggeration for you , it is something I like to watch , so simple as that .
  25. B2 in the villa … Well , for sure a complete change of attitude .. fantastic
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