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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Sorry , I am Greek and everyone seems to forget “ Alexander the Great “ …. The books of course say that he brought Greek civilization and so on but for whoever searches the facts a bit deeper , for nearly 10 years Alexander the Great slaughtered , raped , conquered and dominated half of the known at that time planet .. he never reached the numbers that are presented in this post but whoever wants to search , he/ she will be surprised .. Alexander the Great but in order to conquer , occupy and reign , like all the people you mention , you need to murder women , children , old people and of course the opponents army ..
  2. I will say this now and sorry if it sounds not nice … BUT … I hope that somehow , someway, Gonzalo shows interest and flirts Karol and at the end make something out with her .. I don’t know if once again Nana is using him to get cameras attention in the most boring apartment currently in Barcelona ( with certain circumstances of course and limits that are partially understandable ) or it is indeed a genuine interested visit again by Gonzalo and show to Nana that he always cares about her … With his excellent English skills , for someone who hasn’t been shy on cameras and wiling to be a new “ Mr.J “ in my opinion , I hope he becomes the new “ Bruno “ as far as connections and any kind of relationships develop in Barcelona … I hope we see friends of him being around the girls , flirting , enjoying , having fun and slowly some outside friendships are formed apart from the Russian speaking friends we have been mostly introduced , recently by Daniela and Buffy and in the near past by Olivia / Ulyana / Fiora and Harley . As a conclusion , this guy brought a bit of posts and commenting on this topic after some time , I think it’s also obvious that Karol is happier and away of the melancholic mood and sadness / tears we saw her recently having and with my usual excitement 😂🤣😂🤣 I hope he “f……………… out “ of Karol😆😆😆😋🤨
  3. With Gina yes ,but “clearly “ together like licking , French kissing and so on I think not , in any case , I don’t have a problem watching a bit of incest instincts but I can’t say that it excites me watching anything including sisters .. BUT ….I didn’t mind at all for example the relationship of one of the twins with her ( ex ? ) Turkish / German BF and the way he was with both of them , this was really cool for me when we were getting the chance .. I guess there are small details which can give for anyone the excitement of what he/ she likes to watch 😇
  4. Yes .. but it isn’t this obvious anymore , the boobs job you can clearly see it with bare eyes 😁
  5. I can’t totally agree with that , I think they have been seen kissing with eachother , using the toys to one another , anyway , maybe I don’t remember well , after all at that time I wasn’t watching RLC in the same detailed way like now .. Lia & Mia have done absolutely nothing and personally I don’t even bother watching them with massages and similar things , all very normal there.. Olivia and Ulyana I think they have gone a bit more .. anyway , what matters for me it is that an answer was given officially by Nana since we couldn’t figure out exactly if they were indeed sisters or close friends .
  6. When I posted , a minute later I saw that you had already mentioned it ☺️ This is because I always read backwards and I miss comments that have already occurred .. on the biggest revelation that I can remember for a very long time and for a question that it was so unclear for many years , Gonzalo was getting the update from Nana about the changes in B4 and B1 and she said that the room ( penthouse ) was inhabited by two sisters ( meaning Ulyana / Olivia ) , she was also heard mentioning the real names of some participants , however Gonzalo is aware that he should try to use the RLC names ..
  7. Masha had scars for quite some time , even for a year if I remember correctly .. but I have read that this type of job gives you the scars in the beginning for a long time but then it looks like a really nice job and the scars nearly disappear if not becoming almost invisible .
  8. The shows during the times with Mimi and Fiora were having lots of physical context and kissing of I remember well .. anyway , they are good with one another so it is a great sisters relationship then 😇
  9. Haha .. walk outside naked …bla bla bla 😂🤣
  10. She had in the past and I am a big fan of nipple piercings 😋😋😋
  11. Ulyana has done a great tits job too I believe , the worst is by far Nelly’s .
  12. I always believed this as well .. but with the things we have seen them doing together , what could anyone think ? Ahh , need to rewatch past incidents to be shocked 😮😁
  13. I totally agree even not being a married guy 😇
  14. Even if I would like to watch since it is an English conversation , the way that Nana has behaved to this guy can’t make me watch them .. therefore , will be reading the whatever info happens to be exposed here 😁
  15. Well .. maybe one of the biggest mysteries has just been revealed when nobody could actually tell for so many years .. Olivia and Ulyana are sisters 😱😱😨.. except if there was a confusion of explanations 🙄
  16. This is how it has happened with many of the people here , but this is normal that Leora has the must videos since she’s 8 years with RLC ☺️
  17. You are very right 😇 And in general they are natural so far , they just live on cameras as they please and feel ( this has always been Holly’s way ) , people like it now that it is the beginning .. don’t be surprised though if a more or less same “ behavior “ like the twins or the “ before the recent incidents “ B2 girls continues happening that they will bit starting gathering “ complains “ gradually .. Holly always showed things , I have faith that she does also with this stay .. For tweety we need to wait .
  18. Leora gets top cams when she just prepares her food in the kitchen with her ass on camera .. if this is the majority of RLC audience and what they want to watch , then it isn’t a surprise why their numbers are dropping in a never ending level ..
  19. The same .. wake up late, 3-4 hours outside , back home , masturbation most probably , IPAD , iPhone , TV and sleep 😊
  20. Hmm … Cleaning lady in B1 quite early , maybe not for work though ..
  21. First … I need to correct and say that they will take the money once per month and not everyday ..now , the constitution says that a Nation’s government needs to provide the best health care facilities and solutions to its citizens .. go figure out , the government believes that can base their decision on this article , the citizens that nobody has the authority to interfere with their bodies .. I am totally at the “ free will “ and personal decision opinion but when there are people who construct fake vaccination certificates , they make jokes about the vaccines and they spread fake news ( which not all people are able to filtrate and think what is right and what is wrong ) , we reach a controversy situation .. we are so stupid here that people are in the intensive care units and they deny to get Covid treatment or anything like this and they die like this .. the problem is that even at their last moments , they try to convince with whatever power they have while dying that the ones close to them shouldn’t let the doctors / scientists who try to help them , help family members too .. insane ..
  22. It’s becoming slowly in one European country after the other . In Greece it will be mandatory from middle of January for the +60 age range , not doing it , they will be deducting everyday 100€ from your bank account .. in Austria , from 1st February if I remember correctly , they will be the first European country that vaccination should be mandatory to everyone of +18 .. Germany is the one that follows next ( same like Austria I believe from February ) and I think also France has some mandatory vaccinations age range like in Greece .. it’s lot of risks and protests are already happening , at the moment due to partial lockdowns and not so far for the mandatory vaccinations thoughts , therefore , it is like a volcano ready to erupt in many things the European continent .. 😔
  23. Alberto is an anti-vaccine person , Martina repeatedly tells him to go and make it but he is giving her all bunch of stupid excuses that he reads on the internet about it 😔
  24. The less the apartments , the less the money they should charge the subscribers ..like this , they maybe attract some new customers when they read “ twins “ and they also - in a way- can justify their subscription prices .. of course they pay also 4 extra tenants per month but it seems that it is more profitable than having the apartment closed .. it could have remained a quiet place but at least see a bit of “ life variety “ with friends , guests , visitors , flirts of the girls , but the problem is we see nothing except the twins laying down sometimes with bare asses watching on their laptop , one of the twins masturbating 2-3 times per week and Karol the same , who , at least for me I like to watch her more than the twins but without enjoying any particular life things , how much anyone could be interested ? Anyway , it is like this in this place , let’s hope that at least the girls in B2 are taking a significant amount of time break before seeing them having visitors again , organizing some nice things and so on .. otherwise with 2 out of the 3 GOV apartments in Barcelona offering no socializing things , it won’t be so exciting to watch during the festive days .
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