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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Katie seducing Adam all the time , pretending she’s sucking while smoking the e-cigarette ..Pff , what more so as for him to start showing that at least he enjoys the times with his girl ? 😁😋😋
  2. The thing is that Adam isn’t affected by the alcohol at all , he needs 4 times the amount of the girls perhaps to reach the same lessening mood.. Another example, Katie isn’t the most attractive obviously compared to Loraine but the way she behaves in front of cameras is 100 times more sensual and sexy than Loraine ..
  3. Katie in a complete sensual horny mood , the guest has picked the right music , Adam still hesitant to be part of it .. Give this couple an indefinite contract 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  4. Wow , things have completely suddenly heated up again ..A live show for Adam ..and us 😋😋😋
  5. Masha could generally be the best sex instructor for Leora in many things .. but these two in the same apartment ? For 3 days they would go back and forth talking about their combined 9+7 “ live streaming “ years of experience🙄
  6. It seems that the short talk inside the bathroom before Adam taking a quick shower cooled things off at the present moment ..
  7. Guest girl totally relaxed , acting like no camera are there , inviting Adam to sit next to her and not be afraid of her ( she doesn’t bite 😂🤣 )
  8. The guest touching Katie’s boob with Katie’s help ( not inside the clothes , maybe later 😆 )
  9. A pity that Adam isn’t as playful like the girls who both of them have totally loosen up . Excellent unexpected development but total awkward reactions by Adam who seems surprised 😁
  10. I can still remember the comments on the first day seeing only male guests .. yesterday and today two very nice female friends and the “ known / unknown “ disappeared 😂🤣😂🤣😆😆 What a great and wonderful vibes apartment to watch with total cool and daily life people , it is a pity that we can’t understand the language and connect a bit more and faster with the tenants . As a conclusion , in terms of ease with cameras and guests without having any problems at all to appear , RLC hit a gold mine after a very very long time . I don’t think that more could be expected , although there would be some that might say that would have liked to watch model type tenants . Well , had I to choose between these two and Kitty and Smith ( since they are both in Prague ) , the nice atmosphere and socializing of this apartment would make me easily choose in favor of K&A .
  11. Katie and Adam will be on their first sex interaction I believe after the nice female’s guest departure 😆
  12. The truth is that since Zena’s departure , the apartment returned instantly to the same boredom , nothingness and daily Leora’s routine it used to be before Zena was a step of becoming a tenant . Yes , the war has definitely played a significant role but still , Leora masturbated even one time more than her weekly habit ( before Zena’s introduction ) , Leora’s Boyfriend according to reports resurfaced , the IPAD watching , mobile texting , late night sleeping and late awakening has returned , in general the pre Zena schedule is back even with adjustments due to obvious and unfortunate reasons . Waiting to see if a new visitor is going to be introduced any time soon to bring back the excitement that Zena’s presence brought .
  13. Another evening with friends , a glass of wine and smiles , good vibes and atmosphere . The adjustment of this couple is remarkable , it is like living in this apartment since a very long time and not like two newcomers who just joined and try to adapt to their new life and place .
  14. She had her period when she entered the apartment , she’s not shy at all and very comfortable with the cameras . Her BJ was more than impressive 😇
  15. I don’t know what any of you think , but I believe that this indeed has been the most mythical christening name in the history of Camcaps for a guest / visitor / lover / sex partner / boyfriend .. The guy is definitely a Vampire ( Vamp) , he “resurrected “ after more than a month of absence and he is in B6 for the 2nd day in a row to provide his services . I don’t remember who gave the name but the Copyright to his idea is absolutely incredible 😈😈🧛🏼‍♂️🧛🏼‍♂️
  16. The question is very simple .. Leora reaches a crossroad .. - Left path is Paul waiting for her ( and her dog ) -Right path is her current life . She can’t have both even with adjustments ( for example a life in Prague with Paul, Paul never wanted to leave from Russia , she can’t have the western impressive life in Russia for obvious reasons .. ) Which path would she choose do you think ? Sacrifice a life that she’s trying to build all from zero or risk to go back and after a couple of nice years her routine would be if not worse , at least the same like of what we have seen ? Of course it can be better , but is it any guarantee 100% for that ? Perhaps she’s already nearby to this life choice . As it is been said , Leora is very fast bored of anything new that she tries to do . Will she be bored soon after Paul becomes part of her life again and she will be missing her Prague / European / western way life or she chooses the Prague/European /western way life over Paul and with determination and certainty proceeds to make a new chapter in her life ? I think with the current circumstances , many would give their blessing for a western way of life and Paul by her side . Paul had the chance and didn’t take it , did he ? Can it be that for him a simple and traditional easy pace life in the deep of Far East is what he wants the most than the adventurous , temptation , full of desires life that Leora discovered only after 2,5 years in europe in the middle of a pandemic when actually she hasn’t even seen the full potential of how Europeans live ? It is for sure a difficult choice if and ever the time comes for such a decision .
  17. Russia to Europe , let’s agree it was difficult .Europe to Russia for a native ? Where’s the problem ? Unvaccinated ? PCR test and there you go . Entering Europe again ? PCR test since coming from a third country . It isn’t though the details , it is the will . I haven’t personally seen any “ crazy will “ , “ hot desire “ , I haven’t observed no matter how detailed I watched any real attempt so as for such a thing to happen .For example , concerning the dog , it was a debate here that brought quite an amount of posts ..It hasn’t been not even half the same concern for Paul .In my humble opinion , this relationship erotically is long over but this doesn’t mean that Leora loves this guy as the first , one and only person she really felt something .But if it was all our first loves ending “ happily ever after “ , there would be no meaning of experiencing and enjoying the pleasures of life .
  18. I don’t know how to sum up my thoughts in shorter posts .
  19. I agree with you and I have said this since over a year now ..
  20. Another female guest , say whatever , if this continues , this might become one of the most favorite apartments . Totally surprised , fantastic for Prague past and present experiences of tenants apartments 😁
  21. It has happened actually , as always , Masha that provided the content didn’t meet the standards of a porn production as it was a real life incident and people got rage on her .. Or wasn’t she providing the best ever swinging incident ? Or her friend Babi not having a genuine threesome with two guys ? Or Eva and Sam with their open sexual adventures with guests ? Things have actually happened , in my opinion , at the level and genuine build like RLC as a side stands for .They were incidents that occurred on cameras as a result of an ongoing real life situation and not like VH.TV that there it happens as a way to present sex and only sex without an actual background . My opinion ? Masha will try it again if circumstances allow , for sure GOV will be trying different things ..The problem is that if this doesn’t meet the standards of good quality or not the expectations that it should be a certain surprising tenant and not someone that we have seen over and over again ( Masha in this case ) , nearly none will be commenting I believe .
  22. So , because she said so you believe she deeply feels so ? Why didn’t she take a plane and go and see him when she could easily do it or she would have abandoned her fans and the chance of masturbating ? But then , she would have made it known to all with her public phonecalls that she goes to Russia for 2 weeks like she deserves and felt for him . If you think that Leora and Paul had a healthy relationship , well , I strongly disagree with you . As I said to Brokk , why abandon something healthy ? Ok , the money . We agree . But then , find another guy ? How can it be loving someone but at the same time begin something with someone else ? Would you ever do it ? Do you find it morally correct ? If you were Paul , as a man , would you accept knowing that your woman fucks another guy ? If you were Leora , would you feel morally correct contacting a guy and showing him love and affection ( through a phone line and an internet connection ) and then , after putting down the phone start texting with the other man you have or go and meet him face to face ? Sorry , but personally and in my opinion , Paul hasn’t abandoned Leora because she always and forever sends him money or she provides for him financially , he isn’t so stupid as many believe . And Leora , well , she could have invested all this money she has made to have already attempted changing her life to more mature things of her age .. anyway , if Leora and Paul ever end up together , I undoubtedly believe that this would be a colossal mistake for both of them. Leora trying to marry her western now way of living and feeling with a guy that he doesn’t even know how to behave to his girl . But yes , he speaks nice and calm to her and 3-4 times per year says I love you .. ok .
  23. So because “ most likely “ , it’s not nice seeing a guy that in 100 times he gives her 95 nice moments and 5 bad moments . Like couples don’t have bad moments and it is all the time paradise and perfection .. The bullshit that they will fight is how people here believe it is , it might be serious , it might be not . But honestly now , how you as a viewer can you criticize what is bullshit or not ? Is Leora talking about it so as to know and judge it with your own personal opinion if it is bullshit or not ? At the end , isn’t it Leora that should judge a situation as “ bullshit “ or the viewer ? A viewer will take 2-3 isolating minutes of an incident and create an opinion while Leora has been experiencing the situation face to face and know million times more if it was bullshit to argue or not , isn’t this so ? Have you really still not figure it out why she maintains parallel relationships ? Are you really so naive ( don’t mean it bad as you know as I enjoy the chats with you ) ? Why you don’t set the question differently , if she really wanted to end it , don’t you think she would have ? So , she simply doesn’t , this person is much more than many want to believe here but they have allowed their whatever feelings they have wanting Paul and Leora together to blind their judgment . I ask you again , would you ever abandon for whatever reason the woman you love with your favorite dog , cat , hamster , a simple and not the most glamorous life but for sure a very comfortable life in comparison to other citizens of the city you are living after 6 years in a very well paid job contract just to pack a suitcase , acquire a long term visa and go and live at another place of the world ? What would you choose ? Love and a standard way of living or without any particular reason to leave the life you had ? I think the answer is obvious , IF YOU REALLY LOVE SOMEONE EMOTIONALLY , YOU DON’T GO AWAY . People here have been hating Paul for years , calling him many negative things ( nose picker , terrible sex partner and dozens of others , Leora was reading the forum but I didn’t see people being so sensitive towards him that he was degraded as a person like now with Leora and support him and now , since she moved in Prague I read “ big love Paul “ and whatever ) , he grabbed Leora from the neck and assaulted her violently , 6 years they were living together and apart of a common symbiosis what did you actually see so as to really sit down and say “ what a lovely couple , what a great relationship “ .. did he ever take out Leora for diner ? Did he showed her the attention that people here have been shouting that Leora deserves ? Don’t you think at the end that he was actually not caring much about her and since he was considering her a “ standard “ , a woman that she would always be with him , he never paid attention to her needs ? Is this a guy that a woman should be with ? Are the above the small finally reasons that triggered the final decision in her mind to leave Russian and try Europe ? Because my judgment of what I saw over the years , if Leora was completely happy in her interpretation of happiness , she would have never abandoned him and her country . She made her rebellion and RLC was the mean and the sub reason to manage and escape .. the result in Prague ? This is another topic .
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