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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think that we all share a common passion and pervert hobby here , that is watching other people , this is the constant .. differences will always be as we speak about hundred different characters and personalities who daily post and comment here , it would be a big mistake if we agreed all the time and in almost everything . Different ages also , cultures , nationalities , it is normal .. but just because someone isn’t praising certain tenants or don’t agree and criticize in a strict way ( therefore developing an opinion that many times can be against users who “ love “ certain tenants ) and being hunted all over the forum or be treated in a sarcastic / downgraded / insulting way , this is for me first of all really childish and secondary , very coward reaction as an emoji is the easy way rather than explaining why the confused / laughing emoji with a simple answer . Anyway , off topic we are 😂🤣 , we continue more accurate for the things we want to comment here ☺️
  2. No problem 😂 I hate no one here , but there are some members that they are very annoying to the whole forum function that at times get me disappointed with their posting and I believe the regular posters know to who I am referring to ( hell , i am an annoyed poster also at times 😜🤪 but at least with no insults to anyone , either forum member or RLC tenant )
  3. I can ☺️ No worries 😇 This is a fair emoji reaction as you don’t agree obviously 😁 and not the frustrating “ stalking everywhere and just to give you the confused / laughable emojis “ from many users that happens here very often 😆
  4. Beautiful Ariana for a cameo appearance , seems that she and Holly kept on with their lives in Barcelona , at least for the time being .
  5. If she doesn’t quit him first .. not everyone can be like Jordi in this apartment 😁
  6. 🥳🥳👏👏 looking forward to some crazy things as well 😉
  7. 😇😎 It’s being mentioned uncountable times that Leora was totally against the Barcelona concept and shows , however , here we are some years later that she and her roomate perform for the audience because , in my humble opinion , I have no idea how this apartment could stay in viewership without these shows . I believe that seeing Malia and Leora “ act “ more normal and do things individually could benefit the apartment much more than what we have been watching for almost a year now . I do believe that if both performed individually and without these most of the times forced “ clickbait hopeless for something more each time shows “ , they could easily be praised . I do recall more reactions at the forum when either Leora or Malia make solo things , there’s no need to repeat that the majority here loves to watch Leora by herself , that’s why many people miss very much the “ dildo riding “ , the “ anal dildo penetration “ the “ sucking / BJ style dildo licking “ from Leora for numerous and endless times . I think these are the things that gave the popularity to Leora ( speaking for the sexual side of her RLC presence ) rather than the whatever shows we have been watching for a year now , totally emotionless and no passionate at all . Still , what’s left to be read each and everyday it is for the girls to do something more , kind of the fans trying to “ force them “ to act , behave and perform in a way that they repeatedly don’t feel like doing . Still , so many believe that the feelings for both of them towards one another are hidden and it only needs a sparkle to surface … 🤨🧐🤔
  8. I might be wrong but this is a too soft guy for Stella ( as always , a comment so as to keep the tradition of early conclusions that are wrong 😂🤣 since the guy looks decent and perhaps can be a good and nice influence for Stella ) … still and in my opinion , Stella is wild , this looks like a guy that she met some days ago and she is kind of testing her thoughts and how she feels around him .. we will see how it goes . But my belief is that it won’t be anything serious .
  9. After getting close at the balcony by kissing , strange distant couch sitting watching the movie … ups , as soon as writing it , Stella made the move by laying next to him 😁😎
  10. Recap for those who aren’t watching .. plus not everyone has active subscription to be able and watch .
  11. Guy seems he overnights at Stella’s 😉😉 or in B1 in general 🤨
  12. It seems that it is a really fresh thing as both have a nervous reaction , it only remains to be seen what this will prove to be in the next days or it is just a “ getting to know “ day and hopefully we don’t lose Stella from our screens due to this current guy .
  13. Here we go then … speculations time 😂🤣😂😝 Did Bruno spend the day with her on Sunday then or she was supposed to meet always this guy ? Is this one a friend of Bruno ( he speaks Russian so highly unlikely but still … ) ? Did they meet at the beach while she was with Bruno and he just flirted her there and today it is their first actually date even in the apartment ? I am only making funny speculations , mostly want to prove that whatever we moan or complain or whatever about Gina , Stella , Bruno , whoever fucks one another and backstabs from behind and all these crazy things , NOONE and I repeat NOONE ( except of those who happen to have Instagram accounts of tenants and happen to check their posts ) can know anything of what goes on as soon as the participants disappear from the sight of cameras .. we then all only speculate and according to the feelings we have for each tenant , it is either positive , negative or whatever … Stella , soon after rejoining RLC , is bringing then part of her private life in B1 , we saw just a week ago her “ things “ with Bruno while Gina was asleep , well , I can certainly say that her presence so far is giving all the right elements for a great presence and stay . We now have an upgrade then in B1 as from Ariana we moved to Stella ( speaking about the things they are wiling to share on camera ) and this leaves Radislava to see if she remains the same or she will also offer more than what we are watching for months .. Well done Stella and well done to the guy of trying not to be shy , even though he is nervous of cameras 😁🤓🥳
  14. Stella and guy kissing in the balcony and an innocent and weird / funny look afterwards , kind of nervous .. they keep on at the moment 😉
  15. Funny to read so many negative comments for a woman who simply doesn’t give a shit and she absolutely loves to live her life the way SHE wants and not the way we think that the right think for her is . I can only say after almost 3-3,5 full years of Gina on cameras , that I am enjoying this journey of hers , her emotional ups and downs , her biggest love that she currently lives next to a guy that she also and already knows that he would fuck any woman that could simply get the chance , she is the one that the rest of the Barcelona crew likes to have around in company , she has been helpful to the rest , encouraging , she has been and she still continues strongly a fantastic tenant . Yes , she drinks a lot but she can control it mostly , I haven’t seen her puking personally which is the definition of being totally wasted . She mixes substances but find me a person or to be more exact , who from the majority of her generation doesn’t make occasionally joints or at least is wiling to try at times and when the chance appears ? The place she lives , the western culture and way of living , this is the life that many of people of her age have . She has the “ luxury “ not working a regular job , therefore she doesn’t get tired , she takes care of her silhouette and her body still looks fantastic , this means that she has more things under control than what we are believing . Bruno is her weakness , her Achilles heel but I prefer to watch the always unpredictable and full of passion for life Gina having a way of life kind of “ let’s do and enjoy the maximum now because the world and life are so strange that you don’t know what tomorrow brings “ … Living life the maximum with any exaggeration that she thinks , I simply admire her for that . She hasn’t asked from anyone to adapt this way of life and she gives shit ( I don’t even believe she cares of any negativity towards her , she’s very strong individual but also incredible sensitive ) of what others think about her . Her choices , her results in life that I am sure she’s totally aware of it . I would rather prefer as a subscriber await the things that I can watch when she’s visiting other apartments or having guests in her place than the rest of predictability and daily routine life in the majority of the rest of RLC apartments . For whoever don’t like the “ crazy “ Gina and the undisputed ( due to her overall staying days ) GOV Queen , nobody and nothing forces to watch her . The once upon Queen and her Princess can be an alternative or Miru and Dantez or Kitty and Smith ( although their arguments are real life ) for those who simply want to relax and enjoy whatever they show to viewers. Gina and Martina and the stories that come with them as a background , are currently the most interesting thing in my opinion and for my taste “ program “ to watch at RLC . I simply want to see how and what these 4 people ( M&A / G&B ) have in store for the next months and how their lives will be .
  16. I visit everyday the site but I am not an active user there , I admit that it was helpful yesterday , in any case , don’t want to make a big subject for this , I just expressed some ideas in case anything similar or worse ( hopefully not ) happens .
  17. It was just an observation that caused frustration and problems and I think it is fine to mention it . I agree with your points but I am also a site’s subscriber and since the site has users worldwide , it might give some administration privileges ( I have no idea what this might be ) so there’s no such a long awaiting time . Of course , unless this is possible , the “sister “ site is a good alternative but still , I also believe that it isn’t so bad that there’s also a second person having some “ authorization tools “ ☺️
  18. According to RLC replays , this was the most popular apartment on Sunday and that’s why the following comment … I find it totally irresponsible for CC that the site was down for so many hours , especially when there’s also a paying subscribers service which actually has many thousand users . I think it is totally unacceptable that apart from the site’s administrator , no one else is able to make the necessary actions for the site to be functional again . As everyone knows , I have really good words for any of the guys involved at the site , they really try their best but I can’t understand not having a back up plan in case of such a big failure . Just wanted to post this and I hope it doesn’t happen again , really frustrating .
  19. Noldus Posted yesterday at 05:56 AM Stella patted him on the ass and held him for a while when she came out of the bathroom It was exactly after seeing this moment that I made the post about Stella and Bruno ,😉 , after this weird Sunday ..Let’s see how it goes
  20. Noldus Posted yesterday at 05:56 AM Stella patted him on the ass and held him for a while when she came out of the bathroom It was exactly after seeing this moment that I made the post about Stella and Bruno ,😉 , after this weird Sunday ..Let’s see how it goes
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