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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think this is where you and others are wrong , why is she’s getting stressed ? What is this man doing to bring stress to her ? Is he pushing her to do something against her will ? Is he “ bombing “ her from the morning till the night with phonecalls or messages and even if he indeed sometimes messages her , isn’t it Leora that can simply not answer back as she’s doing at times ? Can it be that during this period that she ( as per reports ) feels not nice and people looking at her “ strange “ that she’s Russian and all these things , that this man is exactly the person that she feels “ safe “ , she has really someone to talk to ( initially that’s why she was with him , she could speak to him and make her feel nice and bla bla bla ) , if Leora is indeed this clever and again bla bla bla , why is it so hard for her to let go of this man in her life ? Don’t you think that there is one or more things that he makes Leora feels nice and at the end of the day , the good things that he gives her overcome always the bad things ( like every couple has ) that they face ? I think that there has been created a false impression for this guy , people here say that Leora is intelligent and she does whatever she wants , how can then being with a guy , that as people here judge and criticize him negative for 1,5 years , to be considered intelligent ? Isn’t it Leora that knows better than any of us ( ups the majority 😜🤪😂🤣 ) this guy that she has seen hundreds of time face to face than any of the people who criticize him in a negative way because of her phone actions , reactions and being angry at cameras and all this ? People have judged a guy without ever seeing him on cameras , sit down a respectful amount of time and have a chat with her , behave , just do anything so the majority can make its own conclusions about this guy rather than having an opinion about him completely unfair because he simply isn’t Paul .Well , how much Leora tried to go to Russia the last 26 months ? How much Paul tried to come to Prague the last 26 months ? How did Russian girls managed to go to Barcelona during the pandemic measures and both Leora and Paul didn’t manage , especially when the money hasn’t been an issue ? The truth is that this guy was , is and will always be “ live and flesh “ , Leora can see him face to face , look at him in the eyes and talk whatever in centimeters distance .Her “ big love Paul “ is absent for 26 months , they speak virtually , distant and after so many years , there’s nothing actually more to discuss apart from the daily worldwide news that they could discuss and analyze , while with the other and with the advantage of face to face interactions , any talk can become easier and better to analyze .But what more to add when people here approve Leora and Paul still as a couple when Leora, as it has been hinted , has a sexual relationship with this guy as well .I guess then that if any of the people here had their long time girlfriend away for 26 months and they knew that she’s fucking another guy for more than a year , they wouldn’t have a problem …What can I say more ?
  2. International Women's Day in Russia WWW.TIMEANDDATE.COM International Women’s Day in Russia honors women’s achievements on March 8 each year.
  3. I think it hasn’t been mentioned as nearly everyone believes that Loraine exploded because of something that was said or done by another girl , but if you notice the replay , she has her headphones and suddenly she snaps and triggers the reaction for her to throw the glass , I believe then that something she was listening to ( a message perhaps on her phone , a video listening / watching ) initiated the whole reaction and not any of the girls .
  4. Yes , you are right , it looked like she started packing , also in all of her RLC appearances she has been a very calm and quiet personality and her out of nowhere explosion in front of the other girls with the danger to injure them was out of character . The problem is that the other girls seem wanting to comfort her and be next to her but she has shut all doors let’s say . I think she’s hurting herself more in this isolation way but due to the structure of this place and needing to share , it will be difficult not to soften her current rage and disappointment and calm down . I mentioned earlier how Radislava has changed since moved in the villa , I think the girls ultimately will help her , she might be whatever we say here but I think she’s a good person and not one with cruel and bad personality .
  5. In general , if both Dick and Jane appeared would have been a success .
  6. I think the past with him and Dina , one of her best friends if not the best , it prevents from anything emotional between the two .I think Alessandro and Dina has been really genuine and it was a break up only because Dina moved in Prague . Edit ; Ups , didn’t see that good friend Rado had made also the same observation providing further details 😬
  7. She needs her space obviously but it is the worse Loraine in terms of emotions and feelings we have seen . I wish her the best and that the personal issues will be solved sooner or later .
  8. This is what Russia has as a backup plan , which obviously they had as they were aware of the western world measures , however they didn’t expect at this stage snd they are heavily struggling currently . https://statrys.com/blog/cnips-code#:~:text=CIPS is a Chinese financial,and 47 countries and regions.
  9. Thanks for info from the past and let’s see of course 😇
  10. This woman is such an asset for RLC and they don’t know how to “ take advantage “ of her in a business way . She would do all , she’s young , still enjoying and living her life without so much life worries like some other girls who are close to 30 or more years old ..Pff ..Ulyana will always be for me a personal favorite .
  11. And if my eyes don’t deceive me , is this a videocall with Marat ? 😱
  12. Shades of Ulyana from the past appeared , the irresistible camera staring , the butt plug and ( lack of competition also ) the best bating dildo show currently at RLC , nobody provides that and even if they did , difficult to make it better than her . A woman that if she had her own place and space she would have entertained the audience in extreme high levels .
  13. I would like she’s is bisexual ,you are right and my apologies , it’s a mistake the way I meant “ I hope she’s not a lesbian “ , I like pure lesbians and not just for shows , I can’t figure out this with Radislava as I haven’t seen anything hardcore style like Piper and Taylor for example , I should say bisexual to make it more clear . I agree that she obviously seems to prefer women but I would have liked to see her with a guy as well .
  14. Ulyana and Leora face to face …a battle from the past , it used to be epic back while the Russian apartments were online ..The famous head to head masturbations videos can still be found on the internet ..The predecessor and the successor after a very long time ..And Ulyana who could become the new RLC face with unfortunate happenings always preventing her on shining as she could so easily and simply do .Ulyana , no more words and enjoy all.
  15. I would like to make a comment about Radislava . I have been both praising her and also very strict with negative criticism this almost 15 months stay with RLC .I think this is the purpose of the forum , when a tenant at the eyes of any individual forum member deserves comments of praising , it is the same as they will suffer the bad comments as well . With this introduction I simply want to say that Radislava is the biggest example of how RLC life has affected her as person . It is no secret that most of the girls didn’t like her , she used to be delayed at appointments with them , she had clearly difficult relationships especially in B1 and her first months in B4 she wasn’t welcomed with enthusiasm , there were girls that didn’t like her moving at her current place . Yes , she’s an exhibitionist , she loves the cameras , she has learned many tricks from Leora and how to manipulate the audience , to control the lighting to achieve viewership and other minor things that perhaps have also helped her to manage and stay “ eternally “ and without any indications that she’s leaving any time soon ( which will in the long run I think will confirm my very early days prediction that one day she would become the GOV Queen , overcoming Gina with the most total days with RLC , however she has already made a record i believe as the girl with the longest one stay continuous days and I believe it is just 200 and a bit more days till she breaks Gina’s record ..) . BUT There can be no doubt that , in my opinion of course , she’s the tenant that really sees this as her normal job , her metamorphosis the recent months is remarkable .The girls have come closer to her , the isolated girl is no more , she has become incredibly more social , she’s busting her ass if I may say so to provide entertainment ( yes , it is show and exhibitionism but this is what the majority wishes in a site like this I think ) , she brought on cameras a guest / visitor that the audience connected with her since Day 1 , Cecilia .She is doing shows , she’s trying to participate with the girls in gatherings when she was avoiding all this , she completely changed her behavior and I think RLC situations led her doing so . For having the privilege to have her on screen without breaks , I think nobody can doubt that she has tried ( and yes , RLC has been unfair to her when she found out from Stella that she had to leave B1 and not from her bosses and move in the villa which as it seems was the best thing happening to her as it changed her , also more money ) the best to improve herself both on her behavior towards the others , her on cameras attitude and relationship with the viewers , which , as it seems , the results show that she has achieved great ( she’s a very popular tenant judging by the comments here and who would have thought some months ago that nearly all the cast would be in her room ) .. I think she deserves a recognition of the most on cameras improved personality , the cameras exposure changes people , look at Leora for example and her disappointing transformation since she moved in Prague and the complete different way of Radislava’s improvement .Yes , she remains a show girl but her ultimate goal ( obviously the money is a main reason but I doubt now that she concerns so much if she makes 100-200€ more or less per month ) is to try and keep a great relationship with her fans and people that like her and also gain with her on cameras behavior also some people who have been negative towards her. She doesn’t cheat , she doesn’t hide , I think that who she is on cameras is also off cameras and I think that is what matters the most . We like her or not , this is my recognition on her and I ought to state it here as she would get from me the prize of the really most improved tenant , congratulations ( now of course I hope she’s not lesbian as the rumors mention and one day we see her with a guy also , obviously she has no problems to do all on cameras 😆 ) Radislava 👏🏻👏🏻
  16. Cecilia is back , very interesting any interactions with tweety in the company .
  17. Radislava at the main door waiting for visitors or a missing tenant 🤔
  18. As was said , that’s what I think makes it nice , remember Carla and Yanai for example ? Fantastic couple and even more , their guests , what more to ask ? It is new people , who knows what we might see from them ? Expect the unexpected , it drives the voyeur’s imagination so as to tune in and watch 😇 And who knows , there was a member recently who said that got an answer by RLC that they exam of opening new apartments , why not Prague become the Centre Of Operations like in Russia ? Even Leora can be additionally hired ( if she’s not already 😆 ) like Bogdan in Barcelona , they seem to have found the building as this apartment seems to be at the same place where Gyana and Dantez are , many Russian tenants used to live also in the same building when RLC first broadcasted .And as they say , we might get slowly RLC 3.0 ( 2.0 has been after Russia ) 😁 As a conclusion , this couple for me has made the most promising start we see as complete newcomers from any other tenants in general since the Russian apartments .
  19. Excellent development with this new apartment , people living normal lives , no cameras shy , shades of the good and nice days of the Russian apartments before 2019 when it used to be like this in most of them . Well done Katie & Adam 😇
  20. I am sorry , when you have guests in your own house that they are happy to see you , women with dresses that when they sit down they reveal their thighs when the dress can stay long , when they haven’t seen you for a long time and they give you a nice genuine hug and a kiss when they could just say “ hi “ , do you take all of these actions that might be happening inside your own house with friends of yours as hints that they are all sexually hungry and they want just to get laid anytime ? Is it for you any human reaction sex related ? Please … Yesterday you made a comment about tenants and viewers feelings and a very respected member here , ash1, presented you a long list of people proving you wrong . Have you ever considered that your imagination often runs wild , you create a truth that you want to believe and you stick to it till you either see it happening or have indications according to your own way of thinking that it is happening so as to come victorious and say “ here it is , I told you so “ ? In my eyes , you interpret something you see with your own way of thinking and you keep it on in your mind with the outcome you want it to have so as to satisfy your deeper thoughts of “ I told you so “ . It isn’t bad admitting sometimes that “ I got all that wrong “ .
  21. Gyana is becoming Mirukawa .. 2nd night out in 3 days .. At least her boobs are real 😁
  22. That’s why it has become a slogan “ everybody likes Holly “ 😊
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