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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I know .. I have many friends in all of these countries .. many things are kept in home unfortunately .. I have many examples when I say this . But it is off topic and I won’t say more , it is unfair to be honest . We Greeks also are “ animals “ and “ ridiculous “ in also many subjects that I should feel more than ashamed .
  2. If he stays for 2-3 days , I also don’t have high hopes .. but Masha is a master of seduction if she wants something 😁 and Megan hardly ever she rejects Rocco’s wishes as she wants to please him and have him happy always .. let’s see , but wishes are always free to be posted 😂🤣😆
  3. I agree with many points and I disagree with other ☺️But I listen , better read , all of opinions ☺️ And whenever I think I can add some more details ( that I think for everyone comes from personal experiences 😁 ) i simply do . Your points are always more than justified and I am pleased to read your posts ☺️
  4. Finland , Sweden , Norway and Russia .. these 4 countries and domestic violence is one and the same thing 😔too many cases .. weather is a big factor .. and incredible consumption of alcohol at home 😔 Apologies to fellow forum members for a comment like this and especially the Ines that come from these countries , just a statistical fact and nothing against the majority of the population of these countries ☺️
  5. I hope Rocco keeps on watching RLC and makes finally a trip to Barcelona with Masha there till the 20th May .. it will be more than fun 😋😋😁😇😂
  6. He was last mentioned being in Bolzano .. I believe he soon appears in Rome again with his ex 😉
  7. Leora doesn’t trust the home kit tests , i wonder why she didn’t make a PCR then .. money isn’t the issue here for both of these girls and a maximum price of 55-60€
  8. Talked to her father earlier about taste and smell , I want to think that it is nothing more than a flu but going out it is in any way totally irresponsible from both of them for any human beings that they have contacted .. I refer mostly to last week that they were both out of the apartment , Malia even overnighted . Anyway , as you say , young generation , they think they are indestructible and full of immunity . I guess the interest that waits both of them outside anytime they get the chance to “ have “ it , it is too desiring and tempting to say a big “ NO “ till they get completely better .
  9. @blue is the colour Women can have multiple orgasms and last for hours but as for men a lot of what I have seen is a majority of men go at it like a steam train and last approx 15 minutes.. they should however last at least 2 hours and possibly more. We Greeks have good reputation as lovers 😂🤣😅🤣😁😆 as long as a man isn’t selfish and he doesn’t want to satisfy only himself and take his time and be patient to satisfy his girl , I guarantee you that he can expect the “ world “ for sex back from the girl 😂🤣 .. of course it can be that also a woman doesn’t know how to get fucked and some men also don’t like this .. I say that given time and patience to a woman that you like for her appearance ( face , body ) and sex can become amazing .. but this is concerning sex , the more you stay with her we then start speaking for possible relation and then it becomes complicated .. anyway , every couple has its own rules and ways to satisfy one another 😉 As long as it makes a couple happy , who we are to question anything ? 😉☺️😌😇
  10. I am very positive with what I said earlier for Ariana . The first day she appeared , I was very impressed by her ( also because she was all the time with her ear pods and spoke in English ) . and “ followed “ her in the apartment ... she was out in the balcony and in the room that Radi has now and she didn’t have good Internet ( she was also trying to charge the ear pods that’s why she was between the balcony and her room ) , I definitely heard her speaking with a guy , she was saying to him that so many men have asked to marry her , the guy seemed to be German . One of her comments was that she will be staying in her current apartment for the next 9 months , this I am more than sure that she said it . As far as Masha is concerned , I think there must have been communication between her and RLC of how some things should be made . Nelly for sure didn’t want to help her in the beginning with her stay / holidays . Babi that was brought in as replacement , she suddenly started bating when she never did before when she was covering for Masha . All I want to say is that it all seems like a puzzle and all sides ( Masha , Nelly , Bogdan , RLC ) must have been in contact of how they proceed for the next weeks , my belief is that they expect Covid 19 restrictions to loosen a lot and then see what they can do with new participants . Time as always will answer lots of current questions ☺️😇 Your translations always much appreciated to help for a deeper and better understanding ☺️
  11. I agree that losing Masha would be one of the biggest losses that RLC can currently handle , her and Martina’s situations have been the most fun to watch the last months . Let’s see
  12. The plane is next to Babi’s name indicating that Masha is due to be back on May 20 .. Masha has also left Rome with only a hand luggage I believe , just the necessary stuff then ☺️
  13. Ok , that’s a wrong thought of mine then , but I still believe there must be kind of RLC helping Masha in Barcelona and she helping them back , she fills easily one bed when so many subscribers are complaining more than ever that changes are desperately needed . This is an interim change i believe till Covid restrictions can help with bringing new girls in Barcelona by the middle of next month or maximum beginning of June ( Ariana has already said since day 1 that she is supposed to stay for 9 months )
  14. If I wanted to watch porn in so much extend , I can find it for free with thousands of tubes everyday and this is what I think VH is , private life with as much sex as possible . I prefer to have the drama and endless RLC speculations , especially being attached with residents that are for so many years in the RLC project rather than discovering new couples at a total new platform and who most of them don’t make it for more than 3-4 months . But I agree that it is good that you take the experiment of VHTV and you can make a conclusion for yourself by watching ☺️
  15. Masha had an open return ticket , I think her idea of finally extending the holidays has much to do with Gina’s sudden departure . It’s very possible that RLC asked her to stay in Barcelona , Barcelona was the ultimate back up holidays plan after Egypt and Costa Rica didn’t work for her . Masha had asked from RLC before going to Barcelona to help her with a free bed there . Maybe this is now how Masha is helping RLC back . Masha is too emotionally attached to her life she has built in Rome to quit for something that isn’t for her , that is being a permanent GOV ☺️
  16. Extended holidays it is , nothing more nothing less ☺️
  17. Masha isn’t moving , maybe a help to RLC because they can’t find girls at the moment .. or just a well deserved long term holidays and still being part of the project . And maybe a test for Babi how she can be as lone resident 😇
  18. She will be back , just an extended holidays 😉
  19. With the new RLC announcements , it becomes clear then why Babi has been masturbating this time during her presence in Rome , it was never like this before . Let’s see how Babi will handle being a resident by herself . So far , she has been doing great .
  20. You should be banned wishing for a person to die .. shame on you of what you have written here no matter what a person is and has done in life . He is neither a pedophile or serial rapist that these are the only ones that I also believe that they deserve the worse . Really pity you have such an idea about people .
  21. Make a woman finish first and then as a man , the pleasure you will get from her is unlimited 😉 Small things that can keep a woman happy and actually surrender to lots of a man’s wishes 😁😎
  22. I think that since Martina got herself mixed with the Russians , she found out things about herself and her relation that either she didn’t know it was always there in her mind or she simply didn’t want to allow this to come on surface . My theory is that this thing with Nelly has shaken her very much , from one side she’s living with a man that she truly loves but he isn’t trying enough to make things for him , he is a great partner but his interests are more on his hobbies and less on his personal growth . I admit that he tried with a business that it didn’t work , but this doesn’t mean that he needs to quit and not keep searching for a better future . On the other side , she got to know all these Russian culture of the GOV concept . We don’t examine the morality here but she is meeting people that have actually taken big risks in order to have a better future . Nelly and Bogdan for example , I think Martina must feel impressed knowing these two who left the comfort of their home country , moved in Barcelona and they both try for a better future . It is two different extreme examples , Alberto who doesn’t seem so “ pushing “ to try for a better future and Nelly & Bogdan that have tried and they still do for a better future . You can add to all of this the sexual pleasure she gets from Nelly that it is new and is thrilling her and I believe you can have the conclusion . At the end of the day , this is a nice story to follow and personally I like to discover what’s going to be for all of these people . I hope that the couple survives but in my eyes , Martina wants more in her life and I don’t think she feels that this can be with Alberto by her side . She does love him and she will always want him for any reason , he is her other half , the soul mate but I don’t think she believes that this is the guy ( at least for this moment ) to spend her whole life with . Let’s see what happens .
  23. Dina looks always great 🤩 If it wasn’t for Alessandro , either she or Babi could make a great roommate for Masha 😇
  24. Small details that show that things aren’t like it used to be ... This is Alberto’s pattern for so many years , I find it rather funny that Martina questions him for this being 10 years together .. the way I see it , Martina is deeply affected by what’s going on with Nelly , I don’t think from the part of Martina that feelings are more than sex but the way Nelly is caring for her , for sure is affecting her thoughts and judgment ..I have said it in the past when this between N&M continued when Bogdan wanted it that it stops , I see Alberto leaving RLC and Martina staying .. I don’t know what it is going to be for the couple then , but I won’t be surprised that Martina becomes a permanent GOV ( if she doesn’t decide to stay alone in the current apartment ) .. endless speculations but I think if it wasn’t for the financial troubles of Alberto , he might have already quit .. let’s see what happens.
  25. 😂🤣If Sera talks a lot , I think she might have broken all records when she was explaining how she made the fake tits operation 😂🤣😂🤣
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