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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Excellent watching the girls having fun , all on the same page and after a night with lots of drinks as it seems..finally a great atmosphere with all of them involved , hopefully they keep on that way .
  2. I am of the same opinion like you , it is funny then a reschedule of such an event which I believe it is in a house then with people that belong to RLC circle …speculation of course 😂😂
  3. @thinga69; do you think that this off cameras party is happening today ? Instead of expecting it yesterday ..
  4. But how can we say something when it hasn’t been seen ? Why should we create an imaginary scenario ( which yes it might be real but it can’t be proved since we haven’t seen anything ? ) You just want to have your theory proved , that’s what I believe . You want to believe that things happened because you have developed a reality in your mind , that’s what I think
  5. You aren’t the only one speaking Russian as I have told you 🥳😏 Stay safe .
  6. End of conversation and you didn’t understand my point . Anyway .
  7. Pff .. real life and a forum .. two different things .. should I also publish my Facebook account so as to check my private life ? I have nothing to hide from anyone , the way I live , that’s why my real photo so when people address me or I do , they can have a look at me . Here we judge , criticize what we watch , we don’t live these peoples lives . It is an endless loop here and i realize more and more how much the generations gap affects the way that things are evaluated here .
  8. I think that the problem here is that I posted something that as it seems I should keep in my mind and not write it . I won’t post anymore regarding this issue and I repeat , it is a simple observation and it is by no means a way to say that Leora looks not nice or bad or whatever . I stated obvious facts without criticizing if this makes her look prettier or not but how she used to be in comparison to her life she had in Russia and how much the Czech Republic ( and time ) has changed her . That’s all .
  9. So , when I made my post earlier , you took it personally ? I was referring personally to you to open your eyes ? This is what you understood ? Is it an insult comparing the physical appearance of a woman 2,5 years before that we saw her in another country and the place we see her now or just a written observation that it was nothing more than that and it became such a big deal ? Are you or me the same like being 22 and now that I am 44 or my hair start becoming grey , my muscles aren’t that fit or my belly isn’t like the young times when I was playing football and so on ? An observation then concerning Leora and the way she lives her life in Prague . The site says the private life of other people 24/7 , what’s the point for RLC to exist as a site if all the tenants simply adopt Leora’s life decisions to be on cameras ? Would you pay to watch in all the rest 9 apartments the same behavior ? And why when people here “ demand “ certain ways of seeing her masturbating , why can’t I express my disappointment of what I would like to watch ? Do I insult anyone with it or am I not supposed to express what I would like to see from RLC ? I wish you could only know me as a real person and not a a person typing behind a mobile speaking about a virtual world which I see it personally as a hobby , then you would see how much reality and people are different on how opinions are expressed here and the ability we have to disagree on the way we express our thoughts .
  10. That’s your theory which is based simply of what you HAVEN’T SEEN but of what you really want to believe that it happened like that just to prove your theory which i repeat is based on things that nobody knows as we haven’t seen . Whatever .
  11. Any answer to the question of why she doesn’t travel to Russia to bring the dog or see Paul rather than speaking to him 35 - 40 times per week ? Bullshit for you , a visual fact by me .
  12. I deal every year with more than 2,000 people for a variety of actions and I can understand very well characters and analyze the people . As for the women , there’s no point to post or prove anything here , it is like a bigger or smaller dick or bigger or smaller boobs can actually make any difference if you ether don’t know how to use them or centered on them so as to attract views . I wrote something based on something that is completely visual by everyone , it isn’t my problem and I don’t actually care if I hurt the feelings of the cultists here ( I don’t consider you one and I am surprised with your reaction as I think you understand my point by being an open mind person ) . The immediate attack simply proves my theories . There are many ways to counter argue , anyway , it is funny to read all the controversy comments here when I judged the all mighty Leora in a way that it never meant any insult of her looks but just a visual observation… It’s not my problem if she enters here and read the comments , she has a choice , be exposed and prepare to criticize or never log in avoid reading praising or negativity . You think completely wrong I repeat if my comment is interpreted by you as a way to insult Leora .
  13. My eyes are very well tested , i i didn’t know that stating something which is so obvious by anyone would create such a controversy . I don’t understand what you think you gain by attacking in such a language attitude . I didn’t know too that I can’t comment here or anywhere i feel like saying anything .. Wake up from your dreamworld and illusionism , Leora is sinking as a person everyday with people like you that consider her a sexual object and not a person with many advantages and lots of weaknesses like any of us . But what I am trying to explain you now ..
  14. I am only trying to be fair and present the things that we see , hear and witness on cameras and not that off cameras “ she did this and that and the other “ , how can we possibly now ? I can’t agree less with the comment about Leora’s topic though , this we agree .
  15. Please don’t start you too with the USA and all this like there’s no other place in the world . You believe your things then and i presented you the counter arguments .. I can only take back the “ you are wrong “ mention , you have your opinion on that and the only thing i should say is “ here how really the facts are “ ..
  16. She does have a great ass.. wish her face was as great!!! 😫 Your recent comment concerning Nana 20 minutes ago , where’s the difference with my post ?
  17. I don’t think by judging changes on her body which are visible compare to the past and the current period are “ crossing the line “ , I think I state the obvious that anyone sees , except if there’s any reason why it shouldn’t be anything that it is normal human result happening ( body changes due to a much different way of life than she used to have , less stressful and much happier than her current status ) and also due to her getting older . I am sorry if my post feels like provoking in a bad way , but it is across all forum topic apartments the same characterizations and most of the times so very much insulting . I only stated the obvious seeing on cameras , nothing more or less hidden behind that post in order to downgrade her or whatever similar , just the truth as I see it with my very own eyes .
  18. So , before we tear Tweety apart because she didn’t have her first bate open since she joined officially , let’s think a bit ; - Not all girls have the exhibitionism feeling growth in them so as to feel easy and provide a really personal moment like masturbating not for the cameras because they “ have to “ but because they just normally feel so as women . - maybe now ( and that includes me ) we should appreciate more even the girls that their masturbations don’t look nice according to what we want to watch ( like we know how a woman wants and feels pleasuring herself , imagine us that when our girlfriends try to jerk us off but we only know how to do it better on ourselves ..) and actually enjoy them for the moments that they give us. - perhaps now we can appreciate even more girls like Harley for example who even as a newcomer , had sex on cameras , had a butt plug on her very first on cameras masturbation and i still remember how she was characterized by doing so by many people at the forum . - Despite having even more to write , this is the last one for now , Tweety has Holly as a mentor , Holly can incredibly affect her and if she sees Holly doing also more , I am more than sure that she will also open up completely . Let’s say that if we were getting so many under the blankets sessions by the B2 girls before reaching that fantastic fortnight period with the two guys , I won’t have absolutely any problem at all waiting to see Tweety copy / pasting this attitude 😋😋😋😏😏🥳🤩 ( ok , not waiting for 5 months to almost half a year 😱🤯 )
  19. You are wrong Emmett … you like many people here don’t want to accept the fact that Alberto with his plus and minus is Martina’s boyfriend when you believe that she deserves better .. You and others here are fantasizing Martina having sex off cameras because of the things that happened with Nelly on cameras which was the wildest hidden lesbian desires of Martina that were kept inside her for as it seems a big amount of time and the coincidence of happening on camera with Nelly has raised all insane speculations that Martina fucks with others off cameras … Yes , she might do so but , FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME , she would have said to Alberto , she’s hiding absolutely nothing because there’s no need to do so and in case she would , her guilts would be all over her and Alberto would have understood it sooner or later , come on , they are 10 years together , day in and day out , they know so much of small details that we can’t understand even by watching them .. The funny thing is that nobody , and I mean this completely with full knowledge of my posting , was saying anything about Martina’s life with Alberto as it was exactly the same before the things with Nelly happened , it is since then that all these theories started . Martina now is more “ feet on the ground “ than when she first entered RLC , a girl of 21 years old with no actually direction in her life of what she wants to do and achieve , kind of normal for her age let’s say . Here she is , 4 years after , totally concentrated on her studies , with clear plans concerning her future and what she wants to do professionally , she’s grown up and to be honest , the one who seems to be lost at the moment and without any motivation and like a kind of a person who has quit major dreams for life , this is Alberto .. but this doesn’t mean that they aren’t there for eachother or because of Alberto’s lifestyle Martina has any thoughts of leaving him or fucking around like no respecting him … I think she will always believe that fucking Nelly inside her’s and Alberto’s bedroom must have been the worst thing while being with Nelly ..
  20. Leora talks all the time on the phone so as to fight her incredible loneliness during this period and the fear that she has been left alone in Prague and without actual motivations for her future except of the money to keep on coming … Then , here comes the major question , why isn’t she the one to go back in Russia for a 10-15 days holidays , see things in Russia with her very own eyes rather than speaking everyday for the same and same and same things like in 3-4 hours or a 24 hours period things can change so drastically that she would need to interfere ? And when there , she can have the dog Eva and bring it by herself in Prague rather that having the poor animal in a cage unaccompanied with whatever that means in case anything goes wrong … I guess these are again questions that nobody can answer except Leora … Check her body , her cellulite which grows , her health issues , her face when she’s not with make up and then make your own conclusions of how this woman used to be and the ghost self she has transformed into … oh , I forgot , her boobs got bigger , amazing 😂🤣😂🤣
  21. This isn’t possible as they are in Munich at the moment and getting ready for their Champions League against Bayern 😏 you could have said Espanyol ..
  22. We don’t have this problem here 😏 It is just very strictly all activities divided between vaccinated people and non vaccinated , non vaccinated can’t do or be almost anywhere or anything .. but we have an incredible increase of people dying the last 1,5 month , one of the main reasons is that we have many old people ( our population is one of the oldest with ages ) , our 95,4% of deaths because of the virus are 70+ and/or they had an underlying disease ( underliggende sykdom )
  23. RLC is sinking dangerously because they have and keep on investing blindly to a woman that the only thing that currently manages to offer , it is - as it seems from the dozens of nothingness or repeated same things occurring replays every second day - keeping subscribed and happy the most loyal fanbase club and long long long RLC subscribers who most probably have the 180 days subscriptions and they renew at this rate as long their top investment woman remains in the project . In my humble opinion , RLC is trying to keep happy this big target group - judging I repeat again by the top cams replays in total per week - and completely ignores potential new subscribers or another big “ deposit “ of people who quit each and every month because across of RLC apartments , the pattern has mutated at exactly the same thing that their top investment tenant is offering . RLC keeps on like this , the Barcelona apartments that are the ones that can bring possible new subscribers simply copy/paste the behavior of the archtenant , there’s no need to do , offer or expose themselves more than what the top investment person does , why should they ? You are complaining of what’s being shown by the Barcelona girls , i - for a change - try to praise them when at times they offer a chance to watch glances of their private lives like , for example , Daniela , Anna , Lola , Mila have recently done ( I don’t care if it was shows , clickbaits or whatever , but for sure more interesting than 3-4 hours a day being tuned in and watching a woman browsing her phone , smsing and talking .. ) Think about it and then wonder of the numbers …
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