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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I wanted actually to say that “ask @ed2” but I I was sure you will pop up and provide the evidence 😏🥳
  2. Zabava and her sister totally deserve this today , the two girls most affected directly , very nice moment for them and it is good to see the smiles on these girls faces .
  3. Es ist kein Vergleich und Sie charakterisieren die Alkoholikerinnen, ich weiß nicht, wie Sie zu solchen Schlussfolgerungen kommen. Es ist mir egal, wie Leora Dinge macht, aber das hindert mich nicht daran, eine Meinung darüber zu äußern, was ich als Abonnent gerne sehe. Auf jeden Fall sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, Leoras einsames und isoliertes Leben in ihrer Wohnung zu genießen, ich bin sicher, es gefällt Ihnen mehr als das, was alle anderen Wohnungen den Abonnenten zu zeigen versuchen, das ist ein absolut normaleres Verhalten vor Kameras und Leben und nicht die tägliche Kamera zeigt.
  4. Willst du mir sagen, dass eine Person, die aus eigenen Gründen alleine und fern von Menschen in einem anderen Land lebt, ihren Geburtstag lieber alleine feiern würde und nicht mit Freunden, Getränken, Snacks, Musik und all den ähnlichen Dingen, die eine Party ausmachen? Natürlich wird sie es höchstwahrscheinlich draußen machen, ich sage nur, wie die Dinge im Moment aussehen und was wir in den letzten 2,5 Jahren gesehen haben. Seit Leora uns vor 9 Jahren vorgestellt wurde, verbrachte sie ihren Geburtstag immer entweder mit Paul oder Malia.
  5. 5,95 or 5,99 it is the offer this week .. I admit it was a nice camera dancing show earlier . Perhaps though she could see how nice things can happen watching the party happening in Barcelona and thinking that this year , except of any crazy unpredictable thing , she will be celebrating her 31st birthday for the first time ever without anyone of a favorite / beloved person next to her .
  6. Lovely cleaning lady was back , she looked much better in terms of her physique than the skinny girl we saw the previous times 😇
  7. They are all Russians but that’s not the case as on the table there are many Russians sitting already .
  8. It’s a pity that B2 has decided not joining , however it might be a decision of Kylie as they seem to be the only ones ( B2 ) who prefer doing things their own way . In any case 3/4 of the Barcelona tenants are present and this is what matters the most 👏
  9. How can you possibly keep this guy in the forum and allowing him to disrespect people and tenants ? These are small things that the site could do so as to gain some respected people and posters from the past and increase viewership …And not the 20 pages tricks ..Anyway , OT , but it is really disappointing for many of us that we live in Europe and we already face indirect war effects with an incredible increase of cost of daily life to read the BS of this guy .
  10. Ahh , ok , thanks , I am still trying to catch up with the forum and I am watching football at the same time 😁 Let’s see and I hope she proves me wrong in a big way 😇
  11. Honestly … how jealous you are that you can’t have such a thing with whoever has remained as a friend of yours ? How jealous you can be that you can’t have and enjoy such an event in your apartment or at any of your remaining friends if you have any ? What is the BS you are referring to ? What all these people do wrong on your old , narrowed conservative brain ( if you have ) … can’t you understand that the countries of both these people are in the center of daily reference in the world , friends and relatives of these people are fighting and you are sitting thousand of kilometers away in your safety of your couch and - THE MOST IMPORTANT - without even being able to watch . You are such a miserable person Harley that you can’t stand seeing other people happy … you are so miserable that good things that happen in the world dive you deeper in your lunatic , sad , isolating miserable world . Make the forum a favor , open the door of your house , go across the street and take your female neighbor for a walk , you might feel or get lucky and stop poisoning a forum tonight that we are expressing the admiration of all these people who try to overcome their worries and sadness by showing that life must go on . But what do you know ? A typical miserable guy across the other side of the Atlantic , a disgrace for other great people of this forum that contribute with their opinions and posts .. what wasted little man you are .
  12. After a positive comment that I personally made for Radislava , it is really a pity seeing her not joining the party for Kylie’s birthday . Now , of course it might be that she wasn’t invited ( which would be for me a major surprise as these 3 people haven’t shown any indications that they have any issues with any tenant ) or the bigger disappointment being that she didn’t want to go with the rest . In any case , I could say that this is the only weak thing on a really nice gathering of most of RLC Barcelona on camera employees in B5 .
  13. I will take the big risk and comment the following .. Harley and her guy ( pity that we haven’t officially christen him , David as was suggested could be great ) are a pure sexual relationship , the fact is that Harley loves the sex with this guy and she’s very submissive to his requests .Now , David , he isn’t shy at all and has understood the value of the project and of course he enjoys his presence . And here comes my theory that David will push Harley for a threesome , I think he is going into this direction seeing that Harley has no boundaries as well ( except spitting the sperm 😂🤣😜🤪 ) , but I believe thst with the right “ working on it “ attitude , it could become a reality . And that’s my theory about them …again , Harley is fantastic and shiver of RLC administrators might be reading this , it is ridiculous the behavior ti this girl and of course in B1 girls without warm water for over a week now , R-I-D-I C-U-L-O-U-S
  14. Kylie and Rus , with the support of Tata , they prove how a COV should be and behave not being locals and coming from another country simply to entertain the,selves and ultimately the subscribers . Today , not only have organized a party but their success and socializing as personalities can be seen of the amount of people they have invited .They don’t have locals friends but all of the rest of the tenants they seem them both as colleagues and friends at the same time .Whoever joins or not is irrelevant , it is their initiative to do something for everyone , their participation in other places , in general a presence that they didn’t go to Barcelona only to wake up and fuck , eat and sleep but also to make friends , enjoy and have fun with simple life socializing things. If the war wasn’t a devastating current reality , I am sure we would have seen even a warmer atmosphere , in any case , Russians and Ukrainians will be sitting again in front of a round table , in front of subscribers that watch from dozens of countries around the wall , when we say that an image worth 1000 words , today it will be exactly that , it can’t be a stronger indirect message from anyone who will soon be sitting in this table that united they stand and they have nothing to divide , they are all human beings made from the same Creator . Well done in advance from Kylie and Rus and Tata , HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎁🎂🎊🎈🎉 to Kylie , well done guys .
  15. This was supposed to be posted yesterday but the site went crazy and now let’s see how many duplicates this long post makes . I hope the sisters appear at the party and try to have a nice time as much as they can . First , Esmi is even more shy than her sister on her first hours in the apartment 🤣 , obviously she was never planned to do this job , I even doubt that she wanted to end up appearing in an apartment full of cameras , but ice cold and realistically seeing it , this was the best choice she could make for herself and in a wider extend , for her family . Second , it is great to see sweet Zabava finding her beautiful lost smile once again , wake under the current circumstances . From all the newcomers almost a month ago , she began as the 4th in position of what we saw from her in comparison to Agneta , Marlene and Cleopatra but within 48 hours she got easily the first position offering us and herself a very nice personal real life moment , something that no other newcomer has shown since the nee appearing girls . Third , if there’s anyone from RLC monitoring CC , I personally congratulate any responsible RLC administrator who took the responsibility and the decision to give job and placement to Esmi and obviously helping her and the family as a business in this difficult times . Even if it is not the best revealing this info but maybe like this some people here can understand and respect these two girls and even realize what a stupid war can change within days and hours in the life of people in an incredible chain reaction , it was recently revealed on cameras that the parents of the girls are in Kiev and the father has been called in arms and obvious fight the enemy . Maybe now you can imagine being in the position of this girl and knowing that everyday her father has a 50/50 chance to make the day dead or alive . With that being said , RLC gets a very big 👏👏👏from me personally , this is in my opinion their contribution to the current situation and with the current resources , one of the best things , if not the best they have done since being online . Well done to anyone who showed his/her/their human instincts . There should be no second thoughts about it
  16. Thanks for the info ash1 , it seems that they organize the event in B5 and not arranging anything “ bigger “ in the villa . Thursday , also busy day for nightlife Barcelona , it will be some good times , curious who shows up .
  17. I think it will take some time till we see any action , but i honestly believe that when this nightmare ends , ALL of the tenants will explode to a great crazy summer . Plus , there’s always a nice camera installment couch on the main floor for one of the sisters of one is busy 😁😆
  18. Gyana and Dantez have a really nice , fresh full of emotions and genuine feelings relationship which is great to watch evolving day by day on cameras .Gyana seems very attached to Dantez , I would say that she’s a girl between 20-23 years of age , very pure and she’s now forming her personality at a more extended way . However , Gyana is inexperienced in sex and Dantez isn’t one of the best sex partners we have ever seen As a relationship then , it is really nice to watch them being really into one another but from the adult entertainment part , it needs that lot still to be done . I would say that Gyana’s potential is extremely big , she doesn’t know her sexuality , how she can be super sexy and attractive , in 5-6 years time when she is more a woman than currently a girl , she will be a gift for any man 😇 Of course , this might be her style and not wanting to attract attention or similar things but this is Prague , walking at the streets of this city , 7-8 out of the young girls are not only a temptation , but it is like you are walking at the same place with model type women . Dantez went from a nuclear sex machine like Mirukawa to an innocent now formatting girl , emotionally it is clear he likes this girl very much than pressing his feelings with Mirukawa and I hope the evolution in all fields for this couple to be very remarkable and we can speak about them very much in the next months or years as tenants and remembering these early days .
  19. Masha must have been practicing some techniques last night for her lover then since he is on visit today 😁
  20. 😱Didn’t have any idea that there was a site only for that , there it is then 😆
  21. Welcome evening for Esmi with fellow Ukrainians ?
  22. Again .. for what matters to you ( masturbations only ) isn’t the same for thousand others . Why don’t you ask RLC to create a special extra site for you ? RLC corvette84 only specialized on masturbations and you can support it accordingly .
  23. Αντί να λες ευχαριστώ που γράφουμε στα αγγλικά για να σε βοηθάμε και να μην μεταφράζεις , έχεις το θράσος να βρίζεις κιόλας . Νομίζω η πολλή μαλακία έχει αρχίσει και σου επηρεάζει τον εγκέφαλο .
  24. Welcome to Esmi . I think Zabava’s psychological situation was really bad as she’s really affected from the war , she really wanted to have a great time in Barcelona and I think she showed it soon after joining with her ONS with a guy . The war came and it all changed , she has never been the same since then and even anyone else hasn’t been able to comfort her and make her feel better , I think having her sister it isn’t only nice for her but for her sister also , this is really human and honest and personally I find it great from RLC , they are helping both these girls to manage and stand on their feet . I think that the girls should take the opportunity and manage to stay for a long time , till any kind of peace is achieved , there should be no demands but somehow , I believe they will always feel grateful that RLC helped them and let’s see what happens .
  25. Piper always around , very nice 😊
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