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Posts posted by ddhm

  1. 4 hours ago, cupid30 said:

    She came and spent two nights so that ulyana can keep her job! 😆 

    Even with the latest absences , Ulyana has done and shown way much more than Shantal , Octavia and Esmi combined 😁😆 .. Unless she was such a MAJOR tenant for RLC , they would never hire her again and again .. And THE ONLY ONE in 3 different RLC hubs ( Russia , Czech Republic , Spain ) - Kylie and Rus I think they were never seen in Russia ( they are also Ukrainians but before the war they could have started there but we met them in Spain and then Czech Republic if I remember correctly ) . 

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  2. 3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    I'm just waiting for the day the Leora & Paul saga finally comes to an end.  :biggrin:

    It is the ONLY way for RLC to move  forward , Linda and Tibor it is REAL LIFE we watch with a marriage which hasn’t helped the couple and we watched / watch the results but they try , Masha ALWAYS finds ways to keep her SHARING LIFE incredible interesting with the friends and personal drama happenings and Alberto has moved on with another girl after ( THE WISEST AND CLEVEREST OF THEM ALL ) Martina quit . 

    This place , 2 middle of thirties tenants and they live like when they entered the cameras world , it is just that they have less sex , not sharing the bed and ISOLATION from society at its maximum . Still , it is an ongoing admittance that this couple is happy .. 

    • Haha 2
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  3. 4 hours ago, jugghead said:

    You prove my point bro. maybe she cares about sex. I don't know. But we are the ones that create the backdrop for the rhetoric. We're the ones that create the drama here. They mostly do stuff and things.

    If a women cares about sex , she would do ANYTHING to get better and improve . The last time Leora was watching ( visible on cameras ) porn was with Malia . She has never watched with Paul , maybe it could help them ( of course , for Leora and Paul , maybe when they do sex they feel that they are WORLD CLASS CHAMPIONS in performing ) … BUT THEN … 


    Why a woman would masturbate SO DESPERATELY MUCH if the sex with her guy is categorized as WORLD CLASS CHAMPIONS sex ? As a man , I would be HIGHLY offended , wonder and feel sad and disappointed , knowing that my girl is satisfied by toys because I can’t provide . Because I would also worry that sooner or later , if I can’t satisfy my girl , she will seek pleasure from elsewhere . And FOR NOW , the dildo shows in front of the people “ hide “ the lack of excitement as Leora MIRACULOUSLY feels satisfied KNOWING that people LOVE HER AND ENJOY WATCHING HER … BUT .. 


    It will finish sooner or later this life .. then what ? What’s gonna be ? And before people say “ I don’t care what Leora will do off cameras  when RLC is done “, I say “ REALLY “ ?? 😂🤣 People will start sending messages asking her how she is doing at her IG account or VK .. One of the most difficult things for humans is “ deprivation “ .. So difficult losing something that has been a routine for 10+ years , especially being an older person .. 


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  4. 1 hour ago, Pete1960 said:

    Although I think Margo went a bit big with the breast implants, I don't think they are that bad, I have seen much worse, also not a fan of botox lips, I can't understand how any woman could think that it enhances their beauty, to me the only benefit I can see would be it enhancing a blowjob, but you are wrong with 'was' Margo is still a pretty girl.

    Margo has the BEST ASS across all of RLC apartments , her ass is WORLD CLASS masterpiece . As you say , no matter what , Margo is ( not only pretty ) an amazing woman .. AND .. She knows about sex which isn’t one of the big assets of really stunning  women ( that’s why also Ulyana is one of the best ☺️

    • Haha 3
  5. After the “ maintenance “ , the apartment’s direction seems to have changed again . Elli masturbates after months in the LR , the boyfriends decided not to appear daily , the girls take it in turns sleeping in the apartment .. I hope RLC really is in works to find an apartment for these two wonderful girls , an apartment with two separated rooms , it is clear that no matter what , it isn’t helping so much despite they showed signs trying to “ work out “ the couch in the LR solution .. 


    These girls are wonderful and great to watch , observe and see gradually and slowly how they evolve . It is Elli’s and Vladellia’s time and I hope both RLC and also the girls to help enjoy all of their extreme enormous potential . 

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    And pathetic. But Leora is just the dumbass too - such an obedient slave woman.

    Paul is actually THE GIFT to all of Leora’s eternal fans .. Imagine if Leora and Paul were a “ normal “ couple like the majority of the rest of RLC couples . If Paul was fucking Laura nice , she wouldn’t masturbate . If he was a “ gentleman “ taking care of his lady , they would have this boring couples life that exists in the rest of the apartments . 

    It is surreal then , the success of this apartment is happening because Paul can’t give Leora what she wants and likes 😂 .. if he could , Leora would have been just ONE MORE TENANT .. BUT .. 


    Every coin has two sides , the happiness of the fans is the misery of Leora’s sexual life with the love of her life .. But of course , people here find this relationship healthy because two people spend after 10+ years 2-3 hours per day together and sleep in different rooms .. What more it is to add .. 

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    She's so thoughtful she let him sleep so as not to bother him...

    A guy knows  he is getting enough sex when he can pass and rather sleep than nail Leora

    Exactly as mentioned on why people love Paul .. HE JUST sleeps so Leora can be with the ONES THAT REALLY LOVE HER , the fans .. She knows that AT LEAST there are some people that she satisfies even virtually . BECAUSE , for the last 10 years , she tries to satisfy and be satisfied by a guy who claims - and he claims - that is the Love Of Her Life , so big for both of them is their love that they ACTUALLY both TRIED to move on with their lives , finding a boyfriend and a girlfriend . But REAL , TRUE LOVE prevailed .. And this guy , for 10+ years can’t give her what she se DESPERATELY wants .. Satisfaction ..


    Luckily for her , there are toys . And mostly , lonely , isolated , older of age people who are bored of their REAL family / personal life that a LONELY woman that CAN NOT be satisfied , is satisfied by them in their minds with each and every insert of a toy in every hole .. Life is nice when nice women can substitute boredom I guess 😁

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  8. Same ole same ola 😂🤣😂🤣


    When competition is gone .. 10 years later and counting 😂😂🤣It is indeed a LOVING COUPLE , so much love that a woman 10 years later is DESPERATELY trying to find pleasure and satisfaction because , The One , The Only , The Love Of Her Life is needing to jerk off when he is blowjobbed AFTER having worked HIS ASS so as to keep the FORTUNE that awaits this BELOVED couple when the cameras life ends .


    In other news , Dead Apartment happenings continue . A marvelous day ( one more ) of Waking Up , Walking The Dog , Eating , Masturbating 😂🤣😂


    Well done , December arrived like the previous 10 , with legs open and facing the cameras .. More REAL TRUTH LIFE nobody can provide than this BELOVED COUPLE 😂🤣😂🤣

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  9. 3 hours ago, Maxbell said:

    Russia is beyond words. I would love to sit with Bog and Sara and hear their thoughts. I don't blame the people for any of that crazy place. Now that they have clearly seen life within and life outside. So do they tell thier friends and relatives back home?

    Apologies to CC if this is too political. 

    No matter what , the home country for anyone will always have a special place . All these people have left behind relatives , childhood friends , culture and things they know and they grew up , their own language .. it might be dozen wrong things but a country for someone is always his/her country . 

  10. 1 hour ago, Xarvaz said:

    I notice that people here see things that are not there, there is nothing between the two and it never was, Sara is just a street girl who is in the Villa to make money and would be naive of Karma to think that there is more.
    Karma just needs to get as much money as possible and find her relationships outside of RLC, the villas are nothing but a brothel and she needs to take advantage of that

    Sara is a street girl 😂🤣😂🤣We read this also , what more is to come and characterize a 28 years old beautiful girl ? Unbelievable. Just because a girl has fun like her age dictates , she’s living in a villa in the best room possible and she’s a street girl .. Ok , go figure out what people believe here about life .. 

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  11. 48 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    And the stupid members that only use sad and confused emojis which to me is past the point of being abusive and adds fuck all to this forum topic. Take their emoji privileges away, if possible, or show them the damn door or warn them to quit the bullshit.

    Good luck with Pepe resurfacing 😂🤣😂 .. If he carries on , even the 4-5 that post will stop . The Leader Of The Acolytes is back , he has fooled you all and he has his reasons . There’s a reason that CamCaps banned him but everyone forgot it as it seems , it also seems that the banned period ended or they lifted the decision .. Everybody deserves a second chance but someone who RUINED  the Leora and Paul topic  and MADE DOZENS of people to quit posting here , well , I try not to have the memory of a goldfish . So , let’s see what we will be discussing in a few months time .. I am not gonna be fooled here , obviously I don’t discourage the healthy exchange of chats and posts as it is the reason of the existence of the forum , BUT , the signs are already appearing .. 2 days in a row and the ZERO negative criticism because ONE MORE comes who sees things a PERFECT PARADISE .. Please search if you have the time and patience the things this forum member has said about Paul and during the glory days of Leora in Russia , then you realize that the things being said for Paul nowadays are national anthems and sweet , beautiful  classical music 😂🤣🤣😎🥸

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  12. 7 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

    I guess that Uly informed the others about Fiora and Mimi, but not about Harley and Sambuka. They were partying in H&F's apartment and went to B2 in the middle of the night and was very noticeable that Nadia and husband were surprised by their arrival.

    And as I said, Harley and Uly had a big fight over the phone about something. My guess is the party that they did in B2 without any authorization from anyone.

    All possible .. we need to see when Ulyana returns how it will be with the girls . I personally wouldn’t like to see other people around IF I WAS NOT INFORMED that  “friends of mine will come and stay over “ , even also like this , you need to ask for typical reasons “ Nadia , Esmi , are you fine with that ? If you don’t agree , I will find another solution “ , this isn’t Ulyana’s apartment in Russia that she was a couple’s tenant . 

    Side note , how great that we got to now have all ( except Olivia ) back on cameras .. Fiora , Mimi , Ulyana AND can’t wait to see Harley with Mimi so as to see if they know each other . Let’s see .

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, cupid30 said:

    No.,we don't know what her life was like before RLC...i'm just sayin,Marat cheating on her with a hooker is probably what made her gave up on relationships and said "fuck it"

    Ulyana before joining , she was not an adult . She was 18 , maybe hardly 19 when she joined , so , too young . What we can assume ? That the girl KNEW SO VERY MUCH about sex and at that age , I don’t think you learn it if you are changing partners during school times , therefore , Marat must have been a very long and since early childhood relationship . She was for sure ALWAYS close with Olivia and I believe in daily both contact and meeting face to face like we got to know them when they joined . The RLC experience simply helped Ulyana financially and to understand herself that she’s a woman that MEN will bow down to her “ walking an aisle “‘😂, then modeling came , RLC always there to provide , change of life and the risk in Spain . Olivias absence has made her not be so sure of her choices . The guys she seems choosing kind of being the ones controlling and have the general command and Ulyana simply gives them what they want .. 

    She needs to find a guy and LOVE HIM to the moon but with the cameras around , WE ALL KNOW that this isn’t happening , EXCEPT … if this guy is someone like Thor .. Thor and Holly are the ONLY REAL INCREDIBLE and totally out of nowhere ULTIMATE LOVE STORY that me personally I have seen at RLC . Finding a Thor though , pff , how ? Only if a guest from outside gets to love the cameras equally as her or somehow a male tenant ( Massimo ?? , Wolf ?? ) that can change her world . She showed that she ENJOYED Wolf’s company and she wanted to be around him , the way she surrendered to him , the kisses , the cuddles .. but she has fast realized that Margo is a girl that she’s in his head and she has given distance .


    Ulyana grows up always in front of us and her on cameras journey is INCREDIBLE to watch , her male partners choices show the “ need “ to have someone and satisfying ALL OF HIS NEEDS but this guy needs to SHOW HER AND PROTECT HER , like Olivia has done with her since she became from a teenager an adult girl 😇

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  14. Mimi showing her “ dynamic “ personality . She has easily made herself being home 😁 , I don’t know if she greeted the others yesterday , but , masturbating not being a tenant , now in the kitchen like she knows the tricks , a general approach like “ I NEVER LEFT GUYS , my soul always here ( and who is in my -ex- room by the way 😝😏 ) … 


    I don’t know what these moves mean , Sambuka having sex not being a tenant , Mimi masturbating not being a tenant . The girls officially don’t get paid except if Ulyana promised them to do as they pleased and they will discuss “ business “ when she’s back . 

    I CERTAINLY don’t agree that Ulyana’s room becomes a shelter for others , ESPECIALLY when this is a shared apartment and the other girls have personal belongings and general stuff since they live there . I believe Ulyana has informed Esmi and Nadia that girls would be coming and sleep over , BUT THEN , you would expect from the guest girls to show a bit socializing and spend time with the tenants of the apartment, have even a 5 minutes chat and so on .


    I might be seeing things kind of “ sensitive “ taken let’s say , for me , it simply isn’t the right happenings . This comes from ONE OF ULYANA’S biggest fans and of course a Mimi admirer . Let’s see , if I was  asked , it would seem to me that Ulyana might have asked to quit … 😔

    • Haha 1
  15. Mimi at any apartment is just “ good for business “ . Esmi at any apartment  is just “ good for eye candy “ … Still , balance is needed and not all the time sex activities … BUT .. girls at that age ( Octavia / Esmi ) with zero sex life or NO EVIDENT private life off cameras is not working as well .. Anyone who wants to be a tenant or accepts the RLC invitation , at least respect the viewers and don’t hide .. except if the private life of the girls ( boyfriends / lovers ) don’t want to appear on cameras … But then , it CAN NOT BE that Esmi and Octavia don’t have friends outside that they can’t invite in their respective apartment ..


    The villas transformed to the better because  the tenants there simply LIVE THEIR LIVES as they want and wish .. Esmi and Octavia are holding back , bad for business .. Mimi , Sambuka , that’s what’s needed for business . 

    • Sad 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, Keen Observer said:

    Who else has she fucked since Wolf?  Fiora and her rubber dildo doesn't count.

    When a person hates or doesn’t like a tenant can invent dozens of issues to make a tenant appear a “ bad “ person or whatever .. Ulyana is 24 to 25 years old , we saw her with a boyfriend that she broke up ( we don’t know what’s going on currently ) and she had sex with Wolf and Dylan .. for this guy , she jumps on every cock 😂🤣😂 that’s how the forum works nowadays 😂🤣

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