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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Very disappointing seeing Loraine in the current state , the most gorgeous of them all and simply “ locked “ in a troubled period ..Hope she finds an escape very soon from bad thoughts .
  2. Ahh ..Finally , so good we see something different here .The addition of guys not being Russians it adds to the whole nice evening ..After a week of normal “ silence “ , it’s good that RLC tenants try to move in , well done ..The best is yet to come .
  3. Fiora and Radislava seems that it worked perfectly fine, expect a show never seen before If Fiora goes wild 😆 as she seems to return the visiting favor of Radislava some days ago .
  4. Night out for everyone as it seems , way to go for the girls , well done 👏🏻👏🏻
  5. Well , at least a normal looking daily life couple ,during their first moments , genuine reactions and no exaggerations .
  6. Nice watching the inexperience , mobiles on cameras 😁 I would have wished a Czech couple but … Good luck and happy days to both of them .
  7. FINALLY … Something happening in B2 , welcome to male guests , FINALLY .
  8. What attitude I have towards you ? I just expressed my opinion about what I personally watch and read here .. I have never blamed Leora’s boyfriend because I have never seen him in person to create my own opinion about him .. all the criticism , who he is , what he is and the way he behaves , has been formatted due to posts here …Has she spoken in details to Paul about him so as to know his personality and character ? Because she smashed her phoned and lost it one day ,should I consider him the bad guy ? For what I know , Leora explained him the cameras thing and he immediately denied to have anything to do with it. Since he was/is LB ( Leora’s Boyfriend ) , we assume they were fucking or having let’s say a FWB relationship … who maintained it ? Did he force her ? Did he push her ? Wasn’t all Leora’s decisions to keep on with him and at the same time play the “ Santa Juliana De Krasnoyarsk “ to Paul ? ( another fool of course that his long time ex girlfriend was having another guy but since the money was / is coming, he isn’t / wasn’t a fool to say “ NO “ to the money - or isn’t it so ? ) As everyone here is commenting on my posts ,i did the same with yours .. I don’t chew what I am served and I question things that I observe with my own eyes, I expressed my opinion and I am sorry that I have another one than yours about Leora’s Boyfriend . And sorry to disappoint you as a last comment , but befriending a tenant in whatever way and because you get the information in direct way you believe that like this you can know everything , well, I have a different opinion . You will only learn and listen what they need you to learn and listen .that’s all I have to say about it. I am way far by being prejudiced towards you but I have also my own beliefs and my own way of thinking and I am sorry I disagree with you about Leora’s Boyfriend, but it is how it is .
  9. Do you know what has been happening outside when they were meeting for all this more than 1,5 years together ? Do you know how they were living when they were sharing their moments ? If she was pissed off with him , why didn’t she delete , block or whatever his phone numbers ? Why did she pick up in front of the cameras ( as it was mentioned ) and didn’t go to hide for the talk ? If this guy was a nightmare , what’s the purpose of being together in whatever terms for more than 1,5 years ? Leora with proven facts she maintained a relationship with this guy for more than 1,5 years , for what I know about life , if we don’t like something or someone , sooner or later we stop it .. Leora picked up the phone on cameras , this happened … does anyone know here what happens when she’s outside of the apartment with her phonecalls and if he’s part of her life ? People here say that Leora is free to do whatever she wants , whenever she wants with whoever she wants but any guy that isn’t Paul ( Denis and Leora’s Boyfriend) is presented as the Devil Incarnated and Leora should not have these people in her life ( of course the viewers should decide which people should be in her life ..) and Leora is presented as “ Santa Juliana de Krasnoyarsk “ …
  10. Welcome to the new couple and let’s wish them a great stay , they seem to have the best apartment , hopefully they prove a normal daily life couple , making this their own place to live and not only a financial opportunity .
  11. Why can’t he just showing a genuine interest and asking about Malia or how her ex is doing in Russia ? I guess he isn’t a concerned human being like the rest of us to a woman he has been together with for more than 1,5 year .. oh well ..
  12. Yes .. it looks like same arrangements .. but then , a sauna apartment in Prague 😱 , like in F&H , so strange .
  13. OT ….MAJOR SURPRISE 👏👏👏👏 New couples apartment .. @StnCld316, needs to interfere 🤡 Prediction says Prague but we will see , then we get even one more soon .. And RLC isn’t dying or collapsing obviously 😂🤣👻
  14. I hope she enjoyed her own apartment’s bed as she looks quite fresh or the place that hosted her for the night 😏
  15. I need to check if Smith was in the apartment in Prague with Kitty or he made a “ fast “ back and forth journey in Barcelona 😆😏
  16. Cleopatra seems to have been packing in her normal Barcelona apartment clothes to bring in B2 , she then decided to sleep in her own comfy bed rather than retuning in her room in this place 😆🤩 … Or , her date worked in comparison to other MIA evenings .. 😏🤓
  17. I think we just need to understand them during these uncertain times..But for what I know about life it is that people ( except the ones who experience things ) forget easy and keep on with their lives , the more this continues and isn’t affecting in a direct way the rest of the world , it will slowly be reducing the interest and the unlucky and unfortunate will simply be the people of these two countries ..It is the same like the people from Syria , Afghanistan , Yugoslavia in the past and so on ..
  18. There are two ways to react with what’s happening currently in Ukraine .We are experiencing both ways due to the complexity of the tenants personalities . B5 ( all Ukrainians ) the first days they were devastated and sad , worried and restless , the TV on 24/7 watching the news and on their phones most probably trying to keep in touch with beloved ones back in their country ..The result of this behavior brought them eventually to a big “ FUCK OFF “ with everything , they turned off the TV and they tried to have fun and enjoy themselves with endless alcohol , music , for sure drugs ..And then , there’s the reaction we see mostly from Zabava in B1 which represents the other way , the one of someone feeling scared , worried , sad , disappointed , helpless if I can say so as well . Consider also both Tata and Zabava participating in RLC for the first time and not having the experience of being in another place working like Kylie and Rus for example , the girls came to have fun , enjoy themselves and ultimately us , the viewers , Zabava did it actually in 48 hours since she entered the apartment , Tata I think she would also offer a lot but… And that’s the explanation from my side , especially about Tata .
  19. I think that due to the current circumstances , she might have realized that the best thing at the moment is for any of the tenants to send an indirect message to the viewers that they are all together in this and they have nothing in difference apart from the countries they were born . Two parties in one day , trying to get together and visiting apartments and not being isolated in their rooms and with their phones ( Radislava / Loraine ) . Socializing , trying to have happy thoughts and escape as much as possible sad emotions during what’s happening at this point .
  20. Radislava in a super surprising behavior and mood while being with “ outsiders “ of B4 , even being colleagues , following yesterday’s visit in B6 ..Impressed and well done 👏🏻👏🏻
  21. Well , they would have either let things trouble their mind or try to escape the sad thoughts , off they go with a 2nd fun night and moving the party times from B5 to the villa ..It is a pity that the B2 girls avoid the place , that B6 chooses their own little gathering with Radislava ( when Harley seemed to enjoy last night ) and of course B1 new girls ( especially Zabava looking completely sad with the things happening and might have family , friends or relatives completely in the middle of wherever things happen ) ..Let’s hope that these are some last hours of devastation for these people ( however everyone is affected as long this situation continues ) and the world goes back to normal sooner or later .
  22. There she is 😇 What a great surprise seeing her back , welcome back Piper 😌
  23. Thanks for the concern , I have always been sharing respected chats and opinions here with you . I have been called many things in this topic , characterizations and adjectives or nouns by forum members only because since the summer of 2020 mostly , I have grown the idea in my mind that Leora is taking advantage of her RLC presence and personally isn’t contributing to the definition of the site “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ . I have commented , posted and expressed my opinions about it and only till recently I furiously answered back to the guy that goes here by the name of Nicholas with the same attitude , which was totally unacceptable for the way I am as a person and shouldn’t have happened and of course masterchef that I have though no regrets of characterizing him for obvious reasons . I am saying things my own way and what can we do ? The power of democracy is to be able and express our opinions no matter how we agree or disagree with someone else . Whenever I am seeing things that Leora pleases me , I express it with admiration , one of it being recently the finally visiting / opening her apartment to a guest , something that was for months a reason I was complaining that she wasn’t doing . It’s more worrying telling me that you get PMs while everyone who does so can easily post his / her opinion here and discuss about it with me since obviously we don’t agree . But being so easy to characterize a forum member publicly with insults and so difficult to share a counter opinion with reasonable arguments that need to send a PM complaining for a forum member , perhaps this says a lot of things if you allow me to say this . That’s all I have to say about it , my forum presence and the ability I have to comment on a product and service I am watching and paying for it for my own reasons and with the absolute right I have to judge in any way I want any of the tenants by respecting the CC’s site rules is my own business . I have never in my almost 20k posts insulted a tenant and I will continue expressing my thoughts in ways that respect the site , the other members and anyone who simply reads but I will never back off and being told to express my opinions in ways that favors a tenant because other people aren’t pleased with it 😊, this would mean another “ dark time “ in the year 2022 like the ones we here in Europe and ultimately the most parts of the world currently experience indirectly. Thanks for your concern again .
  24. But if no one cares , why keep on commenting over a statistic projection and speaking about it ? Personally , if I don’t care about something , I ignore it . It is just numbers posted here , exactly like Pulo posts the daily resume for example .
  25. Always a great voyeur’s moment when a couple has sex next to rooms that others are sleeping and can come out anytime and see the action 😁 And not being quite silent 😉
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