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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The funny thing is that people complain about Masha who is the only one who isn’t a GOV that respects her participation in the project .She’s the truly one that does whatever she wants , whenever she wants and as you say , unless it wasn’t her and the adventures and the variety that she brings , the controversial talks whenever she visits Barcelona or has visitors , who would be the one again and again and again keeping the site unpredicted to watch ? Whoever likes it or not , she’s the only one that no one has any idea of what to expect . And this she manages 7 years after . And this why most probably when she has a request , RLC provides ..But her biggest achievement is that even when she’s not in the apartment , either on holidays or absent for whatever reasons , she has managed to keep her apartment occupied with people that subscribers enjoy watching as they provide different and crazy entertainment ( cleaning lady , hairdresser , Babi to name a few ) .. Instead of RLC trying to “ encourage “ such behaviors from the tenants , they want to have the girls parading naked like this is what they will increase their customers ..Definitely the people currently running the business have absolutely no idea what the people wish to watch ..
  2. Let’s repeat it again for whoever hasn’t read it .. the LeMa virus which started over a year ago it then got the variant with the name Le . For whoever is unaware of what this means , it is tenants that they do absolutely nothing ( except masturbating as a show 2-4 times per week and not as normal human female need ) , they keep all of their private life outside , they keep on earning thousand of euros per month and they have a place to sleep , take a shower and achieve all personal goals by fooling the subscribers . The virus has spread all over RLC , the clever ones “ got infected “ with the Le variant ( Radislava ) which is just being naked during the whole day to have the cameras attention . There’s no need for any tenant ( that’s why maximum praise to Daniela , Fiora , Harley, Ulyana ) to do anything on camera , why should they expose themselves and bring their outside private lives inside the apartments when the main star of the roster does absolutely nothing , fools the audience and enjoys a “ Queen’s life “ ? Luckily , all viruses end sooner or later or they become part of our daily routine . The RLC customers and viewing numbers show that people are fed up and bored , even at the forum there’s less traffic because it is few things happening noteworthy to comment . Tricks of 4,95 for 3 days trial or whatever they do , will eventually understand when they reach the ultimate rock bottom that it doesn’t help anything . Either they make their tenants active , increase their salaries and provide them with the good bonuses of the past and ask them to live “ as normal as possible “ they can in front of cameras or unless they do , they will simply kick them out . People have stopped being fooled , they cancel so many more than renewing or getting new customers . If they want to keep on with the virus and encouraging their top tenant to have this life and affecting the whole RLC , it won’t take much longer that ( unless there’s any sort of alternate financial support of RLC and kind of laundry money keeping the business open ) the site will become a nice sweet memory . RLC always managed to find ways and be on top and actually survive the last 2,5 crisis years but in case a business isn’t taken care of and keep ignoring , not listening the customers , being arrogant and selfish , the future isn’t shown positive . Let’s see what 2022 will bring .. or not .
  3. Hmm .. If it wasn’t with her participation with Anthony , she could be a candidate for GOV Queen and dethrone Gina .. But Gina is counted as single and Loraine I believe she has days also with Anthony .. therefore the undisputed contender is Radislava , except if the 501 days are all counted as single that I doubt 😇 Sorry to say , but for whatever we have seen and experienced , the things that we got entertained , Gina will always be the best . From not doing much or let’s say not sex , she transformed to a hardcore machine , she was absolutely genuine and real with all of her emotions and reactions . She laughed , got sad , she cried , she got drunk , she was ORIGINAL Gina .. she was herself , she lived her on cameras life exactly like I am sure she does now outside . Any comparison to Loraine and Radislava if they ever overcome her reign can only be characterized as a joke by myself .
  4. “ Justice League “ for Alberto , “ Don’t look up “ for Karol , videocalls and phonecalls and sleeping elsewhere ..and all this while RLC has the 4,95€ offer for 3 days with replays on…Pff, difficult times..
  5. Thank you for describing ddhm in 3 lines 😂😂 And it is always great being confirmed by a woman what the majority of you like ( or let’s say a quite big amount of women ) and there are guys that can deliver . Finding out in the course of time and learning that “ it was the best sex that I had “ “ funniest and craziest guy to spend time with “ , it is the biggest reward for relationships that didn’t work in the end for other reasons , but as a guy , this approach and behavior is the “ ultimate passport “ for a unique experience being a couple 😇
  6. I can’t believe that there aren’t any reactions for this info ..For whoever has a VH.TV subscription , I think the things that could be seen from this couple when they were with RLC , they will fully unfold while now with VH.TV. It will be fun times watching , that’s for sure .
  7. We need more Harley like ladies , RLC is wasting her in this apartment .
  8. If he has managed to be around the girls and fuck already 4 of them , he does for sure something right .. for me , he must be an excellent bla bla guy , this is what I have observed .. in sex he is worse than terrible but in company I think he is fun for the girls ( yes , he also seems to be able and provide substances ) , nothing is a coincidence .
  9. One more toxic relationship like the increasing trend that RLC offers since Covid began .. Kitty & Smith , Gina & Bruno , this one now .. well , sorry to say , but it is also Leia’s fault , she knows that she’s not happy overall but loving this guy is stronger inside her mind and in her heart and she’s not leaving him.. there’s nothing that anyone can do except from herself to let go and be free .. But she can’t , like Gina couldn’t , like both Kitty and Smith continue ..
  10. All 3 nice on their own .. Roma , Barcelona and the first ever Prague lady appearance 🥳
  11. The funny thing is that RLC admins in Prague keep the apartment online and I believe she has no idea , who knows , we might get treated in an unexpected extremely wonderful voyeur’s way 😀😋😋 Stay tuned 😈😈
  12. If this lady is the RLC cleaning lady services in Prague , no comments more 🤩🤩🥳 Can RLC hire her as tenant also ? Fantastic 😎😎😇👏
  13. You make a good resume ( congratulations for your first post ) and it is as you say , Nana would do this and would do that and whatever IF….If Tesla , changing attitudes and so many others small things that they simply show this , she was perhaps a good girl for this kind of job . She had a guy laying next to her repeatedly on her bed , what for ? To get the views ? She didn’t want to expose herself on cameras having sex ? Perfectly fine ..But for whatever has been posted , she never made it clear to him , on cameras at least .Therefore , she kept bringing him for camera teasing or whatever her agenda was . The worst thing for a subscriber it is when we think that a tenant has decided to do most of her private life outside ( of course it is a choice and perfectly accepted and respected ) and therefore in this way hiding actually much of her private life .After a certain point , Nana was using RLC as a place to have a place to sleep .And this a person that pays watching is hard to swallow . If a girl thinks that there are boundaries , she can easily quit the project , go be a hairdresser or a waitress or a photographer or a beautician , no offense to all respective professions which actually bring good money . A subscriber doesn’t want to feel cheated and with Nana , I think that most of us felt that way . We like it or not , this is an adult site , the more a girl does , the more praise she gets . And exactly because of what you say that she seemed to do more and then she reached a limit , most of us didn’t like it and we simply expressed it . Not all jobs are for everyone and most probably this wasn’t for Nana as well .Still she used RLC to gain much much more than she showed to the customers , especially when the feeling is that she was doing things outside . We are watching RLC so as for whoever participates not to think about the cameras , these are the people we like to watch and these are mostly the ones we want to have in our screen .That’s why you see good comments in general for girls that don’t hide and try to be normal and live even more normal . It was time for Nana to depart and seek for things that don’t feel “ too much “ for her . It just took more time and the subscribers were fed up .
  14. RLC is brain fucking Radislava , they gave her ex room to Mila , she can now visit and tell her all about her glorious first 9-10 months and relive the memories 😂 B1 can officially categorized in the archives as the apartment that gets the prize of boredom , i can’t honestly think the reason that people would tune in to watch apart from watching Karol having this wonderful sexual seduction feeling that makes you observe many times , but the twins and Mila with their agenda clearly in outside activities , pfff ,what a waste … The next B2 tenants will be very important on how RLC will welcome spring and the first summer months , it can get disastrous boring or a flame of hope can rise . As someone suggested , it could be great moving Fiora and Harley in B2 , all Russians , they can find easier ways of communication . Let’s hope that this “ cleaning “ will be beneficial in the rest of the apartments because B1 seems that is becoming only an incredible glory days of the past memory .
  15. The opinions vary , we actually don’t know what to expect that the girls will do ..We have no idea how they have dealt with the virus , if there are things they have missed and Barcelona now for them will be a nice relaxing place . We need to see also their roommates , it always affects for good or bad atmosphere in an apartment . The general reaction of the forum are mixed opinions , aladino will be for sure happy seeing one of his favorites , personally , not knowing what to expect will intrigue me watching in the beginning , that’s for sure . The standard is that we get once again repeaters which clearly shows that RLC is struggling to find new faces , it isn’t anymore a job of opportunities obviously . As someone said , I don’t think it can get any worse , so I expect better things to come , welcome to the girls and I hope they enjoy their stay and ultimately enjoy and entertain us all .
  16. The “ GOV “ are a totally different concept than the “ Singles “ concept that Leora appears to be at the main page of the site . To make it a bit more upset for you , since you can remember lots of my posts because you seem to observe lots of what I am saying but strangely I haven’t seen you posting in other topics except this one ( and if you have done it is a rare phenomena ) , I consider Leora the responsible person of the current RLC downgrade and downfall. She was the main reason that the site exploded in popularity once , in my opinion , she’s the main responsible of its current downfall . The main reason ?Her on cameras contribution is zero to none ( except if for you and the majority you like to watch all the time a woman sleeping half the day , occupying herself with her portable devices when she’s at home , having her legs open when watching TV or reading a book , taking a shower and of course masturbate 2-4 times per week ) and this has come to the attention of the GOV , why should they bring visitors , fuck on cameras , make shows and whatever so as to contribute for the adult entertainment that the site wants to offer ? It is my strong belief then that Leora’s on camera lifestyle has passed to them and in result we see almost nothing there too in comparison to the past . About Leora and playing with so many people with her lies since she can’t stand in front of them , look at them in their eyes and say “ I live in an apartments with cameras but i can tell you more and explain you what exactly it is , you can always visit and have a coffee at the balcony , have a wine and chat “ , I guess you find it normal that she’s even hiding her phonecalls on public view because of what ? She speaks all the time about bank accounts and home or working addresses that it is “ personal data “ and rightfully have to be prevented from exposure ? Are we watching the private life or the hiding life ? To copy a recent comment that I read , if RLC had around 30 live apartments and 25 let’s say of them were offering things , Leora would have been long gone . But you , like so many others , are dragged of -honestly - I don’t know what and here you are concentrating your thoughts on me instead of making your criticism and contributing to the forum for the topic and not for an indifferent forum member . I say then again , ALL of the tenants , fresh ones , experienced ones , have managed to handle the cameras , the MASTER and Queen of seduction to the fans , the non shy and precious Leora can’t even find a way what to say to the people of her social circle in Prague about the cameras..Surreal 😂🤣😂🤣 As for Masha , if you are offended about her lifestyle and because she loves to have many men and an intensively active sexual life , i can’t see the difference of her performing on cameras, living life for herself and not for the cameras to the obsessed masturbations life of Leora and her life being for the cameras and not as part of it . Masha likes to have sex , but because she has lots of men , she’s a witch , let’s throw her on fire because she makes people jealous that she can still enjoy one of the biggest pleasures in life , sex . Paul and Leora , recently the hidden video of Leora been abused by Paul was online . I guess your parade in the topics of Gina and Bruno and in the past of Kitty and Smith so to mention that for a similar abuse reason Leora and Paul kept on being online while the two mentioned couples were removed was not worth it a single comment . I have slept with a triple digit number of women in my life , not the first triple digit that you form but you can add also at this around the amount of time that Christ lived to understand more or less that I am too experienced concerning human behaviors and relations , i have incredible self confidence for myself and I can sit in the middle of a table with people of 18-67 years of age at the same and discuss all kind of topics and have an opinion . The nature of my job allows me to have an incredible amount of free time in the winter and spending 3-4 hours in total daily here to observe one of my hobbies and exchange ideas and opinions with people of different social status , age ,country , language and so much more , i find it fascinating and a gift that people don’t know how to get advantage of it so as to expand so much of social skills on distance . I have nothing personal with anyone , I know noone here but it is my 1000% right to comment on any form I wish and like as long as I remain under the forum’s site rules and respect them . And this I do , no matter what you think about me , being negative or prejudiced towards Leora or whatever I am posting in this forum . I can say whatever I want , whenever I want for whatever respective topic i am willing to express my opinion . After all , this is what it means being in a forum , what a pity not satisfying everyone’s brain or sympathy towards a tenant , but then I guess isn’t this democracy and free will expressing yourself FORUM | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary DICTIONARY.CAMBRIDGE.ORG 1. a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter… As for my personal passion for women , i worship the women sex as they are responsible for amazing times ( sad times too ) , I was organizing for a week or so to locate where a summer flame that I had would be on her birthday in Costa Rica , I found the hotel and the exact date and I delivered flowers to her as soon as she woke up . A month after I was in Helsinki airport with a bouquet of flowers and she knew nothing as we had broke up after the summer story , I flew from Tenerife to Helsinki just to look at her for 5 minutes and give her the flowers so as I can look her in the eyes and understand , see ,make my own conclusion if the break up was real or it was a misunderstanding or the 5 months of distant relationship had destroyed whatever we had in the past summer . I answered you nearly all I believe, in comparison to what many people do here , i am not hiding behind my mobile keyboard anonymously and posting . There are people that know my name in this very topic that I have shared with PMs and rest assure I have no problem to give all of my data here . I have my real photo as an avatar so as people can concentrate even more their whatever feelings towards a person that can see how it looks , the place and country I live are visible and open for everyone to see , my age also known .I have absolutely nothing to hide to anyone , I am genuine , passionated and proud that I can stand as equal with people older than me and express myself in a language that isn’t my native and actually be able and make a couple of meaningful sentences and not use my excellent knowledge of my language in so many posts that I want to say so much more than the English knowledge and limited vocabulary allows me to do . That’s me then , hypocritical to you , bring me more things if you want and i promise that my answer won’t be a whole chapter like this one 😂🤣 But I have never hidden or refused to answer at anything being thrown at me or accused. My deepest apologies to forum members of this post but i was asked publicly and I answered the same .
  17. I don’t know , again her guy absent , as I said I don’t think it is serious , I like this party attitude tonight , it’s a new thing we see from her , very nice .
  18. This stupid Covid has made the girls not being able to enjoy as they wish , without wanting to excuse their actions , sometimes going off limits it’s kind of human reaction..With the tenants that RLC currently has , losing these 4 girls would be a disaster …
  19. Daniel , whenever he smell high possibilities to fuck , he is great achieving his goals ..Had Loraine not Anthony , with lots and lots and lots of bla bla , he would have got her i believe…
  20. Say about noise again but this apartment seems to be ok with that 😁 The girls don’t learn 🤡
  21. Daniel was touching Ulyana’s tits and she went away from him 😂😂
  22. If it wasn’t with the ass touching , we could say that he might be a relative of sorts ..if he’s more , why not allowing him to sleep in her bed ? Just sleep , I don’t think it would be an issue ..plus she would have the top camera the whole night 😂😂
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