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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. So , you just call slipper who watches everyday , GAG-HER who translates sometimes and others that haven’t doubted posts that it was mentioned that Leora has a boyfriend in Prague , that it isn’t true . You tell me then that Leora is for 2,5 years without sex in her life ( indeed this we don’t know and it might be ) , sometimes when her neck was seen having “ licking “ spots , bruises and whatever , they just happened and that Leora was playing on the grass and had picnics with her friends . Yes , possible . I have no idea what Leora says to Paul , I only know that Paul hasn’t been in Prague for 2 years nearly and Leora hasn’t been in Russia for 2,5 nearly . If this is a relationship full of love for you and that two people who don’t even videocall one another in daily basis and they simply just like to talk have something serious , then indeed , this is the biggest love story that I have ever witnessed in my life and they could even send it to Hollywood and make it a movie of true and honest love between two people that when the technology allows them to see one another and have even phone sex and it isn’t even happening as most couples try to do when they have relationships in such terms . Let me remind you also that Leora took a life changing decision to abandon Russia and come to Europe within one month’s time , now , not all people are the same , but between love and money and if you had a choice , I don’t know what you would choose , but I would have chosen love .Money can always be made , real love is so difficult to find especially nowadays .
  2. Mr.GAG-HER , can you please let the audience know what is the wrong and mistake of my post since you give me the confused emoji if you are so kind and want ? Can you please say to the world if you want where’s the bullshit of this post , so then I can apologize publicly on what I am wrong ?
  3. Radislava ( and Mila ) seem to checked carefully the great success a couple of days ago of the 3 way massage of the B2 girls and they try to have a remake with some teasing action . Sorry , but even that there aren’t any comments , it shows the joke and fake thing of it , it doesn’t even deserve a play by play 😂🤣😂🤣 . Still , we need to admit that during this week , the girls didn’t hide so much like the nothingness of week after week .
  4. I know nothing of secrets of Leora , I know nothing except things that are written daily here … Leora has a boyfriend in Prague , everyone knows this … She showed him to us on cameras , in my opinion , to check some first reactions of a possible future appearance .. I know that she didn’t have any sexual contact with Paul since 2 years , she doesn’t send him kisses when they speak , she doesn’t masturbate in front of him , she doesn’t make him horny or showing any typical reactions like “ I miss you Paul , I miss you love of my life “ , except if you see things that I don’t see . Other than that , when Malia was there , Leora was disappearing even for 2 days in a row almost every week , things that can’t happen now because of her working obligations . We see a woman that she abandons her apartment at the same more or less time everyday for usually 4-5 hours , people say that she has friends from a salon , maybe she just goes to walk , the thing is that Leora keeps all these rumors and speculations alive with the fake life she’s having , a life that she created because she simply afraid that if she shows her choices to the world , the world might not approve as they didn’t approve Paul and they were making fun of him that he was blowing his nose , that he didn’t know how to fuck Leora , that he didn’t know how to provide a great boyfriend and partnership relationship to the one and only Leora . Leora has created a two way life and she’s trapped into it , she tries to play it as a girl that controls everything and knows it all but what I see is a woman that when she isn’t sleeping or teasing and masturbating , she spends all of her time watching TV , checking her mobile and watching reality programs at her IPAD , a woman that she has extreme sleeping disorders and that isolation and loneliness has affected her already . Tell me where I am wrong in all that please , it is just facts on camera if you simply observe .
  5. It is just that if it isn’t Paul ( who hardcore fans have never actually liked or spoke things of him that the least can be judged as embarrassing through the years ) , the rest is just a jealousy because Leora simply tries to have a normal life and move on in a strange way to be honest , but she tries .
  6. I don’t think someone can show up if he doesn’t get any approval 🤡😛
  7. I only state the facts , nothing more nothing less . I see a woman phoning 50 times per week Paul for what ? To bring him in Prague and introduce him to her new boyfriend ? I see a woman hiding in toilet , spend her whole nights texting and at times taking overnights at a guy that she showed us on camera some weeks ago … I don’t need to say anything more from my mind , it was and it is the facts for someone who just observes .
  8. If he is , he is the only waste of human flesh that he keeps on being invited in an uninvited place by the owner , he is the only one that Leora has “ cheated “ Paul on cameras by showing him her tits and nearly whole naked body , he is the waste human flesh that Leora felt the need at a difficult time to phone him and talk to him for a whole night like there was none else to do so …He is such a waste that someone should wonder “ how the apartment’s owner invites him again and again “ .. in my books and life knowledge , you don’t do this to simple wastes of human flesh 😏
  9. A “ nice “ woman , an “ honest “ woman , a woman with dignity , respect and BALLS , she doesn’t play a game with two men . A woman who has values and principles , stops toying two guys , stops being a “ fake idol “ , steps up , becomes the woman who used to be , she DESTROYS any rumors , speculations , she clears her reputation and make things unquestionable for everyone . One woman playing two men , a woman that her 🤑🤑🤑 is at the top of her priorities .This is indeed a Queen’s behavior.
  10. Destination unknown for Holly as T&T are laying in bed , very nice casual looks for Holly 😊
  11. And after this fantastic performance , I personally can’t wait to read the incredible masterpiece that should be nominated for the Pulitzer , come on , I can’t wait to read it 🤡🥸📝📖
  12. Holly seems preparing to go out , B5 perhaps ?
  13. Off it goes , LMT 23:00-01:00 ( Leora Masturbation Time ) . Enjoy the show , it will knock her out , seems that sex wasn’t so good yesterday with the secret lover 🤔
  14. I think the time has arrived . She went to the bathroom for the final preparations , let’s see if it will take a bit more overtime for it 😁
  15. Patience patience .. the time approaches 😜🤪 Reality is a bitch and hurts , the sooner you accept , the better it is .
  16. It is all a calculated procedure , this is how this apartment works since a very very very long time 😁😆 And it works obviously , still , the RLC numbers show another reality of what the people actually believe 😎
  17. Too early for any action , in an hour , 1,5 from now perhaps .
  18. Strange that the personal hairdresser didn’t come in the apartment for the “new look “
  19. I have seen only two , I have missed the third 😠 But the first was the funny one with the kiss to the toy in the end 😁😆 for the “ helping behavior “😂🤣
  20. You mean she should be videocalling Paul .. ? 😏
  21. The question is “ why Leora isn’t visiting him ? “ .. plus the Russian vaccine , SputnikV , isn’t accepted in European Union , of course we don’t even know if he’s vaccinated , otherwise , it is posted earlier the problems he will face . And then , he somehow arrives . Will Leora be finally telling him face to face that she moved on with her life and she has a boyfriend as a woman who respects and loves a very important person , if not the most important , should do ? Will she be introducing to him or finally the masks will fall and we will be seeing poor Paul “suffering “ a complete inside lies and hypocrisy behavior ? Show must go on for Leora and she won’t hesitate for anything in my opinion .
  22. Very excellent post , I think the “real “ RLC fans this is what would prefer , the things you mention that once was and actually made RLC a site incredible interesting to watch . Let’s see how this new approach of RLC and the permanent most probably participation of Ulyana and Olivia - for starters - will work out .
  23. 😂🤣 she will soon not being able to enter anywhere indoors if she’s unvaccinated , the same will be for you . Apologies also for the off topic but it is some new things across Europe at the moment that have led to some announcements , the Czech Republic is one of the lowest in vaccines and have really big problem currently . Here it is and I hope Leora belongs to the clever ones The Czech government has approved plans to allow restaurants, hotels, bars, public events and other services (such as hairdressers and museums) from Monday to enter only those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or have recovered from their illness. for the past six months, Prime Minister Andrei Babis announced today.
  24. On a strange notice , it remains to be seen if a “ shown annoyance “ towards Karol by Olivia and Ulyana just some days before departing B1 it’s still on going and today’s head to head “ masturbation sessions “ by Karol and Ulyana had anything to do with that for potential gaining / losing viewership , kind of a “ background competition “ of sorts .. another issue to watch 😎🥸
  25. 😂🤣 for sure 🥳 ..we need to keep a statistic to prove this theory 😁
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