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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. When “ the majority “ really finds out - and not get some hopes with some of Leora’s tricks - that this woman absolutely gives a zero fuck for her audience , the subscribers , the people that pay so she can manage to have the current life that she has , a life that costs more than 1000€ per month according to the way she handles electricity , food supplies and the monthly standard payments that she would pay unless RLC did , when “ the majority “ start in a way ignoring more and more Leora and the numbers get even less than what it is now ( as good friend Noldus provides the monthly statistics and since it is an RLC fact , it is also part of Leora’s apartment the declining numbers alongside the rest of them ) , only maybe then - and this with a big MAYBE - can Leora feel that her plan is threatened , when the monthly money cash flow seems to be questionable , when the ignorance of the same shit different day program would be getting higher and higher , when people belonging to the same category of long term subscribers and fans like good friend Jimbo , MAYBE only then RLC cares to deal with Leora and “ rings the bell “ to her or she understands by herself that this current way she does her things won’t last for much more . The tricks have finished , one day in the LR , the next in the bedroom , after some days in the bathroom , then maybe once per month in the guest room or a wine drinking videocall in the kitchen so as for the cameras to possibly open for 1-2 hours . Malia is gone , Prague has been discovered mostly , we are left with a woman that sleeps 12 hours per day , she will wake up and according to her mood will choose the out of apartment hours and then back again to work for the cameras again according to her mood and perhaps of what has happened outside .But for the hours she would be awaken , it is definitely the hours outside the apartment and many many hours of portable devices . It’s almost 9 years this life , it is human to feel tired , bored and not having the same passion , the same priorities like in the past for this job .But as long as the money comes the same when the whole RLC world is facing numbers decline , cancelled memberships , very few possible new customers per month and Leora is enjoying the same benefits , nothing will change . It will be in the apartments list for people who find it all nice , positive , exceptional , it will not change for anyone that finds anything that this woman does sacred , phenomenal , incredible and unique . The cheating will continue unless more and more show their annoyance .It seems that people in this forum become more gradually of not enjoying , is this enough to “ ring a bell “ for Leora and perhaps turn the tables once again to her favor ? Let’s see.
  2. I think it was obvious that darkman provided WITH TEXT / WRITING WORDS a conversation that occurred and made like this everything easier .He gave the time stamp , whoever has replay , can go obviously to that time frame and listen to it and at the same time read the TEXT so it can be no questions of what , where and when since many people doubt the translations . You just click there , you read what you hear by the big effort of darkman who could have easily said what he heard at 02:35 without providing the TEXT help.
  3. Martina seems to have decided what she wants to do with life ( professionally ) .. therefore , as soon as her studies finish , I believe we will be seeing her exiting RLC as well , rather sooner than later .
  4. She can have easily sent via mail or any similar service a gift to Paul but as has been noted , she isn’t a gifts fan .In the end , she sends him money 😉
  5. By the way , I think after “ P.S I Love You for Radi “ it is the “ Love Actually “ Christmas saga tonight 😁
  6. One for her in life apartment and one for her outside life apartment 😁
  7. P.S comment .. maybe Olivia’s tears then indeed for a guy she didn’t like for Ulyana …🤷‍♂️
  8. Good night all , it’s now only Radislava , Olivia and tweety ( and Holly during this stay ) without male sex ..
  9. I take it as a personal treatment to her long time / new made fans , she did as always her “ magic “ but such women they need also a good level from the other side .. and this didn’t happen today .. she remains hot and on fire and with great skills , we need to see the guy again sober and more adjusted to the cameras for safer conclusions but she’s one more who seems unlucky 😐
  10. I think she got disappointed , she might had other expectations ..
  11. Ulyana has obeyed in all of his requests , she didn’t ask at least one thing for her 🙄
  12. Also strange , he doesn’t slap her ass despite being a guy who like this kind ..
  13. I don’t know if Ulyana isn’t also stopping because she might be a bit intimidated to the guy ..
  14. At least even the guy isn’t quitting although he could since a long time
  15. Ulyana still trying to satisfy him , it can be really her first sex action since a long long time
  16. I can’t agree less , to the point .. there have been some good Russian speaking lovers but as visitors ( Barcelona residents ) I can’t think anyone special .. Vamp , Fiora’s guy isn’t bad for example ..
  17. Well , if they haven’t fucked outside or again in the past , Ulyana must be disappointed .. and she tried some of her greatest tricks
  18. Ulyana blowjobbed him again and again and he didn’t even once kissed her down there
  19. Pff .., Ulyana still so horny , she might end in the bathroom to masturbate and pleasure herself
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