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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It’s in my nature to face things and think the positive way . My whatever life experience tells me that people just want a life that not many things are in their head , they already have a lot of troubles in other their daily routines and they simply don’t want to allow things that are above their power let’s say . People forget easy , especially when things stay away from their door . It is the era of social media and what is “ trending “ , look for example , who is saying or writing about anything major concerning the virus for example ? Still , daily in the world they die from it , but people are tired . The more this continues and stays within the borders of these two countries , the less people will want to hear bad news or analysis and so on . That’s how I see it . As for any Russians or Ukrainians , they are human beings like us and whatever beliefs they have , I can never imagine “ brain healthy “ people wanting anything with all of this . And Masha can always take the place and fly here 😂 , it is just 70 minutes away 😁
  2. Ahh … perfect and excellent decision , well done .
  3. Well , we can tell that she was supposed to join the new rumored opening apartment but the accelerating changes brought her back faster .. or if it was all set to happen in this way which I highly doubt as Agneta was clearly sleeping and had no idea .. welcome back Beatrice 😇
  4. Obviously we interpret the news differently . I spoke about planes and not only .. it is the only country that didn’t send any help to Ukraine . Master diplomacy to keep both countries friends in the future for many reasons . No more posting about that , always the last days I am going off topic . Learn to read deeper than the main titles .
  5. Where Turkey Stands on the Russia-Ukraine War WWW.CFR.ORG Russia’s outsize impact on Turkish interests means Ankara is sticking to a middle ground on the war in Ukraine. Factbox: Turkey's ties to Russia, Ukraine limit its room to manoeuvre WWW.REUTERS.COM President Tayyip Erdogan has developed strong economic and political relations with both Moscow and Kyiv in recent years, which leave Turkey facing a delicate balancing act in its response to the Russian...
  6. https://schengenflightreservationvisa.com/absolute-guide-on-schengen-visa-for-russian-passport-holders/ How to get Italian citizenship WWW.IDEALISTA.IT Do you need Italian nationality for work, tax or legal reasons...
  7. Katie ..A woman that knows how to please her man , excellent oral skills ..Waiting to see her sex skills but the indications show an experienced woman ..Let’s see if Adam is also a giver or a man that has it all from his girlfriend and doesn’t care to offer pleasure as well .First test impressively passed by Katie 👏🏻👏🏻
  8. As soon as this thing is over ( hopefully ) it is of no interest for anyone that current measures stay active . As soon as any kind of normality returns , things will get back to normal . It all looks “ black “ now but I don’t think it will take much time when peace is achieved for a gradual return to a more daily routine normality . Apparently , in 6-8 months from now , few will remember that millions had to flee their homes and seek for shelter in other countries . It is exactly what Greece faced with Syrian refugees and we opened dozens of hospitality centers . Doctors , professors , teachers and so many well respected people in all fields of social life and they had to live in tents . I wish for no one to witness this tragedy 😔
  9. I guess having sex two days after her arrival wasn’t much for you .. It just needs to be only what you want to watch so as it is “ she did something “ ..
  10. Maybe if you were on holidays and you were waking up knowing that your city is being bombed , you wouldn’t have the same appetite to do most of the things that you would have wished while originally going on holidays .
  11. My thinking is simple , I like to watch tenants behave and act as closer to real life standards as possible and the cameras not affecting their whole on cameras presence .For example , Kitty and Smith , local Czech people , Kitty in the model industry world but yet , absolute zero social inside the apartment life , where are their friends ? Nothing , a choice that they don’t want their friends to appear on cameras ? I respect it but I don’t like it because this is a decision that has to do with the cameras .So , for them it is “ we get paid for participating , we fuck , we cook , we do whatever on cameras but we keep our private life away “ ..Sorry , I don’t like it .The same goes for Leora but this is now an apartment which serves clearly other RLC priorities and it isn’t “ just one more apartment “ as it belongs to a special category so , nothing more to add on that. I like to watch apartments like Masha’s then , Martina and Alberto of course although it is always Martina with her social life that brings something new , I loved Gina and Bruno and their friends , this is what for me an apartment should be .Now , if we had seen 3 nice ladies drinking coffee and gossiping in the morning with Katie , nobody would have been complaining ..The fact that they are men , the first guy which appeared is an alcoholic in my opinion , has made the majority express negative feelings .Well , I simply like that it is a more real life approach than watching two people getting advantage of the opportunity and simply be on cameras and getting paid . I will wait to see even more , when there are guests easily persuaded to appear on cameras , I can expect more ..And when the guests perhaps are going to be ladies , I want to see the reactions as well . That’s why my excitement , trying to act without the cameras being there , for my own way of seeing things this is what happened and that’s why I got excited , not of what I saw but an indication perhaps of how these two see their participation in the project .
  12. The apartment owner can bring the neighbors complains to RLC management for the noise within some hours and the girls can’t bring the cold water not getting fixed to RLC management for almost a week ..What more to say …🤬🤬🤬
  13. Ukraine people will be very easy in EU for quite some according to EU measures for these people .But nothing can replace that thousands , perhaps millions lost their places within one night 😔 .
  14. And they didn’t even disinfect the apartment from the mouse 🤬😡
  15. Russian Envoy to EU Says All Member States May Ban Issuance of Schengen Visas for Russians - SchengenVisaInfo.com WWW.SCHENGENVISAINFO.COM Vladimir Chizhov, the permanent representative of Russia to the European Union, says all Member States may stop granting Schengen Visas to Russian citizens as a part of the sanctions imposed on Russia...
  16. Russians afraid to go at the streets because they arrest them .. only if they go by thousands and coordinated something can happen .. but there’s no opposing party against Putin so , who can coordinate a mass anti war / protest gathering ? I don’t think that there are people here in this forum that believe that reasonable Russian people want any of this as well . I always question things , look what Turkey does currently for example , they are a NATO country and nobody is commenting on being the only country that gives access to Russian interests with planes and more .. Have you seen anyone opposing on them ? I am not saying it because I am Greek , I have friends from Turkey , they are also forbidden / afraid to protest against Erdogan .. Where have the Security organizations or United Nations when Cyprus was invaded in 1974 and since then it is a divided country with a fake Turkish / Cyprus Government that ZERO ( 0 ) nations in the world recognize ? I try not to post or speak politics but I often forget my posts , so I stop here and I apologize again 😔 I just don’t like to go at the political discussions because there it is another “ verbal war “ and I don’t like to participate . I also don’t have the necessary vocabulary in English to develop my thoughts the way I wish and I don’t want to use google translator to make it from Greek to English .
  17. There have been things happening today .. Good friend Noldus says also that there might be some changes very soon .. Let’s see if the earlier post refers to one of these changes .
  18. It’s always some sources ..Let’s see the final outcome .
  19. From military point of view , the war is lost for the Ukrainians .If the negotiations won’t be successful , the worst is in front for all these people .
  20. I don’t buy the western propaganda ..There’s a guy ( Putin ) that has lost his senses , the question is why he reached the point and we see whatever we see ? I have all the history of Ukraine since 2004 ( I can PM you 😁 ) , but this is a different story than invading as he is doing ..The hypocrisy of the western world is in my opinion and the way I see things beyond words and that’s what I don’t like . I don’t forget what has happened in other countries , that’s all ..Putin lost any credibility with what he’s doing but i am not going to blame a nation and its people of 180 million . As I have said , a fistful of people decide the fate of millions and indirectly billions , what are we as citizens do about it ? 😔
  21. Any use of weapons for any reason it is a wrong call , especially when a county isn’t a threat for another one .Ukraine would never be a threat for a Russia as Iraq would have never been for USA or Yugoslavia or Afghanistan ..Anytime a war happens , guns and whatever systems are sold , innocents die , people out of nowhere have to leave their countries .. Madmen in history have always existed , the problem has always been why the politics have made them rise so much and be able to take decisions affecting not only millions directly but indirectly billions 😔😒
  22. Masha videocall with Sophia I believe ..
  23. It seems that these 4 friends will be soon out of RLC ..😔
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