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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Gina was herself always , she never faked anything , a girl who considers life fun and let’s enjoy 😇 for her age , all of her actions are justified by me .. she fall deeply and crazy for Bruno , another real life story which I think grew up her even more .. I don’t know if she ever reappears ( i believe she will being a local , after all RLC wanted to show to us that she was alright bringing her on cameras in B1 just a couple of days after the police incident ) , I believe RLC helped her grow in a “ strange way “ with the situations she lived and experienced … People original like Gina , like Harley , they make RLC worth to watch many times .
  2. I consider Maksim the worst ever male presence as part of the COV concept , this today is ridiculous and I don’t even know how fool Leia appears and whatever excuses or reasonable and truth things she has said about him , but not even coming out being next door , I have never ever experienced watching anything like it .
  3. Pff , wrong approach … whatever , keep on with your complaints , my bad .
  4. Harley is an X-Factor ,both her and Holly angels outside but they are so much more “ behind the scenes “😈😈😈 I don’t personally buy Harley’s guy , I think it is just a surface thing , totally my opinion of course , I think the only one that can be said that it is serious is Karol’s situation but I don’t agree with the way the relationship is maintained .. Anyway , this is the cast and as long as they keep us entertained and they try to have an as normal life as possible , it is perfectly fine 😇 The archtenant of RLC being the complete current fluke is the biggest problem of RLC at the moment , also in my humble opinion of course , which affects the whole RLC function .
  5. You need to decide what you want to see … you don’t like that way , you don’t like the other way , one thing it smells bad , the other tastes horrible .. this is it , take it or leave it .
  6. Friendship or good feelings from one person to the other can’t be divided because we disagree for people that have no idea about us 😇 On the contrary , it is healthy to be able and discuss our differences or whatever different ideas we have in civilized manner and I think that’s the most important . Italian is different than Spanish , whatever English Martina speaks might cover not even a 5% of her overall conversation in her daily routine . There’s no point that essential and key life talks for personal life issues are made in English , why should it be like that ? Would you speak Italian with anyone of your family having the chance to communicate in English with the people you love for family / life matters considering that they speak Italian too ? An adult site and whatever common things or differences we have isn’t defining our humanity and sympathy towards someone else , at least that’s a principle I have in life .
  7. Yes , it was even a totally disastrous prediction since there are issues with Karol for both girls , so this couldn’t be working nice . In general , it’s nice to see some more mixing with girls that don’t hang out with others often but the whole relationships concept isn’t working at all ( better say in satisfactory way ) with the major problem of course being the “ princesses “ of B2 ..
  8. Harley’s guy appears again , let’s see what’s going on then ..
  9. So, she speaks with her aunt in English and not in Spanish or dialect ? As I said again , what is it if for the translators if what you say that happened not to pass the info and perhaps even with more details ? I don’t personally believe that you create things from your imagination but I think that since you don’t speak the language , it’s like making conclusions or theories by trying to add puzzle pieces to compete the whole pattern and this leads you to false assumptions . Emnv presented posts that you don’t speak Spanish , therefore I don’t think it can be doubted that you don’t get - at least - the detailed meaning of the talks that are shared on cameras . I have studied 6 months Russian , 4 years Italian , 8 years French and 4 years German but I wouldn’t be able to understand French and Russian even a quarter of it and around 50% of the Italian and German language talks . I honestly believe that if we don’t know the language and we try to interpret things because we speak a similar ( in hearing mostly or Latin based ) but totally different one , we should allow or leave the things to be provided here by the native speaking ones . I don’t think that they are RLC agents that need to provide standard information for whatever reasons or Martina and Alberto pay them so as to hide essential info that they share on cameras , never forget also , there are thousand people watching who simply don’t post or don’t know the forum , what’s the point that M&A make them fool also by sharing the whatever info on cameras and being completely unreliable ? Such good actors ? Anyway , let’s end it here , anyone can believe whatever he/she wants , the results and facts always speak louder than anything else ..
  10. I try to be fair , most times I succeed I believe ..Look now how it goes , the guys ( translators ) have passed through the course of time information that appeared valid again and again .. You provided a story with a guy called Michael , for whatever reason this story was never validated on screen , you gave an explanation but imagine , from one side guys that they say things and the confirmation comes soon after on cameras and then a story / information you provided ( and they never confirmed ) but was never validated on cameras . Like in life , it is all judged by the result , therefore it is inevitable that your opinion is faced in the way it’s done .
  11. It’s all off topic as some people would say because no post is referred to Leora 😂😂😂😂😂
  12. Fiora and Harley maybe joining ? Or a villa ride ?
  13. Dani in the house , most probably DJ Leia will be on the decks again , Dani drinking with K&R can be exciting … need to say it again , Daniela is the best tenant currently as she’s justifying completely the term GOV , well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  14. All opinions are respected …my question is very simple … We have two top observing translators that they don’t have to prove anything as they have been credible again and again and again with the provided information , what is it exactly that they gain / win / profit ( I don’t even know any other English word to make my comment clear ) to hide this information ? Why hide this if it was true ? They are two people who understand the language because it is their native , we are lucky because they are two and I am sure many times it has happened that one perhaps was tuned in watching in the afternoon , the other in the evening , I just want to say that we have been lucky having even two .. Have they been both conspiring risking their credibility as people first and appear ridiculous by hiding such crucial info ? My question again , WHY ? When I watch a movie or tv series in English , I always use Greek subtitles because no matter speaking the language , I can’t understand and follow it completely and get the whole meaning and lots of idioms because I am not a native speaker . These two guys I trust blindly with their contribution , you have your opinion but honestly this is completely out of character for Martina and I can’t believe it ever happened .
  15. Ignoring Bogdan again and again and again when he has REPEATEDLY showed being against it and asked politely to stop it and both of them continuing whatever , this is first disrespect from a married woman to her husband ( I don’t know what worse she can do in a marriage ) and second disrespect from Martina to a guy who in a way helped her with a job and PROMISED him that it will be over . I don’t know what they have done both in their lives in the past without the cameras but for me this is their BIGGEST EPIC MEGA FAILURE MISTAKE . It’s very bad to say but if only Bogdan was walking away and one day was waking up and said “ enough is enough “ , I can’t really imagine how Nelly would make it through alone . But like many times , men , we are victims of our dick 😂🤣
  16. Ahh , sorry , i have to be careful the way I express myself here , I am consider a jealous guy and having envy .. so , I try to behave 😬🙄
  17. I am trying to be open minded and despite many times making fast conclusions that are wrong 😂🤣 , this is beyond imagination . It is body language involved and there’s absolutely no indication that this happened , where’s the stress of such actions , the fancy showering and preparations before a so called meeting , the free time and what we see and when we see them in the apartment , it needs appointments with a calendar , special clothes , make up , it needs a different person in front of our screens portrayed and not the one we see all those years . I mean , come on …😵‍💫
  18. bobknob Posted 4 hours ago The most important thing in an open relationship is respect. Whatever your agreed limits, you have to show an extraordinary level of respect towards each other. My opinion of Martina changed dramatically when she completely humiliated Alberto the first night she brought the Russian home with Alberto there. It’s very obvious that Martina has the brains in the relationship, Alberto doesn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt. Martina decided that it was ok to bring her lover home and fuck, while leaving Alberto playing with his Nintendo in the living room, 30 feet away, while multitudes watched on the internet. Did she not consider the optics? With her current employment(RLC), she had lots of optional, easy, nicer places to fuck. In my opinion, complete lack of respect for her partner. Their relationship will not last if it continues, even their friendship might not survive. Ahh , finally someone that gets it exactly as I am also thinking . I have spoken so many times about this incident that it was also for me everything in my mind exactly the way you describe it , always good knowing that the obvious disrespect os so easily swallowed , there’s a thing called pride in each and everyone of us inside , others have it strong and others they have it deep inside and they can move on easier . Anyway , great to read a similar opinion here 😇 I disagree about their friendship not surviving , I think their connection is unique , i consider them more best friends that hang out together in many things they do rather than boyfriend / girlfriend many times .
  19. So , Martina in the summer was banging Alberto and she was a call girl 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ When she had time for all this ? It was all arranged with messages and no phonecalls ? Martina never felt or seen guilty ? She enjoyed then this all of a sudden and started doing it and then all of a sudden she stopped ? Alberto knows and has no problem ? Martina is in sexual need experiences like Masha ? I think we should start be serious in this forum and think just with the 1% of our mind before posting publicly assumptions that have absolutely no reality since they can’t be hold on facts .
  20. Simple question , what is it worth watching when a ) it is everyday day the same , b ) you already know what you will be watching , what excites you exactly if I may ask this ?
  21. Strangely , it’s never getting uploaded anything from B2 concerning sex , at least with girls who are considered “ surprising acts “ .. Monica and the 3 now residents , there hasn’t been any videos .. I always think that RLC people control what they want to be uploaded and they can very very easily stop any video they want being published ..
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