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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Lia , Mia , Nana , Leora , for me even Radislava , I am trying with all of the good will and thinking fair to understand what their contribution to RLC is , what do they offer to me as a viewer and paying subscriber ? I can’t find an answer no matter what ..
  2. Leora would do such tricks for money .. small tricks for eternal attention , ultimately avoiding criticism for the continuous weeks of taking night escapes from the apartment for a couple of days . And here’s the question , why suddenly the staying over at nights have almost disappeared since Malia left ?? We also disagree about the Malia and Leora thing but as always is happening in a respected way , exactly as it should be 😇
  3. It was the most fake shows , especially the last months with Malias hand on her face while with the other playing Leora , so feeling bored , emotionless and just for the money , I have read about being lesbian , it was never any kisses , any tits touching or licking , it was already at that time the show so as to keep the people to tune in with the the eternal hope “ can it be today for more “ and this hypnotized for months and months the loyal subjects when Leora was using Malia building silently her outside life .. as we have said , a mastermind .. And of course , when she didn’t need her anymore , suddenly and as she had publicly expressed her wish since spring 2021 that she was hoping for Malia to leave in summer , Malia left …. 😆😆😆🙃🙃
  4. You never get away from certain and permanent payment and living with a close friend in beautiful Barcelona for a temporary fun situation ..
  5. I can only tell that the 5th January became 7th and the 7th , 8… there’s so much more to it , personally and despite knowing that it isn’t the most positive of comments , when you are a GOV ( that means staying on holidays ) and going on holidays while being actually on holidays , in a way getting paid by being absent ( as I have said I believe that the holidays for Tweety and Holly came unexpected and at the last minute ) , it isn’t the best as a new tenant ( also for Holly but let’s say she’s a dedicated employee ) .. my conclusion is that Tweety asked for more and RLC stops accepting what the girls want ( she asked for more holidays .. ) and she was terminated .. Holly’s reactions ( talks with the girls , body language , getting nervous perhaps ) might give us the answers . It might be ENOUGH IS ENOUGH for RLC playing the good employer and allowing the girls doing absolutely whatever they want whenever they want without respecting their contracts , add on this the continues drop of subscription numbers and there you have it … You have tenants in B2 , B1 ( apart from Karol ) , Leora that give a shit and only get paid to fill the beds , I strongly speculate that this might have been an ENORMOUS bell ringing for the participants , you are paid to be tenants and be on cameras and not away from them . Other than that , it is unexplained Tweety’s removal .
  6. On a positive note , FINALLY the master bedroom is having only one tenant sleeping after nearly 6 months that was a shared room .. perhaps now Holly can enjoy herself and us easier 😎😋😋
  7. The good ones are going , the ones that contribute nothing keep staying indefinitely , this is what’s happening .
  8. She gets the chance now that the other obsessed camera woman is absent 🤩
  9. So … summarizing .. 4 girls ( Harley , Fiora , Olivia , Ulyana ) enter an apartment in Barcelona “ advertised “ as permanent tenants . Soon after they all 4 disappear only for 2 of them ( Olivia , Ulyana to return in the villa nearly a month after and in the master bedroom ) and the other 2 as GOV another month almost later . The girls in the villa ( Ulyana , Olivia ) soon after their arrival in the villa they are changed from the best room to the worst . Soon after and during the previous paragraph events and in direct relation to what has occurred , 3 of the villa tenants ( Lia , Mia , Karol ) move from the villa to inhabit the empty - freshly renovated - B1 apartment which was the place that was inhabited by the 4 girls of the previous paragraph when it reopened in early autumn . Suddenly , an on and off surprised reappearing Holly mostly in B5 gets a bed in B1 and becomes once again a GOV . After almost 2 weeks of Holly’s residency , we get an appearance of a lovely girl , christened by the fans here as Luya , suddenly again and after 2 weeks of staying in B1 and sleeping at the same room with Holly , one Saturday or Sunday morning , we see both Holly and Luya at that time get a transport and moving in the villa , becoming both of them residents of the house and the real life friend of Holly getting the stage name Tweety and moving to the best room in B4 . It doesn’t take long that one of the long term villa residents moves in B1 ( Nana ) only to fill the bed of the recently departed Holly and Tweety raising the question why all of the above happened in that sequence ( change of apartments , rooms , Olivia and Ulyana appearing first , changing rooms , then Harley and Fiora ) , finally reaching a sudden holidays for the last acquaintances of the villa for the Christmas holidays period ( Holly , Tweety ) and then today just like that , Tweety being removed . If there’s ANYONE that can understand What The Fuck RLC is doing ( I didn’t even mention getting back Loraine without her BF Anthony , a short contract girl Buffy and a mysterious stay and reappearances of recent 2021 participants Amalia and Pam ) , here are the facts , if these aren’t situations showing that RLC is in absolute mess of decisions and not knowing what the fuck is happening with the people they hire , then , despite a great treatment by Ulyana for a couple of days , we are off with a bad start in 2022 …
  10. Tweety 😓😓 And the mysteries with the GOV projects continue …
  11. So , technically , instead of putting the airplane sign , she just increased the outside times away from the prison and coming back now a bit later just to phone Paul from inside the apartment as she can’t do it during the day from anywhere else 😂🤣😂🤣 The joke continues , let’s see how the loyal subjects and peasants will keep on protecting / defending / justifying what we see 😜🤪 Ahh , sorry , it is all BS 😂🤣😂🤣 , what ISN’T BS it is the fact that the subscription cancellations continue . But of course it isn’t also ( and ) because of Leora’s joking in apartment life but the other RLC concept as well 🤔 We can safely say for today , Same Shit Different Day , escape from prison , outside activities with full pockets because of secure income coming day in and out and perhaps a night treatment so as for the Pulitzer Prize writer to enlighten us with his amazing description , ahh , what an incredible topic it has become 😇 ( apologies for the post , I just wanted to make my daily contribution today because good friend Pulo is desperately keeping the topic alive with his daily publishings and especially today doing it all by himself as the interest is below zero 🥶😰😨 )
  12. Most probably the guy that Dani has brought home several times , just a speculation of course 😇
  13. Wish everyone could give your insight , nicely said . I consider Radislava one of the strangest tenants ever appeared , it is like there’s a continuous “ fight “ of two individuals , two people being one ..Look at her room , full of clothes , nice ones , expensive , decorative , it would give you the idea that she goes out , even in downtown Barcelona shopping , anything ..but no , most times isolated in her room …Then , the chance to communicate , interact , spend time with the others , many times up to her to approach the others easily but then , no , hesitation , always or most of the times expecting the others for the first step . I don’t know what has happened in her life and made her create such a cement wall that it is extremely difficult to penetrate and therefore get to know her but personally , I believe that despite wanting to do a lot , she is afraid taking the risk . Of course being shy and not confident , I guess her body technical improvements also indicate this . But then , she has the audience’s support , a quite big fan base , she has the “ clearance “ to entertain , most of the people like her … still , 13 months after , wondering and questioning many times her habits and routine ..pff , sorry , women 😂😂😂🙈🙊🙊
  14. They have done and quite nice 5-6 times I believe , maybe more .
  15. At the moment , I believe she’s taking advantage of each and everyone that is in her life directly and indirectly to achieve her goals(s) , it is a master plan in full effect by playing everyone .. Lets begin ; - viewers , succeeding her financial independence -friends outside that have no idea of what , why , perhaps even where so that in case something goes wrong , there’s an alternative - a male friend , succeeding a ) her sexual needs for a woman of her age to be satisfied , b ) use him at any time as a substitute in case the guy in Russia suddenly cuts all contact for whatever reasons -3,4 on public contact friends ( Malia , Denis , rare Skype appearing people ) so as to feed the audience of whatever information she wants so the plot can continue , the speculations to be always present concerning both her inside and outside apartment life , the mystery surrounding her actions staying active so the people can tune in day in and day out and therefore succeeding her exhibitionism desire - feeding the audience whenever she believes that it is suitable and having mastered the knowledge of “ people have missed me , let’s feed them today “ succeeding being always the center of interest even providing a “ same shit , different day “ program as gradually is starting becoming a trend at the topic. Leora is a well oiled machine at the moment , confused and I dare to say indifferent as a human concerning her emotions , her feelings , her attitude towards anyone but very well focused on achieving her goal(s) since quite some respective time . Ahh , wait , I think this post will be criticized as BS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😁😁
  16. I hope Daniela and Holly enjoy for the next hour somewhere before the bars close 😇
  17. Yes , I saw and of course I agree .. it is at such times that I feel embarrassed being a man 😡😡😡
  18. Well , it was a nice and fun evening , good times for the people who participated , not even now Maksim comes out to at least say good night and apologize ..what a loser 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
  19. Hope that Dani , the male guest and even Holly stay over 😉
  20. Answering about Radislava’s issues , how difficult for example would be if she has socializing problems to participate in the party tonight at B5 ? She’s also not trying , just many times locked in her room , she’s not a 20 years old , she’s nearly 30 , I mean , come on now ..
  21. He could just spend even 5-10 minutes and say sorry that he isn’t feeling well and that’s it , nothing personal as a human to another , but this is a total waste for RLC …it even affects Leia who is a really lovable person and wants / tries to enjoy but always in the back of her mind is the guy she is crazy for as it seems ..
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