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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Pff .. girls with endless sexual appetite and “ couples morality” prevails 🤡🤠
  2. Tereza suddenly with two ( hmm , or maybe still one .. ) quick glasses of vodka …
  3. She has activated ( Tereza ) the “ cheats mode “ 😝😂
  4. Unfortunately the not much happening at the rest of RLC , it gathers the majority of posters in this topic and it is inevitable that opinions which would have never been expressed before this whole M&N situation , that had this apartment as a normal couple apartment and not one of the most popular currently , find their way here in this period . In my opinion , the problem of the majority is that they can’t accept that Martina and Nelly can have their thing and Alberto and Bogdan aren’t doing the same and have surrendered to their girls wishes and desires . I think that men here at the forum don’t accept this and thats why all this heat .
  5. Hanna is wasted ( again ) and it is just all three of them , in my opinion , ( Aaron , Timur and Tereza ) talking to her at times of what should be shown or done on cameras and what not . At the end , Aaron will be having his sexual pleasure with her around Barcelona sunrise time 😂🤣
  6. Lots of mistakes by Carlos ( and Claire ) , normal results ..
  7. Show against real life currently ( Gina and Bruno ) .. the choice is to the viewer😁
  8. The problem is that if nothing happens today apart from teasing , I don’t think we will be seeing Tesla and Elian soon in B5 again ( I hope I will be proved wrong of course ☺️ )
  9. Nelly ready for her daily Martina briefing to Bogdan in a way that he doesn’t get disappointed of things that he might learn …
  10. Everyone has its own style here as a poster 😁 mine is to write a lot 😬🙄
  11. Yes I saw … but I think all of B5 knows that Hanna has alcohol problems ( this is in my opinion also Aaron’s responsibility that he is not dealing with his GF’s / wife problem as much as needed ) and they try to speak sense to her when things seem to go away of control with her .
  12. I think it was just a face to face talk between Tereza and Hanna inside the toilet and nothing more happened . There are many talks because the 4 of them are very nervous of what needs to be done ( not necessarily an adult showing ) since it is the first time they go “ off routine “ let’s say if their daily program having T&E as visitors .. I think they had witnessed a rather quiet RLC Barcelona atmosphere and the “ storm “ that these two brought have caught them unprepared 😁
  13. COV if they aren’t locals , it can’t work , it’s proved again and again … the only possibility that routine is broken , it is when we get evenings like today and anyone can think and wait for things to happen . I will only say one thing , imagine if Tesla and Elian were parts of RLC with Carlos and Claire what we would have witnessed 😉 Sometimes the right timing is needed also , still , don’t exclude any chance of things to happen .. Tesla and Elian is super money for everyone and because of everything they do, the problem is , in my opinion , that they haven’t understood that they are the Heart and Soul of RLC at the moment in Barcelona due to inexperience .. so , let’s wait to see what happens .
  14. Well , something new from Linda and Tibor , never seen before 😉😎
  15. It is the first show with the participation of others as Monica and Amira didn’t go as was perhaps planned .. give them time .. even if nothing happens , it is already a new thing what we are currently watching 😇
  16. I think Tesla can control things somehow .. Elian can always let herself go .. and Hanna , well , she simply loves sex 😋😋
  17. I think it is all about Aaron at the moment as he is in total control of Hanna always .. so , it is up to him if we see anything more than tits touchy touchy teasing 😁😆
  18. Imagine , I have been even reduced posting so much or writing endless posts 😂🤣 reputation has been built I guess 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. Time to finally check tonight the relationship that Hanna and Aaron have , how open it is and if there are willing to insert more than shows with the two girls .. an interesting night ahead 😎😉
  20. Tereza had first time sex on camera during this stay , she’s one of the most beautiful current RLC tenants , I am satisfied ☺️ There are other problematic tenants currently in Barcelona that actually affect the whole Barcelona project , Tesla , Elian , Pam and sneak peeks from Vivian are trying to save what seems irreversible 😔 But there are also the ones who enjoy girl names that I don’t mention now which offer the same content the last half a year or so and they are happy , so .. Tereza even without things happening or only teasing ? Sign me please ☺️😊
  21. Jealousy will always be ruling the forums , the things that people can’t have when they think they could and that they could of course do better than any of these people involved … vanity …
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